
A look of disgust flashed across his face. He extended his tongue to lick his fingers, then brought his hand to his lips and licked again. The metallic taste filled his mouth, causing his stomach to churn.

Alex knew he needed to find a quiet place to recover from his injuries immediately.

But as he lifted his head, he saw a giant crocodile still trailing behind him.

The crocodile was covered in shimmering golden scales, and its large eyes gleamed with a cunning, malevolent light. It stared at Alex intently, like a hunter waiting for its prey.

Alex cursed silently!

He turned and faced the enormous crocodile without fear, his eyes filled with a cold, murderous intent.

"Roar!" The crocodile growled, its massive body lunging straight at Alex, the distance between them rapidly closing.

Alex clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with determination. His body tensed, muscles bulging, ready for action.