Chapter 85 – My Sisters Suck My Cock

When the two of them were alone in the room, it was inevitable that they would engage in biting and sucking, as if it were a predestined future. Stella couldn't bear the thought of showing her position to Serena—her legs spread wide and vulgarly, hanging onto her brother's waist. The more she became aware of her posture, the hotter her body seemed to become.

'It's strange… What is this feeling?'

Stella still didn't understand. She was so naive that she didn't even realize she was caught up in sexual excitement with her brother. All she knew was that she had heard her brother's "I love you," and she was completely immersed in a world meant just for the two of them.

"Is this okay, brother? Can I do this to you?"

If someone had recorded their conversation and played it back, she might have jumped out of a window in embarrassment. The thought even crossed her mind that if she had her brother, she wouldn't need anything else. She couldn't resist him, and so she found herself kissed by her brother.

Stella was startled.

'My first kiss…'

It was taken from her in such an absurd manner. Yet, the emotions swirling within Stella were not anger or a sense of loss. Instead, she thought:

'I have to kiss him properly again.'

That was her only thought.

Stella coyly opened her mouth slightly in front of her brother, extending her tongue.

"I'm ready, brother."

This time, she playfully persuaded her brother that she could properly engage in a deep, passionate kiss. As her brother took the lead, Stella intertwined her tongue with his and naturally accepted the saliva he passed to her.

'It's so naughty.'

She never realized that kissing could be this erotic. It was about submitting and gulping down what her brother offered. While experiencing this perverted exchange, Stella found herself learning her brother's preferred style of kissing.

'Am I going to have sex today?'

The thought suddenly made Stella's mind race with confusion. That hadn't been part of her plan.

'I've washed thoroughly and carefully.'

As she kissed her brother, a woman's primal instincts were alarmingly awakened.

'I always keep myself well-groomed, so it should be fine.'

Driven by the innate desire to only show her best side to her partner, she quickly assessed how she might appear from head to toe. However, the most critical factor remained: sex was still an unexplored territory for her.

"What if I cry out in pain?"

My brother's cock wasn't of average size. Can he really fit it into my small opening?

"It's okay, even if it hurts. I want to make Oppa feel good with my tight hole."

I thought I had already opened up completely.


As my brother's thick, rough hand with bulging veins swept under my waist and suddenly reached in, Stella instinctively tensed her thighs. With the unique wariness of a virgin, she holds her brother's thick hand against her thigh.

And yet, if Oppa wants to have sex, he could easily overcome her resistance, bending her thighs with the mere force of his hands. It was only after this thought that Stella realized just how dangerous the situation was.

If I have sex with Oppa... I may get pregnant. I might really become pregnant.

Everything that would unfold afterward felt far too overwhelming for Stella to bear.

"I'm still… scared…"


Oppa's gaze is unsettling. Stella trembles, feeling as if she could be violated at any moment.

I… I've overstimulated him.

Oppa is a man, after all.

I'm sure he wants to shove it inside me and impregnate me.

I've aroused him.

With just her brother's silence and stern expression, Stella...

I had no choice but to lie face down, pleadingly.

"Oppa…? Oppa, are you listening?"

"I'm listening."

The tension dissipates.

"I'm sorry for scaring you."

Stella returned to her brother's embrace, seeking comfort once more.

Sex is frightening, but she adores her brother.

When Stella realized her brother was being patient with her, she was overjoyed.

She followed him to the bed and continued to seek his affection with her dashing brother.

Stella was utterly intoxicated by the experience.

The presence of a dependable man willing to indulge her transformed Stella into a wanton woman.

The fact that the once innocent Serena had actually slept in her brother's arms multiple times only added to Stella's torment.

Was I the only one adrift in this house?

It's too much to bear.

'Now, it's my turn...'

I want to be Oppa's cherished little sister.

As Serena served him, rubbing her thighs against her sleeping brother's cock,

Stella was gently pressing herself against her brother's firm body.

'What is this?'

Stella had just begun learning how to please herself.

Rubbing against her brother over her underwear, she practiced her first act of self-pleasure.

'Hmm. Ah, this feels good.'

Flinch, flinch.

Stella acquired the skill of pleasuring herself using her brother's body, trembling with delight.

She wouldn't let him touch her, yet she was indulging in self-pleasure with him.


She knew, without anyone teaching her, that this was a highly audacious act, and her body grew warmer.

