Chapter 66 – Masochistic Kushina and Depraved Sex

What kind of sinister content is this debauched goddess adding to the game? How should I continue living after altering a girl's personality with my cock?

[Kushina's Onahole]

[B-grade villain, the serial exhibitionist Kushina, whose personality essence has been transformed into an onahole. It's vividly alive.]

[Turned into a secondhand onahole by Kim Sang-hyuk.]

[Rarity B+]

[Tightness A+ Durability B Warmth B Responsiveness B] [Initial Personality Collapse (89%)] [Owner's Imprint – Kim Sang-hyuk]

"…Hang in there. I'll pull it out now."


It wasn't easy to remove, as Kushina's onahole eagerly sucked on my cock.

"Hey, don't cling…"

I feel wretched since it seems like I'm talking to an onahole.

Yet, it's true that Kushina's onahole clings.


"Stop sucking on my glans with your pussy! Enough!"

I could only extract my cock from the onahole's cavity after sternly scolding it as if it were a pet.

"「Return to your original state」"

_Release "Become an Onahole!"_

Kushina is returned to a state of personality-infused gel.

Despite the effort to revert her, it seems she hasn't forgotten her Onahole days, as she clings to my cock and refuses to let go.

'This is a problem…'

When pierced by a cock as an Onahole, her personality becomes altered.

I didn't know that…

Since it was mentioned to be permanent damage, it must be irreversible.

_[Kushina's gel indicates that it remembers your cock]_

_[It seems to have fallen in love]_

"It's not love…"

If anything, it's more like an aftereffect. That's it.

Regardless, for now, I have no choice but to do what must be done.

I spread Kushina's gel on my cock like a condom.

It's slightly elastic and cool, feeling quite pleasant.

InGelCon─meaning a personality-infused gel condom─is complete.

I gaze at Kushina's naked body.

She spreads her shapely legs wide open and lies down on her back.

I rub my cock against Kushina's exposed pussy.

"I'll put it in right away."

Ensuring her personality is evenly distributed on my erect cock…

I gently rub my cock against Kushina's tight, waiting pussy.

Squelch… Slurp…

There was a peculiar sound as the jelly rubbed against her vagina.

"Hey, stick to it. You're a condom now."

[Kushina Jelly agrees♡]

[Performs the role of owner's condom♡]

"Yes, yes."

Soothing Kushina's personality, I inserted my dick into her vagina.



[I took Kushina's virginity♡]

Having rehearsed with Seridwen, this moment isn't surprising.

Not returning the jelly is equivalent to leaving it to die, and I don't consider this method when I'm unable to view the subject sexually.

From that perspective, Kushina was to my taste.

Setting her personality aside, her breasts are large and attractive.

I'm not looking for a romantic heroine, so that's enough.

Squeeze, squeeze♡


I love this pussy.

Despite the mindset of calmly performing the task… Kushina's lascivious vagina tightly grips my erect dick.

It clings to me as if urging me to thrust quickly.

That alone nearly drives me mad.

It seemed as if her vagina had been waiting for my cock all along. Instinctively, I reached to grab Kushina's J-cup breasts but stopped myself.

'Let's not get too excited.'

This is work, after all, unwanted overtime. I need to finish quickly and return to my normal life, so I lightly thrust my hips.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

I began to tame her resistant virgin pussy, poking it with my entire cock.

"Huff, euh, ugh. Ugh. Ahh."

Unrefined moans escaped from Kushina's mouth. The jelly inside her would gradually dissolve into her vaginal walls, helping her regain her senses. This is the only way to return the expelled jelly.

'This is… Kushina's untouched pussy….'

It feels different from Hestia's. The sensation of forcefully inserting myself into a beautiful pussy that has never accepted a foreign object before is indescribably pleasurable.

Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch!

"You're so pretty; why did you do something villainous?"

"Ah, ugh… euh…!"

It's because of you that I've become completely absorbed in this erotic game mode.

No matter how you look at it, this act is one of utter perversion, abandoning humanity itself!

This… I can't halt my hips…!!


I adore this pussy!

Even when she dresses modestly, she parades around in broad daylight, disrobed, with a lascivious body bound to be a target for men.

Isn't it just perfect for her to be caught by the hero of justice, Onahole Man, and have his cock inserted?

Isn't that right?


My cock is pushed into the virgin villain's pussy, and I'm making love to her womb.

I shouldn't be enjoying this. I mustn't enjoy this.

But I can't help it.

"Hah, hah… Huh…? Oh…??"

Kushina slowly opens her eyes.

Her personality jelly glistens, moistened by Kushina's pussy juices. It must be about 30% absorbed by now.

I continue to rock my hips, for stopping would be even stranger.

