Chapter 123 – My Little Sister’s Treasure I

On the surprising flight of my younger sisters.

At a time when I was diligently pleasuring my girlfriends to the brink, frantically making the most of our limited time,

Someone came to my room.

Despite knowing that upon opening the door, a ferocious and lascivious sex scene would be revealed, I proceeded.

It was because I assumed that anyone visiting my room at this time would be either Sarika or one of my younger sisters.

Considering my younger sisters usually enjoy sensual touch, I thought they would take it with an open mind.

However, my raven-haired sister, standing in front of the door,

and my blonde-haired tsundere sister both stared with eyes wide open, visibly shocked.

Had it been too provocative?

"Uh, Serena, Stella... What's going on?"


Stella bolted upon seeing my girlfriends succumbing to the pleasures of our sexual encounter.

"Go, go together! Stella!"

I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time.

But as soon as I saw my beautiful sisters turn their backs and flee, I felt the need to catch them.

The surge of masculine desire was undeniable.

Instinct had taken over!

"Where do you think you're going?"


Our lovely Serena.

Wearing a tightly fitted yukata, her ample buttocks quivered as she attempted to flee, but I caught her.

My sister wasn't truly trying to escape, but when I embraced her from behind, dopamine flooded my brain.

Savoring the thrill of capturing the ultimate prey tonight,

I might be the worst brother, feeling such delight as I hold my sister close.

"Heh, how long can you resist? It's only a matter of time before you succumb to the temptation of your adoring sisters' pussies, isn't it?"

Enn's biting remark springs to mind.

My sister is not a harem girlfriend. She is my sister. Having a relationship with Serena doesn't change that fact.

I have a unique bond with my sister, one of only two such connections in the world.

With that thought in mind...

Shamelessly, I grind my erect cock against Serena's voluptuous ass.

Rubbing it with the same cock that had just pleasured my girlfriend moments ago.

"You rascal, do you run away as soon as you see me?!"

Though she spoke as though engaged in an innocent game, her lower body was already akin to a male urging for sex.


Serena, recognizing my

desire for relief, gently pushed out her hips and swayed them.

Far from holding resentment or contempt.

Serena, with the thought, "He wants to rub his cock," offers her mound.

Rubbing, rubbing.

"I'm sorry♡"

Ah, the subtly generous Serena...

She seems as if she'd accept it even if I inserted my cock just like this.

Swoosh. Swoosh.

As I sucked on the nape of Serena's neck, I repeatedly rubbed my cock against her supple ass.

It feels so good.

Serena's soft skin, her delightful scent...

With the hand stretched out from the arm wrapped around her waist, I firmly squeezed her breasts.

Serena's face, shyly glancing back, was so beautiful it could make one gasp just by looking.


It wasn't enough to just rub my cock against her ass; I also grasped her breasts.

My mouth instinctively searches for excuses.

"You should be scolded for tempting your brother."

"Yes, scold me."

As if entranced, he positioned his throbbing cock at the entrance of Serena's wet folds. He gently shifted her yukata to the side and raised it to her waist, aiming at the exposed opening of her glistening sex.

As he slid his erection inside her, he could feel the velvety warmth of her intimate depths.

Serena, however, still hadn't moved away from him.

"As a sign of my repentance, I'll pleasure your cock," she whispered.

He began to push into her. This was the first time he had tasted the tender depths of Serena's core since he first claimed her innocence. It was as if her silken walls had been waiting for him, opening slowly and tightening around him. Just a little more...

He gripped Serena's waist more firmly and pulled her towards him, feeling himself go deeper inside her. And then, suddenly, Serena slipped away from him.


Serena returned to his side, casually stroking his erection with her hand as she whispered to him.


"Uh, yes?"

He realized that his lustful intentions to take her had been exposed. Serena's violet eyes sparkled with an enigmatic light.

"Did you intend to force yourself on me?"


Her tone wasn't accusatory. If she had felt truly threatened, she wouldn't have been so attentive to his arousal.

Serena, feeling sorry for the cock that couldn't penetrate her entrance, stroked it with her hand.

As I caressed Serena's buttocks, I massaged and kissed her breasts as well.

"Mmm… Mmm… Mmm…"

I nearly crossed the line.

In that perilous moment, Serena saved me.

"How could that happen? Why would a brother have sex with his sister? It's not enough just to protect you."

"Right, brother? If you had entered me, I might have become pregnant. My, your cock... It would have been incredibly tight.

Swish, swish, swish.

Serena wore a happy smile as she stroked my cock.


"Your cock seems happy. It's standing tall."

Serena repeated a phrase she had heard before.

"It must think it's inside me."


Is this how you tease your brother?

