Chapter 126 – The Unbearable Time of Release

"I shall break through!"

Sarika thrusts her enemies aside with a sword encircled by a tempest. Isolde, not to be outdone, sweeps away the imperial forces using a scythe with a texture reminiscent of a pink magical-girl toy.

"We can't afford to be held up here for long. Let's entrust this to Hilaria and make our way inside!"

I shouted as I peppered the area with lead bullets from my Benelli. We must break through, no matter what.

Yet, if there are those who think, "We must break through somehow," there will inevitably be others who believe, "We must stop them somehow."


A volley of arrows rains down from the sky. When I realized that all these arrows were shot by just one person, I witnessed the rebel NPCs falling, entwined in countless blooming purple lotuses.

Serena… It's her masterpiece, "Yeonhwa." Serena, sniping from 300 meters away, is a formidable reinforcement for the imperial army from the east.

Moreover, this time, Serena shows no mercy. It was a stark contrast to when she had been holding back her strength to avoid hurting me.

"Henna, can you stop that?"

Dory, dory, dory.

Henna simply shook her head.

'Have you been lenient until now? Serena.'

It wasn't just Serena who appeared.

Brigid, donning heavy armor and a tightly fastened helmet, emerged alongside the elite imperial troops.


Though I shouldn't, the memory of last night's intimate encounter caused my cock to slightly stiffen.

"I'm truly sorry for enjoying a good meal and rest, but Serena and I will remain faithful to our roles!"

"It's alright! Don't worry, and give it your all!"

As everyone else was busy scoring points,

I didn't want those I encountered to play passively while being observant.

Serena was merely doing her best at this moment.

'The problem is that we have to break through here.'

Brigid's defense seemed formidable at first glance.

What could be done in this situation?

I didn't want to resort to invoking my girlfriend's personality, but...

'It's a bit tricky when wearing such rigid armor.'

While a mere rubber bullet could cause a reaction on bare skin,

The issue with Brigid's defense was that it appeared she might need to employ even slug bullets.

As I placed my hand on the ammunition belt and pondered, Stella seized my arm.



"Is Yuuna the objective of this mission? Can you arrange for her to meet me?"

"Yes. We must bring Isolde along. She's the true queen we need to enthrone."

If we dethrone the current queen and establish Isolde in her place, the mission will culminate in our victory.

The siege could persist for several days.

During that time, a tremendous amount of Pt might be generated, but

In the end, the victor will reap the greatest rewards.

"I'll create an opening for you. However, it will only last about 7 seconds."


"Regardless, you can't fight against Serena and Brigid."


She hit the nail on the head.

One of them is my beloved younger sister, while Brigid is my girlfriend.

Stella abruptly advanced.

Oh no, that's dangerous!

"Sarika! Keep an eye on the sky!"


"Over there!"

As I directed, Sarika brandished her Storm Sword.


The arrow was deflected mid-flight, falling to the ground.

It had been a split second; Serena's arrow could have easily struck at Stella's feet. Yet, Stella seemed unfazed.

Her entire focus was devoted to breaking through the passageway before her.

'Why doesn't she take care of herself?'

That day came to mind.

Dozens of zombies could be swept away with a snort.

But my sister struggled with a protruding steel beam and a slightly jutting stone. Gazing at her, both strong and vulnerable, I resolved to protect her and treat her well.


So what if there's something she can't do?

We can help; we can be more attentive. Stella, too, will aid in ensuring she enjoys her time at the academy.

"Sarika! Block the sniper fire. I'll read the timing!"

"What?! Understood!"

Sarika obeyed my command, not comprehending the reason.

For now, that was for the best.

While Sarika gathered the power of the storm…

"Raise your shields and advance!"

Brigid attempted to push us back with her shield-bearers. Amidst the retreating rebels, Stella stood unclothed, focusing her strength. I strapped the shotgun to my back and held onto Isolde and Henna tightly, prepared to run when the moment arrived.


"You must reach the queen's chamber for the rebels to have a chance at victory. Stella will clear the way."

We only had one shot. If Stella were to expend a significant portion of her magic to shatter the castle gates and launch an attack strong enough to repel Brigid, she would have no energy left to spare.

*Crackle, sizzle!*

A dangerous cacophony of red lightning emanated from Stella, the energy flowing around her like a storm. As this unfolded, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful face of my blonde-haired sister. A gentle wind blew, causing her school uniform skirt to lift ever so slightly, teasing a glimpse of her panties and setting my heart aflutter.

"Isolde! Isolde! Snap a photo with your phone!"


"Capture our stunning sister!"

"...Um? Oh? Sure!"

And so, I resolved to immortalize Stella's iconic moment.

"Everyone, I'm going to take a picture for a moment~."

Don't worry about us, and give it your all in the exchange!

Pink Sol is cheering for you!

Keep fighting, our Sol!!


[Red Lightning – Discharge Type]

[Class A Attack Magic]

[Power B+ Range A+]

[a lightning-based attack magic that can only be used by those who possess the rare talent, "Devil's Lightning."] [It sweeps across a vast area with bolts of lightning, leaving remnants of the lightning behind to immobilize enemies.]

As Stella's blonde hair rises with a gust of wind,

Just before the lightning strikes, like a storm, sweep through the passageway blocked by the Imperial Army…!

