Chapter 60 – Why Did I Think the Hero’s Path Would Be Normal?

Just moments ago, I had fervently rubbed against Yuuna's mound,

and now I was gazing at the back of the confidently striding student council president. My attention was captured by her sturdy thighs and ample hips.

The face of my future wife seemed to change in my mind. As I entertained such fantasies, my body began to feel unbearably warm.

Upon reaching the dojo's entrance, the student council president received a call from someone and nodded her head.

"Understood. Deal with it as it is."

Could she be planning something like Dunstar?

While I was lost in pointless thoughts, our eyes met.

"That guy has 80 demerit points. With that many, the grade evaluation will be very poor."

"Is that so?"

"Weren't you curious?"

"Anyway, I'm already drowning in demerit points…"

"I didn't assign any to you."

Why not?

It didn't seem to be because of the president's personality.

"As you said, it would be meaningless to give you demerit points when you already have enough to warrant expulsion without any further explanation."

"That's true."

"If there are no objections to the decision, we shall proceed."

Huh? Did they actually care?

Deherit, for informing him that she had given him a penalty point…

"I thought you called me here to scold me."

"I just received a report. Your friend was nearly attacked first."

Ah. I had been quite observant…

However, the fact that it had been reported was somewhat unclear.

"It wasn't an action deserving of praise, but there are extenuating circumstances."

"Thank you for acknowledging that. Am I under surveillance?"

"Of course. You're a student of special interest. I'm monitoring your actions everywhere."


It felt strange thinking that the president was keeping tabs on my life.

"Does it bother you?"


"If you don't want to be treated like a villain, don't carelessly wield your power against others. Isn't that why you participated in this curriculum?"

"I… I forgot."

My status was that of a student who had exclusively caught the attention of the student council president.

It was no coincidence or mere chance that she had rushed out as soon as the commotion erupted.

Isabella's attention was not on Deherit, but entirely focused on me.

"No matter how much you want to protect someone, you shouldn't recklessly use your abilities on innocent people who aren't villains."


"Your penalty points will be replaced with training sessions with me. Change your clothes and come out."


The training area was empty, but when I went to the locker room, there were signs of someone having been there in the morning.

…Women's underwear lying on the floor.

Who left it there…?

The lingerie was pink, and the cups were quite large.


Now that I think about it, why is my spot in the women's locker room?…

What if I open the door and bump into someone?

Is that really okay?

'Let's just forget about the underwear…'

…Sniff sniff.

I'm definitely not a pervert, but I can't help but notice the scent.

I need to leave quickly…

"Let's start with stretching."


"Press down on my back."

I gently pressed down on Isabella's back as she was doing the splits.

Beneath her tied-up hair, I could see the delicate nape of the student council president's neck.

'I'm getting turned on…'

I shouldn't be, though…

"Next, it's your turn."



This time, the student council president absentmindedly pressed her breasts against the back of my head.


Isn't this what they call tempting fate?

"Bend down a little more."

"Student council president… My chest…"

"I can't press it for you unless you do this."


I simply accepted it and became erect.

Feeling the scent of the student council president and the softness of her breasts while I finished stretching,

I stood up, proudly displaying the noticeable erection through my clothes for anyone to see.

"…You're brimming with energy."

"It's the student council president's fault."

"Is it really that great to have cursed lumps of fat that don't disappear no matter how much you exercise?"

Why try to eliminate that delightful mass of fat through exercise!?

I'm grateful it's abundant enough not to vanish!

"Calling it cursed is a bit harsh."

"It's cumbersome."

"You need it to feed a baby…"

"Hmm. I can't imagine myself doing that."

…There's no way she could imagine herself becoming a mother at her age.

However, since I can easily envision her voluptuous form, I would appreciate it if you could refrain from mentioning such things devoid of arousal sensitivity. It's quite the predicament due to my significant erection.

"I must divert my attention elsewhere."


"Bring it on!"