"Don't be alarmed. I'm simply in the middle of pleasuring you."

"What? Uh? Oh? Pleasuring?"

"Yes. I'm pleasuring you in order to return the jelly."


Even I find my words unconvincing.

To anyone, it'd look like I've kidnapped a female villain and am engaging in deviant sex.

The situation was vastly different from Seridwen's time; Kushina didn't even know why she had been expelled as jelly. It was highly likely that she couldn't comprehend the series of events leading up to this moment, all in an effort to return the jelly.

It meant that I was toying with her vulnerable, unknowing pussy.

*Chu-bop, chu-bop, chu-bop, chu-bop♡*

"Uh, uh-oh!? Rape… This isn't pussy rape, right…?"


It was an inevitable rape brought about by the erotic mechanics of 「OnaAka」.

Now there was no turning back.

I steeled myself, prepared to be hated by Kushina for the rest of my life.

"St… Stop the pussy rape… Hnggh…!!"

While caressing Kushina's cervix with my glans, I gently swirled her vagina.

My strategy was to slowly rub it, attempting to ease her tense virgin pussy.

Ah… my cock is throbbing…

*Jitter, jitter, jitter…*

"Ahh, ohh…♡ Such a big cock♡ How deep… are you pushing in…? If you… whip my pussy like this, I'll get mad…"

Pussy whipping, huh…♡ Hearing such lewd words only excited me further.

I pressed my hips against hers and moved gently, granting her wish for pussy whipping.

Kushina began to squirm, attempting to free herself from me.

She tried to block me by stirring her sticky pussy.

*Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch.*

"Ah, ahh… You, you pervert! Disqualified as a hero…!!"

Has it almost all been absorbed?

There's still some left. Kushina might not realize, but her slick juices thinly shroud my cock like an ultra-thin condom.

I need to squeeze a bit more… ♡♡

I fear I'll become just as perverse if I continue with this velvety pussy that incites my carnal desires.

"I'm going to do it a little harder…"

"Stop it, I said!?"

*Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch*♡

When will I have time to explain this situation step by step!

For now, just focus on her pussy!


"Anyway, stick your pussy out!"

"Hmph, ah, ah, ah♡ Disqualified as a hero, pervert♡ pervert aaahh♡"

Kushina tries to dodge my thrusts by swaying her hips from side to side,

but I simply overpower her with my weight, pressing my hips firmly against hers.

I'll return the jelly soon…!!

[Acquired the achievement "First Personality Modification"]

Did it absorb well?

Kushina's struggles suddenly subside.

Could it be…?

"Ah, ahhh…♡"

Kushina pursed her lips, exhaling a peculiar breath.

*Grip, grip*. Her vagina tightened unexpectedly.

Having ceased her resistance, Kushina mumbled my cock into her moist folds, reaching her climax joyfully.


"I thought of… this cock…♡"

As if comprehending the entire situation, she released a heated breath and grinned a provocative smile.

An immediate reaction came from my arousal.

Remembering my cock, she assumed the role of an Onahole, and the state of her vagina became even more eager.

Ah. It's driving me wild.

"Please… have sex with my submissive pussy, Master."

"Master, you say…"

Unconsciously, I plunged my cock deep within her.



Kushina let out a blissful exhale.

"Please, pierce Kushina's submissive pussy…"


I knew that attempting to hold onto my senses would be futile.

This was a disaster brought on by my own curiosity—a result of penetrating the sentient Onahole with my engorged member.

I violated her values even before I violated Kushina's very core.

Kushina became the happiest girl, living as my onahole.

Tight… tight… ♡

"Ah… Ah… It keeps getting harder… Please relieve your lustful urges in Kushina's lewd cavity."

Kushina strives to fulfill her role as a conquered woman.

I gently stirred Kushina's vagina.

"Mmm… Mmm… I'm happy… My handsome master, I adore you…"

The sweet temptation continues…

Kushina is a villain. Wake up.

"Why did you kill people, Kushina?"

"Because those who see the skin of the exposed creature become extremely excited… They sometimes die of a stroke."

"You didn't intend to kill, did you?"

"I didn't kill them on purpose"… I vigorously defended myself and received a one-year sentence, but then I committed the crime again… Hehe, it's my fault."

I see…

Perhaps, if I go to the correctional headquarters, this time it won't end with just a one-year sentence.

"Even if you get a 5-year or 10-year sentence, if you come out after paying for your crimes… I'll take care of you."



After showing a weak side, Kushina's eyes sparkle.

"Kushina, do you wish to be a lifelong Onahole for your handsome master?"

"…No. I'll send you to the correction headquarters."

"Please, let me be your Onahole. Yes?"


