Chapter 121 – The Sweet Assault

I was taken aback by the unexpected entrance.

En landed on the floor with a swish, like a nimble ninja. She was petite and adorable, and she charged headfirst into my waist, swinging her small fists as if she were a niece wrestling with her uncle.

"Disappointed! I'm truly disappointed!!"

"Haha, what's the issue now?"

"I thought you'd finally become the protagonist of an adult game who's skilled at kinky sex, but what's this? You could've filled four free-for-use pussy holes with copious amounts of thick cum and even made them apologize."


I wasn't surprised anymore, but I still felt disoriented.

She was a goddess who always surpassed expectations with her words.

Free what?

The ones I had just introduced as my fans.

Aren't you even considering them as people!?

"I was genuinely happy when I had sex with Brigid. I already came up with a hundred erotic scenarios in my head."

"Was it really that enjoyable?"

"It was truly the best! Hehe!! So~~~ why didn't I use the free pussyhole~~ Whyaaaa~~~ Ugh! A 5P organization was possible~~!"

"Please, Goddess, don't use words like 'fuckable'…"

Is it still not enough, even after having so much sex?

"Academy girls aren't free pussyholes."

"But you said that, and yet you immediately made Brigid-chan submit with the'meekly bear children' mode! What's the difference?"

"Hey, I have my reasons too!"

What is the difference between the situation just a while ago and now?

Enn-chan insists.

But!! It's very different!

"Brigid was just facing me naked. In the mixed bath."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"What man could resist that? Brigid, while looking at my erect cock, offers her large breasts and says, She'll help the harem with an innocent face."

If I made a mistake, I could even feel her breath!!

She said it while her large breasts jiggled naturally!

Can you understand how I felt when my mind was violated by that intense visual?

Enn, with a proud air, placed her hand on her side and spoke with her chest pushed out.

"Hehe. Isn't Brigid charming? A heroine who is completely energized by her vagina, right? You couldn't resist, could you?"

"Of course I couldn't! That's why I did it! Isn't it too much to ask to endure such an abnormal situation?"

Once more, it was emphasized that Brigid's performance with her waist straightened was absolutely insane.

What's the use of standing there with her thighs tightly squeezed together? Everything is still visible.

In that state, Brigid said, "I will help with the harem, senior."

And so they hugged and rubbed against each other. They shared intimate kisses. They even had sex right away.

Throughout the entire process, Brigid did not send any signals of rejection.

If faced with the same situation, I wouldn't be able to resist either.

"Sang-hyuk, you couldn't bear the sight of such a defenseless vagina, could you?"

"Phrasing it like that annoys me a bit. But let's go with that."

"Hmm. It's a harem, but you don't just recklessly penetrate the various vulnerable holes. Do you have a mindset of maintaining self-control?"

"I no longer believe in things like fidelity, but if I were to accept all of that, it would be akin to insulting my girlfriends."

"Insulting? Why?"


"If rumors spread that Kim Sang-hyuk sleeps with just anyone, wouldn't there be more guys who view my women as cheap and approach them?"

"That's true, isn't it?"

"If you declare pure love within the harem, at least you shouldn't engage in promiscuous behavior."

"Hmm. Harem discipline, I see."

Contrary to her initial fury,

Enn appeared to be in a better mood after hearing a plausible explanation.

"You were angry earlier, but now you seem happy. What changed?"

"If the heroine of 'OnaAka' was so aroused and desperate that she couldn't bear it, then as the creator of this world, I can't help but feel good."

"It was an unbearable situation."

I, too, am a man with strong sexual desires.

When faced with such a lewd encounter in a mixed bath, especially if the woman remains defenseless until the end,

I might become possessed by a beast that trusts in the goddess's protection and ruthlessly thrusts into her most intimate opening.

"Nevertheless, I won't sleep with just anyone."

"From the perspective of the all-seeing pervert, you're disqualified."

"What? That's such a bizarre point of view."

"It's because the heroines are so beautiful and adorable. There's also the pleasure of mob sex, sometimes indulging in an abundance of lesser quality meat."

"What is that?"

Do you intentionally go for the less attractive ones?