No, wait, you must give me a moment! The student council president suddenly knocked me over, causing me to hit the floor hard.

[Your martial arts skill level has increased]

[Under the guidance of Master Isabella, your martial arts skill level increases further]

Ah, ugh… I'm grateful that my skill level has risen, but… It's also thanks to Isabella that I instinctively broke my fall.

"Here I come!"

"Ah! Yes!"

As I tumbled about, the pain caused my erection to quickly subside.

"…Throughout life in the academy, it is common to witness students in conflict, engaging in emotional battles with one another."

"Huff… Huff…"

"Every time I see this, I think to myself: 'Cultivate discipline.' Emotions that are easily swayed are a sign of weakness!"

"Grrr… Ah!"

I clashed head-on with the student council president, giving it my all.

Of course, I didn't use my powers.

The Student Council President exudes charisma, always stands tall, and skillfully wields her body, effortlessly tossing aside men larger than herself—like me.

In all honesty, I doubted my ability to win this time around based on skill alone.

[Your martial arts level has increased]

[Your martial arts level has increased]

[Under Master Isabella's guidance, your martial arts level rises even further]

"Phew, haa… haa…!"

After rolling around intensely for over an hour, sweat drips from my entire body.

I had also ventured through a dungeon in the morning…

Yet, the Student Council President didn't break a sweat. She appeared so invigorated that it was infuriating.

"Aren't you using your impressive abilities?"

"That's enough. They won't work twice."

The Student Council President wouldn't be on the receiving end in equal measure.

If I were to increase the intensity of reality manipulation, it would inevitably lead to disaster.

The kind of perverse disaster Enn enjoys.

For the record, I lack confidence when faced with 'such a situation'.

I don't trust myself to resist the urge to move my hips.

'I don't know much about the Student Council President, aside from the fact that she's provocative.'

Her name is Isabella.

The S-class hero of Seoul, the head of the Villain Correction Headquarters.

Powerful, dedicated, and even beautiful, the enigmatic heroine of "OnaAka" with a goddess' seal of approval.

Though I long to be close to her,

I can't envision a future where that happens.

"Would you like to go get something to eat now, Mr. Chairman?"

"I have another appointment today."

See? Impenetrable defenses.

"You should join us as well."

"Excuse me?"

What? I'm included in the plans?

Before I could see Yuuna's face again, I obeyed the student council president's orders, showered, and left wearing my school uniform.

We took the subway to the neighboring district.

Isabella sat quietly beside me, maintaining a small distance between us.

"Where are we going?"

"If it's an extracurricular activity for Ethol Academy students, can you guess what it might be?"

"No way, heroics?"

Ugh, it's happening.

Isabella twisted one corner of her mouth, clearly displeased.

It seems my suffering brings her joy.

"I intended to send him into the fray after rigorously training him for a month, but his body is like an itchy problem child."

"I merely suggested going out to eat together."

"I have no reason to share a private meal with you."

Isabella said, glaring at me fiercely.

"It seems I forgot, but I dislike you."

"…Yes, yes. I don't like it either."

Secretly, I yearn to become close with her, whose beauty is breathtaking. It's just that things aren't going my way.

With (New) Sang-hyuk's appearance and charm, she is not an easily attainable heroine. Isabella.

She won't reveal any weaknesses.

'Of course… If this were an erotic game, it would have ended back then.'

It would have been the villain route, no doubt. If I had expelled the jelly.

"I have to do it even if I don't like it. If you want to earn my stamp of approval."

"Yes, ma'am. Is there a chance?"

I can't abandon my academy life.

A hero… Sigh. I really don't want to, but I have no choice.

I'm heaving deep sighs. The chairman asked me if I was bored on the way.

"Why do you dislike heroes? Is it because they don't make much money?"

"…Well, that might be a part of it, but… Heroes are fundamentally about saving others, you know."


"I think it's not a role for someone like me, who lacks a sense of duty, to take on lightly. It's overwhelming."