"Where do you plan to rub me?!"

Disgusted, I whipped her pussy.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak♡

"Mm, mm, oh♡♡"

"Do you think I'm an easy target?!"

"Master, you've broken me like this♡ You turned me into a masochistic pussy who loves being whipped♡"

"Well, that…"

"You don't have to feel guilty. It's already a difficult world to live in; isn't it easier to live a little broken?"

So, then…

Would you cling to my cock and rub it vigorously?

"Can I be your lifelong Onahole, Master?"

I pinned Kushina down and thrust my hips against her firm buttocks.

Chew Bob, Chew Bob, Chew Bob, Chew Bob, Chew Bob♡

"Mm, mm, oh-oh-oh!?!♡"

"Don't think you can comfortably cling to my cock!"

"Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade!! It's coming, it's coming…!! Pussy popping♡"

I thrust my erect cock into the defeated Kushina's earnest pussy!

Tingling, tingling, tingling, tingling!!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah♡ I'm turning into a submissive mazo pussy for my master♡"

"Will you let me use an Onahole? What can you do! Tell me!"


Kushina tilted her head back as her vagina squirted a gushing fountain.

Her tongue sticking out long, she drooled.

"I can take my master's magnificent cock, deep inside my naughty hole!"

I pressed my waist against Kushina's heated erotic pussy, which was warmed by the heat of her arousal.



"Do you like my cock?"

I shook my hips as if I were vibrating, and persistently brushed against Kushina's erotic pussy.


"Nhhhhhh!! Ku, it's super effective on Kushina's submissive mazo pussy♡♡"

"Your little sisters can hear your perverted noises. Be quiet!"

I slammed down on Kushina's firm, defenseless ass with the full force of my cock.


"Jade, jade, jade, jade!! I can't withstand it with the pussy of B-class villain Kushina! The perverted hero Onahole Man is too strong♡"

We must bring an end to this vile coupling with the wicked, lust-provoking pussy quickly!

Ugh! Ugh!!

Rid the pussy of its perversion through depraved sex!

Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch ♡

"Ah, oh my! ♡"

Kushina moved her ankles and playfully patted her small and pretty feet.

Should I service the pussy?

Pressing her waist firmly against the erotic slit, she tenderly rocks with the prince's cock inside.

Gently, gently, gently, gently ♡

"Oh, oh… right there… pussy whipping ♡ I love pussy whipping ♡"


"Heh, hehe ♡♡"

As Kushina continued the pussy whipping, she opened her eyes dangerously wide and gasped for breath.

"Did you relieve your pussy?"

"Please, finish with a resounding pussy smack, I beg you ♡"

"Do you think you're using me as a dildo?"

"No, it's because I'm earnestly and diligently attending to the pussy ♡ with the mindset of thoroughly cleansing it, gripping it tightly…"

I held Kushina down, rendering her motionless, and slapped her pussy.

Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack ♡

"Ah, ah, ah, ah! Huhhh!!"

"Kushina! Kushina!"

Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch!

Oh, my cock is drained.

I enjoyed it so much, I can't think of anything else but immersing myself in it…!!

I thrust my hips against Kushina's lewd opening that eagerly licks my cock.


I endure to the limit with my erect cock, on the verge of climax!

"Cum in my pussy, please fill my pussy!"

"Cumming in Kushina's B-class villain pussy!"


As it was, I plunged my cock deep into Kushina's vagina and ejaculated my thick semen.

Bwurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr♡ Bwo♡ Bwururururururururu♡

Chu♡ with the glans pressed against her cervix.

I inject a copious amount of thick semen into her uterus.

Bwurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Bwurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr♡ Bwo♡ Bwururururururururu♡

The bitter sting of regret accompanies the overwhelming pleasure that sweeps through my mind.

Why did I think I could restrain myself with my cock inside her pussy?

Why did I think I could pull out at the exact moment I desired?


Even though I know it's impossible, I thrust my hips forward, instinctively releasing deep inside her.

Kushina's pussy clenches tightly, attempting to milk every last drop of my semen down to the base of my balls.

Ah, it's pouring out so much…♡

As Kushina persistently teased her lascivious crevice…

Buzzzzz! Buzzzz! Buzz! Buzzzz!!

She arched her back and continued to pleasure herself.

"Huff… Huff… Haa…"

Kushina, drained of energy, sprawled out with her entire body exposed, shielding her eyes with her arms as she lay panting on the bed, drenched in sweat. She eventually came to her senses and attempted to remove the object of her pleasure, but it was already too late. Having taken the viscous, slick fluids directly, the entrance to Kushina's womanhood quivered as if reliving the intense moments of their depraved encounter.