Chapter 88 – Onahole Squad

This is quite embarrassing. Having ejaculated in my girlfriend's mother's vagina in the morning and now heading to the academy while holding hands with my beautiful girlfriend is a completely new experience.

I could never have imagined this during my days at Villagem. My palms are sweating.


Henna also seemed shy. The more embarrassed we felt, the tighter we held each other's hands. Our fingers intertwined openly.

I feel like I'm going to get an erection.

I've already had a few orgasms this morning, but my cock shows no signs of relenting. It's a body that must endure the gravity of the harem, so if it's supposed to be this way, it's natural. If I constantly rub against my girls' hills seeking relief for my erection, it seems like daily life would become impossible.

"Henna, what's happening today?"

In the second-year locker room, I briefly checked my firearm's condition from a standing position and asked Henna about today's class.

"There's an exchange battle."

"An exchange battle?"

"Yes. Other classes and other grades will participate in the exploration too."

Could it be a larger dungeon exploration?

Most of the dungeons within the academy are known to be of a lower grade, and I'm curious about their progression. Upon arriving at the classroom, I find that everyone has already moved to the indoor training ground.

"Kim Sang-hyuk! Henna! Good morning to you both!"

My second girlfriend, Yuuna, greets me with a warm smile.

"Good morning."

I simultaneously take Henna's and Yuuna's hands in mine. The two of them glance up at me, their cheeks flushed with a rosy hue.

"Let's go as well. I'll explain the exchange matches while we're on our way."

"Did I ever mention that I don't know about them?"

"Well, you haven't experienced one, so it makes sense you wouldn't know. Right?"

"That's true."

My dungeon wife—she knows me all too well. One of Yuuna's greatest qualities is her immense consideration and understanding. She's perfectly in sync with me, even when I grasp the concept that my entire first-year memory of the academy has been wiped away. Plus, she's stunningly beautiful.

"An exchange match involves gathering students from different grades and classes, who don't usually interact, for a multi-dive experience."

"A multi-dive?"

"There are dungeons that aren't limited to just three-member squads, you know. Some dungeons are formed from a complex web of various intertwined gravity waves."

"Are we all going in there together?"

"Exactly. That means the fight for contribution will be even more intense than usual."

More intense than usual...

If dozens of people dive in simultaneously, the value of the MVP is bound to increase.

Could this be a good opportunity to shed my D-class image?

"I'm kind of tempted by the MVP."

"Me too, but it won't be easy, you know?"

"Don't underestimate my new weapon."

It's a shotgun that can fire moonlight bullets, no less.

I showed off the Benelli on my back as I spoke.

"It's a weapon similar to that S-class Hunter's?"

"I even took an enhancement lecture."

"Interesting. With your improved skills, no one can ignore you just because you're using a gun, right?"

"Sang-hyuk is cool."

Henna laughs bashfully.

Now's the time to show off my abilities. I already made a splash when I fought the shark giant.

but it's only natural for the protagonist to take center stage and excel in their actions.

There was but one reason for choosing to wield a gun instead of a baseball bat to accomplish the same task.

For the undeniable convenience it afforded.

At present, I believe I have reached a level where I can fully exploit the tactical advantages of firearms.

While the innate excretion smash might spew fire if I were desperate enough, my primary intention is to reap the benefits by simply pulling the trigger.

"Henna. Are you alright?"

As we entered the indoor training facility, which was more crowded than usual,

Henna, feeling overwhelmed, clung to my side.

Her soft breasts pressed against me.

"There are so many people... It's exhausting…"

In addition, Henna, having brushed her bangs aside,

attracted attention not only for her large breasts but also for her beauty.

"Our squad is drawing quite a bit of attention,"

Yuuna remarked.

"Rumors have spread about me juggling lovers."

As expected, whispers circulated about them being part of Class F's Onahole party.

Yuuna responded with a bitter smile.

"They even nicknamed me 'Princess Onahole.'"

"Whether we like it or not, we've become the Onahole Squad."

Kushina, who was a genuine Onahole, was also a secret member. It wasn't unjust to call them the Onahole Squad. They even crafted onaholes while hunting.