I wrapped my arm around Serena's waist and slid my hand between her firm thighs.


Instinctively, Serena tightened her thighs to resist my invading hand.

But as I gently caressed her clitoris with my fingertips, her legs opened.

"Follow me."

"Ah… Oppa… Ugh…"

Hugging Serena, Stella slips into the hidden room. Stella, who had pressed her ear against the door and overheard Serena's lascivious acts, sits down, looking up at me.

"Oh, brother. This, I mean...

"Sit down too, Stella. I'll be affectionate with you."

"I'm not mentally ready."

Stella's cheeks are flushed. It's not convincing for her to say she doesn't trust me in this situation. Serena had been struggling, her weight resting on my arm.

I seat Serena on the bed, take the spot next to her, and gently spread her vagina with my fingers.

*Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch.*

"Uhh… Ugh…"

Serena spreads one of her legs, panting at my caress.

"Did you do something wrong? Didn't you?"

The raven-haired sister gazes at me with damp eyes, murmuring in a sweet voice.

"I did something wrong."

Carefully, I slide my index and middle fingers into the tight, narrow hole of her vagina, which grips even a single finger.

*Squelch, squelch, squelch.*

"Ah… Ah… Ah… How dare I attack my brother? I'm sorry…"

*Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch.*

Stella swallowed as she watched Serena apologize while being fingered.

"Stella, do you want to join?"

"Wh-who are you ordering around?"

Despite her words, Stella sat down beside me.

I kissed Stella while continuing to pleasure Serena's vagina with my fingers.

"Mm… *slurp*…"


As if they had been waiting for each other, they passionately sucked each other's lips.

Holding my sister in my arms, I intensified my fingering.

For Stella's yet-to-be-penetrated vagina, I provided custom stimulation, gently massaging her clitoral area.

"Ah, ahh… *moan*…"

"He… heh… Brother…"

As a result,

Both Serena and Stella ended up gasping for breath, their soft female bodies pressed against my strong, tree-root-like arms.

*Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch*.

"This is discipline filled with your brother's love. Understand? Serena."

"Yes, yes… filled with love… *moan*…"

*Squelch, squelch, squelch, squelch*.

Each time I hooked my fingers inside Serena's vagina and gently pulled them, as if sliding,

Vaginal juices continued to flow, as if being extracted.

Serena was never treated harshly, but her wet fingers fiercely scolded her intimate area.

*Squish, squish, squish…*

"Ah, oh…!!"

Serena's arousal reached its peak.

She pressed her breasts against my arm, unsure of how to react.

"Punishment for the cheeky Serena... Thank you…"

Gently, as if kindly teaching Stella how to experience pleasure from the beginning,

I softly stroked her clitoral area. It quickly became wet, so no lubricant was needed.

"Hmm… Hmm… Yes…! Big brother, I did well, so why am I being punished?"

"Stella, this is a reward."

"A reward…?"

"A reward for helping me. Now, does it feel good?"

"Yes, it does."

Stella gasped adorably, her tongue peeking out.

"Yes, yes… Hot… Hot… Reward my little sister's intimate area."

"Want me to go a little harder?"

I asked while tenderly sucking on Stella's ear.

"Ah… Yes… Just a little more..."

I deftly moved my fingers, and Stella immediately succumbed to a deep climax. Her back arched suddenly, and, in an instant, she became entangled in my arms, shuddering.

Her breathing was utterly disrupted.

"Hak, hak, hak! Ah… *uh-*… *huh-*…"

I gave Serena's pussycat a brief respite.

Both had flawlessly beautiful pink pussies, devoid of any discoloration.

Since I had limited experience, I was concerned that applying too much pressure could cause harm.

Regardless, if my girlfriends asked why I thrust into them with such fervor, I would be at a loss for words.

In any case, handle them gently when using my hands.

I began to fondle Serena's nipples.

"Ah… ah…"

It felt as if I was alleviating the disappointment of not being able to have sex by engaging in all sorts of kinky acts.

Serena stroked my cock, and Stella joined in, fondling my balls, but

Both of their hearts were focused on the movements of my hands.

In order to reciprocate pleasure, the two of them needed the endurance to coolly accept my caresses.

However, without such resilience, they both reached a pitiful climax as soon as my hands touched them.

"What is Serena doing, aside from the award-winning Stella?"

"Ah… oh…"

I grasped Serena's breast with an excellent grip and pinched her nipples between my thumb and index finger.

The soft, ample breast tightened around my hand.

"Ah… Ha… It hurts… I'm sorry…"

"How much did you mess up?"

I found myself thinking of a naked apology on one's knees.

No, no,

A naked, kneeling apology from my sister? That's insane, right?


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