'It's like mental preparation.'

So she wouldn't be alarmed if her brother tried to touch her later.

In this way, she memorized her brother's scent beforehand.


Just as if her brother knew all about Stella's impudent actions,

He reached out and grasped her breast.

Coming to their senses, both Stella and Serena found themselves being teased with their breasts held in their brother's hands.

'…Ah… Oh…'


There was no sister to object.

From that moment on, the sisters' breasts became their brother's nighttime comfort.

It was the beginning of a twisted relationship between the handsome older brother and his beautiful stepsisters.

Stella, who realized that Serena actually shared the same feelings, tacitly agreed to the formation of a "sister harem."

Serena attentively tended to his cock, while Stella playfully rubbed her body against her brother's, acting coy.

With their brother's body between them, the two sisters locked eyes.

"I thought Serena was nothing but a bookworm. Hmph."

"Well, I told you not to be so harsh to our brother, didn't I?"

"I just wanted to protect Serena."

It felt so unfair. Back in those days, she thought it was necessary to protect Serena from their lewd, good-for-nothing brother. But with the outcome like this, she couldn't help but feel a bit confused.

Had she been wrong?

"A sister shouldn't curse at her brother like that."

"… You're right… That's why… I've been reflecting on my actions.

Stella's expression turned sullen.

"It's okay, Stella."

Serena firmly grasped Stella's hand.


"I know you were trying to protect me. And you've already sincerely apologized to our brother. So, what's left to do?"

"What's left…"

"I'm just getting along well with you."

"Yes, right."

Now only good things remain... I'm glad I endured the embarrassment. I'm glad I found the courage to apologize. Stella moved her waist as if to tease her brother once more.

"Ugh. Ah… With your body... Go away again."


Stella secretly climaxed in her brother's arms, her breasts held tightly without a word. Serena's nipple was being pulled, all in plain sight of Stella. Even though her younger sister's breast was being treated like a pillow by her brother, Stella accepted the entire situation.

"Was it a mistake to push you away back then?" No…'

I truly hated it at the time. Just as I'm sincere in my affection now, I was just as sincere in my dislike back then. But one day, my brother changed. What was the catalyst for this change?

Looking back, I sensed something different from the moment my brother descended the stairs that day. The way he looked at me and Serena. That awkward smile, as if he were genuinely delighted by our encounter,.

Stella now seemed to understand her mother's feelings.

How incredible it would be to have a real man in the house!

A woman must protect her family, ensuring her brother doesn't leave.

It was incredibly vulgar for the two sisters to rub themselves against their brother's sleeping form.

sharing this lewd secret...

And yet, Stella thought, this was possible because she was a stepsister who could one day carry "Brother's baby" in a time of need.

This was the unique "Raising Brother's Flag" that only Stella and Serena could accomplish.

"I'll show you how to do it, Stella."

"Yes… Serena."

"Next, you know, right? Let's cooperate…♡"

They nodded.

The two sisters formed an erotic alliance with their still-awake brother, nestled between them.

It was the moment when a new family tradition was born.


He couldn't recall how he managed to sleep.

He thought he'd never sleep with his cock so aroused. Not to mention the discomfort from all three of them lying in a narrow bed.

However, the soft bodies and breasts of his beautiful sisters made up for the inconvenience of the cramped space, and then some.

Wrapping my arms around my sides and gently caressing my breasts,

I was softly stroking my cock, which allowed me to fall asleep quickly.

And then morning came...

To my shock, my cock was fully erect.


Honestly, as soon as I opened my eyes, I thought I had already ejaculated.

I hurriedly lifted the covers and looked down; my cock was standing stiff, but I hadn't ejaculated.

Yet, an immense pleasure, akin to an orgasm, continued to course through me.



Serena and Stella,

Each had their mouths around a portion of my cock.

Since when have they been sucking? At least an hour ago, perhaps?

Careful not to wake me, they maintained a gentle distance with their tongues while slowly

Slowly increasing my cock's sensitivity...

As the sun rose, it seemed like I had awoken in the midst of them brazenly biting and sucking.

Curled up like cats in my groin area, I stared at my two younger sisters, bewildered.

"What are you doing, you two?"


Stella shyly lowered her head.

"I was teaching Stella how to suck her brother's cock."

An unexpected cooperative endeavor!

Stella eagerly enveloped the skin of my balls with her lips, while Serena took my hard cock into her mouth.