"The reason Sang-hyuk drags you along, as the student council president, is because of your skill in making onaholes, right?"


To be precise, it was about personality excretion, but for Yuuna, excretion and onahole crafting were all equally perverse skills. There was no point in differentiating them one by one.

"Lots of people will be watching the exchange event. If you're going to hide something, you'd better hide it well."

"I plan to. We can earn coins together, after all."

For this event, the process of individually excreting and turning them into onaholes would be skipped. It wasn't a complete secret, but they wanted to avoid exhausting tasks.

"There sure are a lot of people."

There were many first- and second-year students. Who were the people in black suits watching them from the second floor? Were they academy officials?

"They've even brought filming equipment. What's that about?"

"It's Stardust."


"Don't you know? It's the largest conglomerate in Korea."

"You don't know Samsung?" Yuuna inquires with a tone of disbelief, as if it were common knowledge. It seems understanding Samsung is considered basic information in the OnaAka world.

"Why are corporate folks snooping around here?"

"Did you come from clearing the mountains?"

Indeed, it would be frustrating if a friend asked what Samsung was.

"But you'll kindly explain, right?"

As if to question whether that was a genuine inquiry, Yuuna puffs out her chest and grins.

"Corporations and hunters have a very close relationship. It would be problematic if individuals were to monopolize all the profits generated from dungeons, wouldn't it? So, companies diversify and protect the hunters' profits, providing convenience in various ways."

"Like an idol agency, right? I came here for scouting purposes."

"Exactly. There are probably quite a few scouts from foreign companies as well, right? That's the advantage of a prestigious academy."

She knew that the exchange matches were a gateway to advancement. If one were to build up their strength in dungeons and distinguish themselves in an exchange match, they would likely receive offers from companies. Becoming a corporate hunter would provide various comforts and a lucrative income.

"Did Yuuna become a hunter through scouting as well?"

"No way. I simply went to the Hunter Association on my own. It's truly impressive if you've already been scouted. Usually, one receives a market evaluation first."

"Market evaluation?"

"Scouts assign a value to you. That becomes a hunter's worth."

Is it numbers after the alphabet? How fiercely competitive!

Though it's understandable to be graded since one's days as an academy student, the idea of a hunter's worth seems rather harsh.

Even if there is a romantic aspect to capturing magical beasts and learning skills in dungeons, it appears that Korea's intensely competitive society isn't going anywhere.

"For your information, each company's database is open to the public at any time. You can check it periodically."

Yuuna demonstrated that it was indeed possible to check right away.

"See for yourself. I'm worth 14,950 coins."

"Do they have my name as well?"

"Not yet! You have to work hard to become known."

I'm curious.

What would be my highest worth?

Is it like some sort of bounty from a pirate-themed comic?

Although it may not be a measure of my strength, it's an indirect indicator that shows the extent of my influence.

"Huh? Henna's here too."

"Henna is here."


We all focus on the screen as if it were a surprise.

Henna: 57,800 coins (note 1: exceptionally attractive).



Yuuna and I simultaneously turned our gazes to Henna's breasts. Henna covered her chest and lowered her head.

"I'm sorry…"

"Yeah… For women, it's important to have a nice face and body."

I patted Yuuna's downcast head gently.

"Your face is pretty too, Yuuna. Let's show it off properly this time."

"The more you fight alongside the demons, the harder it will be to look pretty."

Yuuna was truly upset. As a B-list professional hunter, she lost to Henna, who has no career. It's understandable that her pride was hurt.

"The Yuuna I've seen always looked pretty while fighting, right?"

"I really only have Sang-hyuk."

Yuuna embraced me tightly.

I comforted her with gentle pats.

The surrounding gazes were a bit sharp, but it didn't matter. Our happiness was all that truly mattered, and we were living it. However, if we were to bite and suck in a place like this, attracting too much attention, we'd become a nuisance as a couple.

We decided to tone it down and distance ourselves. Although far away, we could see Serena and Stella. First-year students were present as well.

Ugh, Deherit was there too.

"Deherit's market value is 210,000 coins," someone mentioned.