Saying "less attractive" made for a somewhat odd expression, but

For me, having become the default, surrounded by unbelievably gorgeous heroines, the approach of the female juniors felt exactly like that.

In the past, I would have gladly bowed and devoured what was offered, but as the protagonist of OnaAka, it's a bit ambiguous to indulge.

"If you only eat 1++ beef, you'll grow tired of it. Sometimes you have to enjoy pork belly too."

"If I had to choose, I'd only eat 1++ beef... No, I don't agree with this analogy! Pork belly has its own unique charm."

I cannot accept the analogy that pork belly is inferior to beef.

But, interestingly enough, I seemed to understand what Enn was trying to convey.

"Huh. It's adorable that you're still putting up a fight, Sang-hyuk. Your cock is being honest, after all."

"Why are you smirking like a sexy little sister? It doesn't suit you."

"No! I am older, you know? Significantly older. Should we compare our ages?"

"Hah. As if age matters in this game. The age of a goddess is 6,974,892 anyway. Something like that, I suppose. What's the point of being an adult who hasn't fully matured, with many years under their belt?"

En stomped her foot.

"Isn't it childish to launch a personal attack just because you were hit in the right spot with the 'honest cock' remark?"

"The 'honest cock' phrasing is childish too!"

"Hmph. I'm upset! I won't talk anymore!"

"Fine. Release the timer. Good night. I won't go far."


Possibly stung by my ruthless attitude,

En mumbled with her mouth pouting.

"Now we're like a family in the same boat. Do you have to be so heartless?"

"Family? We're more like a perverted goddess and her victim."

"Are the victims insignificant~? As I lavish my love on the beautiful heroines' delicate petals♡, I'm living the most blissful male harem life imaginable."

"I'll always be grateful for that."

I can't resist showering my pretty girlfriends with affection.

In those moments, I'd be willing to scream to the heavens that "OnaAka" is a godsend.

However, the lovely junior girls from earlier are not objects of my lust.

I have no intention of continuously caring for them, as it would only lead to embarrassment if I were to casually embrace them and then betray their trust.

"I'm only doing this while considering the consequences."

"Heh, how long can you hold out? Isn't it just a matter of time before you taste the sweetness of the younger sisters you adore? Once you've had your fill of them, you'll be confirmed as a true deviant protagonist."


…Not yet!

I'm still okay. I haven't crossed the line!

"It's a fact, isn't it? You're powerless, right? You can't control yourself as you're gradually becoming a pervert."


"Brigid's nectar was too tempting, so I couldn't help but indulge♡♡ Since I've had a taste of my sister's friend, my sister is next in line."

"On the day I abandon all reason, will I ravish you first?"

Enn flinched.

"I'm going to thoroughly have my way with you, Enn."

"Really, you're going to become infatuated with a woman of such petite stature? It sounds like you're declaring your intention to abandon your humanity."

"I've come to an agreement with my cock. It says it's possible because you're so lovely, Enn."

"I'm a heroine who can't be conquered!"

"Isn't it true that I was given the power to seduce even someone like that? I'm going to plunge all of this into you."


Would that scare her a bit?

Sensing danger, Enn hastily distanced herself from me and carefully chose her words.

"If you were to thrust all of that into me..."

"If I do?"

"I'd have to stake the pride of the Goddess of Erotic Games and show you the most enticing reaction! I'm not ready yet!"

I chuckled softly.

"Just kidding."

"It seemed real."

"But isn't it not entirely unrealistic to start with you first?"

As Enn adamantly insisted, "My body is precious!"

She pouted, hugging her slender body with her delicate arms.

"I won't teach you. After all, Sang-hyuk might actually be targeting my body!"

"I heard your answer."

This goddess can't lie.

"And it's cheating to seduce a goddess at this point! Cheating."

"I gave the heroine plenty of unfair abilities to use."


Sometimes, when I feel unsure whether I'm doing well, all I have to do is glance at the status window.

『Fellatio Anywhere』

『Shameless Instant Mating』

『Pregnancy Confirmed: Vaginal Ejaculation』

… …

By merely enduring this, I feel like I'm doing well as a person.

My suppressed desires collide with my girlfriend.

To my girlfriends, who happily accept it.

