Chapter 55 - Morning BJ

"Heh… Huh… Hak…"

"Ugh… Uh… Ah… Hak…"

Surrounding us is a field of condoms.

Only in Hestia's pussy, which was declared safe, did the lump of semen I released raise its head.

'I'm glad it's the weekend.'

"I'm hungry, so please make breakfast for me, Hestia."

"Yes… eh…"

"Henna, let's go to the shower room together."

Struggling to stand, I sling Henna over my shoulder and head to the shower.

"Kyaa, kyaa…! Isn't it heavy?"

"Not at all."

As soon as we got in, I let the warm water pour over Henna.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!!

"Oh, oh, oh, ok. Sang-hyuk, hic, Sang-hyuk... Sang-hyuk… Save me, please. My pussy, it's so good, I could die♡♡"

"I'll rub it all the way inside your pussy and wash you thoroughly."

"Heuhhh, it's embarrassing. I'm so embarrassed... Ah. Ah. Ah…♡"

By the time Henna and I finish washing with the warm water, breakfast is ready.

It's a generous meal.

I find Hestia naked, wearing only an apron.

"Did you wash up?"

I rubbed my cock against Hestia's bare buttocks without any clothes on.

"Ah, ah, my."

Hestia naturally offers her plump behind.

Rubbing and caressing it.

Oh, my cock is getting hard again.

I hold Hestia tight, kissing her while fondling her breasts.

"Smack, smack, huff... It feels like we're back on our honeymoon."

"It does seem like you've become younger. I could really call you Henna's older sister."

"Oh my! What are you saying?"

She shook her ample ass, rubbing it against my cock.

The stage is set for sex.

I insert my cock right into her baby's mother's pussy.

Thrusting and thrusting ♡

"Please… oh, cloth… Please set the table in place of my mother. Henna… oh… oh…!!"

"Alright, understood."

Henna watches as I fuck her mom, who is wearing nothing but an apron and sticking out her large rear end, without much reaction.

It's because we haven't had sex only once or twice during the night.

Mother-daughter threesomes are now a part of Henna's family's daily life.

I grab Hestia's waist and vigorously thrust my erect cock that has just come out of the shower.

Thrusting and thrusting ♡♡

No-con is truly the best♡

"Yes, yes, oh-oh-ok♡♡ I must release Sang-hyuk's cock."

"I'm freeing Hestia's pussy. Who cooks while showing off their ass like this?"

Henna busily ladles the soup into a bowl and sets the utensils.

In the meantime, she vigorously shakes her hips and devours her lover's cunt.

*Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak♡♡*

"Oh, oh-ho♡ Clothes, oh-oh."

"Fill that pussy."

I embraced Hestia from behind.

While fondling her K-cup breasts, I thrust into her pussy. *Creak, creak♡*

*Buzz, buzz…buzz!!*

"Heh. Haa…"

I held Hestia's body tightly and shook my hips.

"Cover every inch, Sang-hyuk."

*Smack, smack♡*

*Buzz, buzz♡ Buzz♡*

Feeling so good... I press my hips against her firm ass and continue thrusting.

"You've filled me up so much; well done, well done."

"Now let's eat."

*Clasp, clasp…*

Gently pulling my sensitive cock from her clinging, climaxing pussy.

Hestia turned around and proceeded to clean my cock with her mouth. This had become a natural part of our routine.

And then it was mealtime. The mother and daughter waited quietly, not even touching their utensils, until I took a bite of the first side dish.

"This soy-braised dish is delicious."

As I took a bite, the clattering of tableware filled the room.

"Having a man around really changes the atmosphere of the house."

"Yes. It's warm and comforting."

It felt like I had a beautiful wife and daughter to take care of. When I first arrived, I had jokingly thought that I might become Henna's father, but...

"Shall I grill some more beef and bring it to you, sir?"

"Yes, please."

I had grown accustomed to this attentive treatment.

"Henna, you should eat too. Have some meat."


As I served her the soy-braised dish with my chopsticks, Henna scooped a generous helping of rice and savored her meal.

"The soup came out first."

It was a beef and seaweed soup! I eagerly took a spoonful and felt warmth spread throughout my body. Being treated to breakfast by my girlfriend's mother was simply wonderful.

"Is the taste not to your liking?"

"It's delicious, Mother."

"Really…? I'm so happy! It's important that we have compatible tastes when living together.

"That's true."

Ah, I had a good meal.

"Well, I should get going now."

As I was about to leave, thinking my sisters would be waiting,

Henna and Hestia clung to me at the same time.

Oh, my!

My breasts were pressed against both my arms. I felt embarrassed once again.

Being held back here, it truly felt as if we were to become a real family.

"Why don't you stay a little longer?"

"I'll show you my costume, Sang-hyuk... Mm…? Please stay longer."

… Hmm. I can't help it.

Maybe I'll spend Sunday with Henna's family too.


Brother, are you coming home late again today? Should I make breakfast for you?

[Kim Sang-hyuk]

No, I'll be staying over at a friend's house.


You don't have to worry... You didn't run away, did you?

[Kim Sang-hyuk]

What do you mean by running away? I'm a grown-up, just one day away.


Stella is looking for you.

The message cuts off there.

Did Stella hit her from the side?

[Kim Sang-hyuk]

I'm just hanging out with my girlfriend.


Alright, have fun!

"I'll stay here today. Alright?"

The expressions of the mother and daughter brightened. With that settled...

I immediately hugged them both and alternated between giving them kisses.

"Gulp, gulp…"


My cock is getting hard again due to the mother and daughter savoring my saliva.

When I went to Henna's room, I also took a look at Henna's costume.

"This is the costume you said you'd show!"

Henna, dressed in a cat costume, mimicked an animal.

