Joining Forces

Carl's eyes widened in shock at the scene before him. He hadn't expected Alex to actually harm Robert, almost crippling him with a single punch.

Carl quickly rushed over, helping Robert to sit on the ground. Seeing Robert's pale face and the sweat dripping down, he asked worriedly, "Robert, are you okay?"

Robert shook his head, too exhausted to respond to Carl. He glared at Alex with venomous eyes.

Alex stood where he was, looking at the disheveled Robert on the ground, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Robert, I know you hate me, but you should know, I despise those who bark without having the bite to back it up."

His words were filled with mockery and disdain.

Robert was seething with rage but knew he was in no condition to fight back. If he did, he'd only suffer more.

"Fine, you win this time. I'll remember this. One day, I'll kill you with my own hands," Robert said, his eyes filled with hatred.