"Is that the power of an A-grade mage?" another person inquired.

"Yes. Mages tend to be highly valued. Deherit's older sister is also quite famous among the third-year students."

"I have an A-grade mage among my siblings too."

Yuuna pondered for a moment.

"A sibling? Oh, the blond one? I've seen them in a few exchange matches, but their performance wasn't as remarkable as I expected."


He was severely lacking in versatility. Most likely, some strange variable had interfered, preventing him from showcasing even a tenth of his true abilities.

"Ah, I didn't mean to speak ill of them. Please don't misunderstand."

"No, it's fine. As their older sibling, I understand what you mean."

"Look, there are also the second-year sisters Kannika and Sanbika over there."

Are they twins? It's difficult to see from this distance, but one thing is certain: they are beautiful.

"The market value of the twin sisters is 900,000 coins."

"Why does the amount suddenly increase?"

"Well, particularly attention-grabbing squads tend to have that effect."

Our Onahole Squad can't even surpass 100,000 when combined.

"Many impressive freshmen have gathered. Female warrior 'Brigid' at 1.13 million, necromancer 'Kibele' at 2.39 million, and greatsword wielder 'Hilaria' at 5.11 million..."


Though younger than me, they live in a world beyond comprehension.

As I scanned each of the promising talents destined for success, a peculiar thought crossed my mind.

In the past, I wouldn't have dared to approach such radiant, high-value female students.

"Ah. Do you see that tall boy over there? He's a Vesta. Already boasting a market value of $8 million. He's known for being handsome and kind. He has many female fans, and above all, his abilities...

I squeezed Yuuna's hand firmly, as if to silence her.


"Hey. Enough about the guys. Just drop it."


Yuuna's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red.

"Ah… Yes… I messed up, Sang-hyuk."

When my girlfriend mentions another guy, anger swells up inside of me, so I just cut her off.

What do I know about a guy with potential? Skip it.

Compared to Deherit's loud boasting, her rank isn't that high.

Considering that most of the hundreds gathered here, like me, haven't been properly evaluated, it might be high after all.

'…I must surpass that level.'

The protagonist's blood boils.

Why am I worth 0 coins? A version of me that refuses to accept this is born.


At that moment, it seemed as if Yuuna's gaze was stolen by someone.

Following her line of sight, I too inadvertently lost myself in the view.

There was an unbelievably beautiful girl in the first year.

Even if the atmosphere differs, she stands out remarkably.

A girl in a school uniform donning custom-made armor, she appeared to be undoubtedly solo, without any companions.

No one dares to approach her.

Her hair is a light shade of red. Her face is pristine and exquisitely beautiful.

"I thought she was still on an overseas expedition."

"Who is that?"

"Quintia. She's the daughter of the sword saint."

It was quicker to find her market value from the top.

Her name could be located on the highest line, where the number of zeros changed rapidly.

"It's 130 million coins."

I was genuinely astounded.

The difference was so overwhelming that I couldn't even fathom catching up with her at this moment.

How had she received such an evaluation at such a young age?



"I've known her since before entering the academy... I'm a bit nervous. She's participating in the upcoming exchange event."

"Have you ever spoken with her?"

"…No. I just observed her sword skills and learned from them.

Did she seem like an admired junior?

[**Perception/Red** activation]

For a moment, I was so startled that I deactivated the skill.

It was because I thought Quintia, who was at a distance, had turned to look in my direction.

Had she noticed? No, more importantly...

Even though it was brief, her eyes had appeared red, hadn't they?

'Could it be...'

… Is it the same skill!?

Among the things I had received from Enn-chan, this was the only one that wasn't an authority.

It was merely a skill with an elevated rank.

It wouldn't be unusual for someone to possess the original.

holder of the same Ganpa Hong faction.

Quintia gazed intently at me.

'…Drat. I've been caught.'

Facing ignorance, I avert my eyes.

There's no use in fretting over being exposed already...

"Sang-hyuk, the professor is here."

Henna calls out to me.

As she does, someone emerges from beyond the open training ground door, and the hall falls into a remarkable silence.

'Huh? Seridwen?'



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