For some reason, Isabella was intently staring at the side of my face.

What is it?

Did I say something wrong?

"Tell me more."

"I like cute animals too, but I've never kept one as a pet. The thought of bearing the weight of responsibility for a life is daunting, and I don't think I could do it."

"Is that the reason you avoid heroes?"

"Yes. It's a task that should be undertaken by someone with a strong sense of duty and greatness."

"I never expected to agree with you."

Isabella murmured in a barely audible tone.

"I concur."

I wasn't sure if my words resonated with her, being someone who emerged from a world without heroes. But in essence, it's like being a firefighter, right?

I can't help but wonder if someone like me could ever take on such a role.

As I watch firefighters in action, they respond to emergency calls even before they can take a bite of their freshly cooked ramen. I wonder if I could do that.

"Check your phone, Kim Sang-hyuk."

"Excuse me?"

Upon inspecting my smartphone, I noticed an unfamiliar app being automatically installed.

"That app is the Hero app."

The screen displays "Going through the hero registration process…" Seeing my student ID, it seems evident that I am to become a hero. I had hoped for an exemption, but… no chance!


Feeling disheartened, Isabella gracefully glides over and sits down next to me, her ample hips drawing near. Wow… such a delightful scent…♡ The area around Isabella's head is filled with a floral fragrance. Is it perfume? No… it must be her natural scent…

An irresistible urge to hold her tightly washes over me.

"Look at the phone, not me. I'll teach you how to use it."

"Am I really going to be a hero?"

"This Hero app is a unique app that cannot be installed without recommendations from existing members and specific codes."

The 'existing member' here must refer to Isabella.

With Isabella's recommendation, it seems I can install the Hero app.

"Take a look at the app."

"They want me to upload a photo?"

I've seen something like this on dating apps.

"Snap a picture. Your face."

I casually take a selfie and register it.

[Registration complete]

[Welcome, D-class hero Kim Sang-hyuk]

"A D-class here too…"

"Everyone starts as D-class. Now, I'll teach you how to use it, so go ahead…"


Isabella's ample breasts brush against my arm.

The more she leans over to look at my phone, the harder it becomes for me to suppress my arousal.

"What are you doing?"

"…Ah, yes."

"Like this, you can check the current status of crimes and their resolution throughout Seoul. You'll be assigned hero missions suitable for your rank, but…"

Ding, ding.

The student council president is explaining, but the message notification sound keeps playing.

It's a DM from the Hero app.

"…You can also send direct messages. They're people in the same line of work."

The messages from women start piling up enormously.

– Photo theft???

– Is the person in the photo you?

– Are you a rookie hero?

– Hehe, what do you think, sis?

– Please buy me a drink, big brother.


Messages pile up at an astounding speed.

"In order to receive a mission assignment…"

The student council president personally blocks the messages from women flirting with me.

– You seem incredibly handsome.

– So sexy;;; where do you live? Let's meet up.

– I'm wet right now. If we meet, we can have sex hehe.

"The mission…"


A piercing gaze.

Why are you glaring at me…?

"You, Mr. President, must have experienced different treatment based on gender."

"I encountered a group of perverts sending pictures of their genitals."

…Indeed. Makes sense.

"I caught them all and turned them over to the correctional department."


Our president, more terrifying than the Communications Media Obscenity Law…

Isabella too, it seems, received such distasteful DMs when she was a fledgling hero.

So now what?

120 messages have accumulated in less than 5 minutes. How should I handle this…?

No, I didn't know there were so many women in the world ready for condomless sex at a moment's notice when called.

Is it because this is an erotic game? Right, En-chan?

"Here… Check the option to only get in touch with people you know."

In the meantime, the number of explicit photos showcasing her intimate parts and breasts continued to increase.

"…Perverts don't discriminate between men and women."


It's a secret that I'm covertly becoming aroused.

Regardless, once the messages subsided, the student council president proceeded with his explanation.