It's an adult costume emphasizing her violently enticing breasts and buttocks.

'Where did she get this?'

It's pleasant to see nonetheless.


Henna playfully patted me with her exaggerated cat hand gloves.

"I'll choose you as my butler!"

"It would be perfect if you were always this radiant at the academy, Henna."


Henna shyly lowered her head as if she had never acted like this before.

"I'm at home, so I'm a little... more excited than usual... I'm sorry… I'll be more composed.

"Why are you down? You look great. Come here. I'll hug you this time without letting go."

Henna's eyes sparkled.


I climbed into bed.

I wrapped my arms around Henna as if to protect her, and I hugged her tightly.

"Shall we take a nap?"

"Umm… I'm so happy."

Nuzzle, nuzzle.

Henna, the cat, rubbed her cheeks against my chest.

Hugging the sensual cat that I had only seen in pictures like this made my heart swell with emotion.

"Sleep well."

After a few hours of sleep, my mind felt completely refreshed.

It seemed to be thanks to the adorable black-haired, voluptuous cat who had fallen asleep with me, oblivious to the world.

"Hmm… Huh…"

She even drooled in her sleep.

"I love you... Sanghyeok…"

I gently kissed her forehead.

'I must work hard.'

But it should be fine to relax on a Sunday. Just lazing around.

We had incredibly passionate sex starting in the daytime.

She's beautiful with a large chest, but thanks to her black-haired, busty mother, who bought a new box of condoms,.

First, I made love to her mother like an animal.

Then, I had a lot of tender and loving sex with Henna.

I returned home on Monday morning.


"Oppa, I ironed your school uniform."

Monday morning, when I returned after exploring new horizons.

"Thank you."

Serena, who visited my room, was always flawless.

The impeccable honor student style is perfectly complemented by the academy uniform.

Serena, with her enchanting purple eyes, casts a tender smile in my direction.

"Are you alright? Did you get enough sleep? Is there anything I can help you with?"


I slept, but my arousal remained.

I wish Serena would take care of it for me.

'Is this a bridge I can cross now?'

I set aside the uniform that Serena had prepared for me and quietly unbuckled my belt.

Then I cornered her against the wall.

"Oh, oppa…?"

Serena's charm lies in her subtle vulnerability when confronted with strength.

Through the slightly ajar door, I caught a glimpse of Stella descending the staircase to the first floor.

It was almost time to head to school.

"What if Stella sees us?"

"Do it with your mouth."

"Oppa… Did something happen at your girlfriend's house?"

"I just want to start the day with Serena's mouth."


Serena twisted her waist, seemingly flustered by my perverse request.

"I can't help it."


My younger sister's gentle touch wraps around my erect cock.

Seeing Serena kneeling before me, I sigh.

'I've done it.'

Defeated by lust,

I've committed the sin of making my sister, just before leaving for school, kneel and perform oral sex.

My conscience is becoming more and more numb.

"Brother, you're quite honest today, aren't you?"

Serena smiles as she strokes my manhood.

"Did you want your sister's sexual treatment?"

"Serena, you're the only one I can ask for help from at home."

"…Alright. Aahh…"


Serena willingly opens her mouth and sucks on my thick cock.

I like it when she gathers a lot of saliva and makes it extra wet.

"Chup… Chup… Slurp…"

I patted the admirable Serena on the head.

Serena, with her eyes half-closed, looks up at me. She seems to be smiling slightly.

"Now that I'm going to honestly receive Serena's sexual treatment..."

"…Mmm… Chup… Chup… Okay. I'll help you, brother."

Serena's oral sex... It's stimulating.

Through the slightly open door, I see Stella climbing the stairs.

'Could it be here?'

No, it wasn't. Stella went straight into her room. Apparently, she had forgotten something.

"Slurp ♡ Suck suck ♡"

"Serena… ugh… the balls too."

Serena's ears turned red.

"Brother… How far are you making your sister go?"

"You've done it before."

He rubbed his balls and cock against Serena's pretty face. Serena seemed embarrassed, but she accepted his cock as he continued rubbing it against her.

"Kiss… Kiss…"

He pathetically received kisses on his balls from his sister.


"You can't get it on your school uniform. Do I have to properly wrap it in my mouth?"

"Stick your tongue out."


Receiving service from Serena's saliva-filled mouth, he now rubbed his cock after requesting her tongue to lay flat. It was such a good thing.

If he didn't hold back and truly enjoyed his sister's oral attention,

"Brother… You look like you're enjoying it."

"I'll put it a bit deeper."

"Gag… Umm… ugh… Oh, my…"


He placed the tip of his cock in Serena's throat and gently shook it.

It feels so good when you caress the back of my glans.


I ejaculated directly into Serena's mouth.

Brrr… Brr… Brr… Brr…!!

In that moment, Serena's cheeks swelled up as she struggled to handle the massive ejaculation with her small and pretty face.

"Gulp… gulp… umph…"

Since the morning, I've been filling my younger sister's mouth with thick semen.

Brrr… Brrr…!!

"Um… gulp… gulp…"

I heard Stella's voice from outside.

"Serena! Brother, when will you be here?"

I need to leave soon, or I'll be caught.

Brrr! Brrr! Brr…!!

Serena pursed her lips until the end, taking in my climax.

"Ugh… huff… gasp… huff… gulp…"

"Thank you, Serena."

"Wow… giving so much to my little sister before she goes to school... Did you like it?"

I stroked Serena's head, praising her.

"I liked it."

Then, Serena gave my glans a few kisses and smiled sweetly.

"Stay strong this week, big brother."

There's nothing more invigorating than your sister's blowjob in the morning.

The second Monday of "OnaAka" has commenced.




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