The Second Mutation of Zombies


On the other side, the giant wolf's body trembled violently and then lunged at Alex.

"Get lost!" Alex shouted, raising his steel ball gun and shooting at the lion-tiger zombie.


The steel ball gun pierced into the lion-tiger zombie's body, causing blood to spurt out, staining the ground red.

Roar! Roar!

The lion-tiger zombie let out a terrifying howl, its body wobbling before collapsing to the ground, completely lifeless.

"Finally dealt with these beasts," Alex panted, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Roar, roar, roar!

Suddenly, a cacophony of roars erupted, deafeningly loud.

Alex looked up to see a massive horde of zombies charging towards him.

"Damn it," Alex muttered with a grim face, quickly turning to run.

But before he could get far, the zombies were upon him.

Splat! Splat! Splat…

Alex's hands moved in unison, and with each shot, a zombie fell.