"Slurp… Slurp… Slurp…"

"Gulp… Gulp..."

I could have never imagined this.

Such a provocative spectacle.

Both Serena and Stella latched onto my cock simultaneously. As if to prove they were up to the task, they diligently sucked and licked every inch of me.


There was no stopping it now.


I placed my hands on the heads of my two sisters and gently caressed them.

Having secured the perfect justification, Serena sucked my cock fervently, her cheeks hollowing with the effort.


Serena was sucking my cock.

"Gulp… Gulp… Slurp…"

Stella, taking care of my balls, shyly pressed her lips against their sensitive skin, further arousing me.


My cock throbbed with need.

Serena, sensing my urgency, released my cock momentarily and teasingly licked the tip with her tongue before speaking.

"Slurp♡ Slurp♡ From now on, we'll take care of getting you up in the morning. Okay, big brother?"

"Ugh, ugh…"

"I won't lose to Serena either... Joob♡"

I caress Stella, who is sucking my balls, as if praising her.

*slurp slurp slurp slurp*♡

Stella immediately shows her delight by flicking her tongue against my balls.

Wasn't mental preparation necessary?

I can't focus with Stella crawling under my cock and sucking my balls.

Can I really allow such lewd behavior?

"Chuuuu… Churururuloop… slurp slurp…"

"Chuckle… chu… tzuk… Churururuloop…"

The sisters work together to suck my cock!

Serena locks eyes with me and grins.

Stella is still preoccupied with sucking my cock and doesn't look at me.

So this is what Serena has done to Stella.

She can't help but suck my cock. She gently urged her on.

"Tzuk… Chuuu… you two… leaving me alone..."

Oh my.

Stella starts sucking on my glans.

"I can't forgive you for being so close... Churururuloop…"

"That's what Stella's doing."


Stella rolls her eyes while peppering kisses on the tip of my cock.

"Don't make excuses♡ Just gently suck my cock."


It's Stella's turn for a vacuum blowjob♡

"What did you two practice with my cock? You girls."


"Stella. Good. Gather your saliva like that, and gently suck my cock."

No, I can't hold it.

Seeing my thigh muscles tense up, Serena asks while licking the base of my cock.

"Whom do you want to cum for?"

Whom, you ask?

Do I get to choose?

In an instant, my two younger sisters look up at me while sucking my cock.


Oh, damn.

Stella sucks harder, as if she won't forgive me if I don't choose her♡

"I'll cum in Stella's mouth."


"Here it comes."

I hold Stella's head with my hands and shoot my thick cum, which had been building up from my sisters' seduction since last night, into her mouth.

Bwooorrrrrrr♡ Bwooorrrrr♡ Bwooorrr!! Bwoooow♡♡

I can't help but think that I came too much.

Stella's cheeks swell up like balloons.

"Eupfu♡ Huk, hng♡♡"


Murmuring briefly, I pressed down on Stella's head. I thrust my cock down her throat, ejaculating directly into her stomach as if discharging semen.

Brrrrrrr! Brrrrrrrr♡ Brrrrrrrr♡ Brrr♡♡

"Huff, hahh!! Oh♡♡"

Gasping for breath, Stella's eyes rolled back gently. Using her mouth like a toilet since morning... Insane… The same mouth that used to say harsh things to me...

She clung tightly to my cock.

Stella's beautiful face was a complete mess. Drool and semen were dripping, while semen also leaked through her nose.

"Huff… Huh… Hah…"

I gently rubbed the tip of my cock against Stella's lips, releasing the remaining semen.

Pfft… Pfft…! Prrr…

It felt like the base of my cock was about to be pulled out.

I treated her like a toilet while ejaculating, but as I slowly pulled out my cock, Stella didn't even complain. Instead, she began to gently suck it.

"Slurp… Slurp… I couldn't catch it all. Sorry."

"It's okay because it's your first time."

"Next time, I'll catch it all... Slurp… Slurp… I'll become better than Serena."

Serena would have certainly let it flow if the moment had arrived.

Due to the two of you behaving so lewdly, it was released in greater quantity than usual.

Serena quickly moves to Stella's side to assist in cleaning my cock.

"I'll clean your cock and prepare breakfast. Oppa♡"

Gently swaying.

Serena shakes her ample buttocks as she approaches my cock and meticulously licks it clean.

With my sisters attending to the task of cleaning my cock, I comfortably rise and retrieve my phone.



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