Strange Vines

Alex quickly set out with his team, but to fully control the mutated vampire warriors, he had to conquer them by force. Coupled with the superchips produced by the Noah supercomputer, he was able to completely control them. These vampire warriors had already lost their own thoughts and now behaved much like robots.

Alex was quite satisfied with this situation, as it ensured that these warriors would unconditionally obey him. Leveraging the latest technology, their marching speed was much faster than before. In just one day, Alex, along with Avril and the vampire warriors, reached a location a hundred kilometers away.

"My king, there seems to be something ahead."

Just as they arrived at the entrance of a valley, Avril immediately noticed something off about the area ahead. Alex merely nodded slightly upon hearing this; he too sensed a strong presence of danger. It was the first time in many years that he had felt such a strong sense of crisis.