"It's okay to be tough on the heroine. Turn her into a case for Sang-hyuk's cock!"

"Ha ha..."

"I'll cheer for you."

"You came here to vent your anger, but you're back in cheering mode again?"

"I'm upset because I'm on Sang-hyuk's side! Those girls' pussy holes should have been punished by his royal cock.

But… …

A woman isn't someone who is scolded by having her pussy hole poked.

Even if I say such obvious things, this goddess won't listen at all.

But in this world, there is only one being who truly understands me.

And so, I cannot bring myself to despise her.

"If it's a pussy hole to my liking, I'll eagerly thrust into it. Please secure it, Goddess."


En-chan feigned anger, but her expression betrayed a hint of delight as the corners of her mouth lifted.

"Alright. The twins' excretions were also delectable. When will you use the onahole to shatter my personality?"

"Don't shatter it!"

Is she uttering something truly terrifying!?

What is she trying to insert into this blissful, everyday atmosphere?

"Such malicious content is forever sealed away."

"Sigh… Seriously. These audacious heroines have yet to experience a thorough pounding. They should be aware of how much Sang-hyuk is sparing them."


I couldn't help but laugh at En.

"You're the only one who needs to know."

"Sounds somewhat romantic. It's infuriating."

Is this En's weakness?

"If we're family, when should we go on a tender date? Holding hands, watching a movie...


En-chan hurriedly spoke, her cheeks flushed with crimson.

"Y-you, this pure love maniac!"

"What's the problem?"

"It's not hypnosis, rape, or coercion, but to honestly pursue a woman's intimate treasure on a date... How audacious!"

You're even more audacious!

Before I could say anything, En-chan vanished through the gate as if fleeing.

Should I counterattack with this strategy next time?

I wanted En-chan to understand the merits of pure love.

Just as I discovered the allure of a harem at OnaAka, an establishment known for its mastery of harem experiences,.

Henna was lying asleep on my bed.

She slept soundly without even covering herself with a blanket.

My first girlfriend had beautiful black hair, green eyes, and an impressive bosom.

As I sat beside the bed and gently fondled her breast, Henna slightly opened her eyes and smiled in her sleep.

"Sang-hyuk… hello…"

"You can sleep more."

She must be tired.

I covered her with the blanket and let her sleep again.

In the room where Henna and I are resting comfortably, someone knocks on the door.

One after the other, my girlfriends enter.

Three heroines, each boasting ample and lovely breasts that rival Henna's, saunter in, swaying their hips enticingly.

My cock was already on the verge of bursting.

Brigid is a voluptuous woman with a serene face and an air of strict discipline.

The lascivious pink-breasted Sol.

And... "Hilaria, the Suspended Enchantress."

With a squeeze, I began to massage Hilaria's full breasts, the most enticing of the three.


Hilaria neither protested nor expressed delight; she stood still, seemingly a bit flustered. It was as if she had no idea how to react in this situation.

"Offer your breasts."

Hilaria straightened her back and presented her breasts to me. I toyed with them using both hands, and my erection pulsed with excitement.

"Let's all three go to the bed."

There were two large beds in the room. Pointing to the one unoccupied by Henna, I took Hilaria with me.

"Senior, is there, like, some natural conversation or something? Or do we just jump straight into something naughty?"

"Sol, do you dislike naughty things?"

"I like them, but... um, it's just..."

I embraced Pink Sol tightly, fondling her breasts while rubbing my erect cock against her ass.

Sol was effortlessly pulled onto the bed and became my wife.

"Ah, yes…"

"We can talk while having sex. Time is short, so let's make the most of it with Sol's pussy."

"Ah… yes… I guess there's no other choice."

Everyone naturally began undressing.

I, too, became naked, kissing Hilaria as she climbed onto the bed.

Sol and Brigid took care of my cock.

"Shall we create some beautiful memories?"



Isolde gently kissed my cock.

As if agreeing to "make memories," Brigid placed a tender kiss on the tip, and Hilaria smothered my face with her large breasts.

"I won't let you sleep. Be prepared, my husband."

That night.

Until the words "I'm sorry for being so presumptuous" were spoken,

I passionately made love to Hilaria with a mating press.


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