Dwindling Numbers

Dennis took a breath. The series of actions he had just performed had drained a lot of his energy, and he needed a moment to rest.

He glanced at the nearby zombies, noticing they were already lifeless.

Dennis sighed in relief. That was a close call. Luckily, his strength had recovered significantly; otherwise, dealing with these silver zombies would have been much harder.

"It looks like I need to find a gun or a dagger, otherwise, it will be tough to take them down," Dennis muttered with a frown.

"Yeah, this is a military base. There must be an armory somewhere."

"Let's get out of here first."

Dennis took a deep breath, preparing to leave.

"Swish!" Suddenly, a sharp whistling sound cut through the air, and a dark object shot towards Dennis.

"Watch out!" Alex shouted in alarm, wanting to help.

"Whoosh!" Dennis quickly dodged, but his skin was still grazed, and a drop of blood seeped out.