
Alex moved with incredible speed, appearing at the city gate almost instantaneously. At the same time, the sky echoed with whistling sounds, and rockets began raining down.


The ground trembled, and dust filled the air.

"Haha!" The Mothman princess laughed heartily, clearly pleased with the outcome.

Alex frowned. The firepower was indeed formidable, and if he hadn't dodged in time, he might have been injured. His form flickered rapidly as he evaded the bombardment.

He hadn't anticipated that this place would be so advanced.

Seeing this, the Mothman princess smirked. This wall was built to keep people like them out. Alex breaking through the barrier was simply wishful thinking.

However, she underestimated Alex's strength.

Gripping The Heavenly Sword tightly, Alex dashed to the city gate and swung his sword down fiercely.