[Flower Shower]

[B+ Grade Attack Skill]

[Power D Range: A Sleep Effect]

[An original attack skill that can only be used with the Master Piece "Yeonhwa." It has the effect of putting those who enter the range to sleep]

My eyes,

I caught a purple flash soaring through the sky.



As Sarika's storm sword sweeps through the air, blocking the arrow's trajectory, and simultaneously,

Stella's crimson lightning bolt swept through Brigid and the shield-bearing soldiers!

"Good job, Sarika!"

Sarika lost her balance and tumbled to the ground.

"Don't worry about me!"

Seven seconds of open opportunity.

As Stella had predicted, the lingering remnants of lightning on the ground were hindering the imperial army's entry. For us, who merely needed to stealthily approach with a small group and breach the back door, this moment was a golden chance.

I run with Isolde and Henna.

Isolde took a selfie of her running face with her phone, gasping for breath.

"Heave, heave! Everyone! True Queen Sol is working hard! She hasn't lost it yet. Please keep watching until the end!"

Go Pink Sol!

– Alpha Male senior has our back!

– Sang-hyuk's support is reliable!

Viewers' messages pop up boisterously on Isolde's smartphone.

'Brigid isn't seriously injured, right?'

Although I'm slightly concerned, I reassure myself that her armor is a masterpiece and should be sturdy enough to keep her safe… At that very thought, I see Brigid guarding the entrance to the castle on the first floor.

How is she looking so unscathed?!

"Senior, where are you going?"

"I'm sorry, but could you move aside?"

"I cannot!"

I just need to get through this!!

Henna immediately unleashed the , and Isolde tried to deflect it by swinging her scythe,

but Brigid stubbornly withstood the barrage, deflecting each attack with her shield.

Wow, a veritable iron wall.

"I cannot!"

… I held her in my arms all night, and she would be ready in just one second… ♡ Is this the same person?

No, no, don't think about that in such a serious situation.

When blood rushes to your dick, your judgment becomes clouded.

"Even if my opponent is a senior, I cannot guard the place I've decided to protect carelessly."

"Really? Even if I say I like you?"

"No, I cannot."

"What about if I say I love you?"

"Uh, uhhh…!!"

Surprise shot with the Benelli!!

I fired at Brigid with a stack of moonlit rubber bullets, but she blocked them all with her shield.


"No, Senior!"

"Hey, don't interfere!"

It was then.

Stella, who believed she had exhausted her magic and lost her strength, unleashed a red thunderbolt spear and struck Brigid's shield.


Although Brigid managed to block it with her shield, she was forcefully pushed back and sent flying. Talk about an after-sales service!

"All set now, right?"

"You're amazing, Stella!"

There's no time to hesitate. Once again, a shower of Serena's flowers falls upon us from above. From what I gathered earlier, Serena doesn't pierce her enemies with arrows; instead, she seems to put them to sleep by spraying magical arrows imbued with a sleeping effect.

Even a mere brush could prove fatal to our mission. This skill is practically a game changer in battle!

"I'll guard this place!"

However, Serena's arrows meet their match in storm swordsmanship. Sarika protected us by swinging her storm sword, blocking the arrows with precision.

– Haha, Sarika's form is incredible

Her talent value is off the charts.

– She wasn't this powerful in 2R; she's definitely come into her own

Now that I think about it, Sarika's skills have undoubtedly improved significantly.

Did the potential unleashed in this exchange match?

"Please go first. Senior!"

We climbed the stairs and began to traverse the inner buildings of the citadel. A wide-open opportunity was created by Sarika and Stella! We ran up the stairs.

"Ha, ha."

Henna followed me with great difficulty, struggling to keep up.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not much help... Just go on without me."

"It's not that you're no help. I brought you here for a reason."


Sticking to the path would take far too long. I pointed to a wall that could be crossed with moderate effort.

"Let's move on, Henna."

"…Cross over? Ah!"

[Void Step]

[Class C Support Skill]

[Creates a platform using magical power.]. The duration or solidity is determined by the magic power, with the weight being light.

Henna, possessing the magic of the void, can temporarily create a makeshift platform, allowing her to climb high walls without any climbing equipment. Yuuna had praised it as an incredibly useful skill for this very reason.

"This is the usefulness that Yuuna recognized."

"I am helpful. Yes!"

"Where has the confident Henna from the second round gone?"

I hug Henna tightly and plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. Her cheeks flush a deep shade of red as her green eyes sparkle with determination.

"I'll give it a try!"

Instead of creating them one by one as before, Henna simultaneously forms several platforms, attaching them closely to the wall. Once they're in place, she creates a makeshift staircase for us to use.


Isolde snaps a photo of the platforms with her phone, marveling at the sight.

"Now we can get across."

"It's our own secret route. Let's go!"

I climb up first, reaching the middle, before helping Isolde up. Next, I embrace Henna and lift her onto the platforms. The climb is somewhat exhausting due to the not-so-close spacing between the steps, but it's a minor issue since we're ascending a wall that was initially unclimbable.

"Hah… Hng…."

Henna's struggle is endearingly cute. I wrap my arms around her sweaty form, offering her support.

"After the exchange match is over... Hah… I'm going to practice pull-ups."

"Yeah. Yeah. I'll help you for now. Onwards!"

We continue our ascent, working together to overcome the challenges of the wall. With determination and camaraderie, we forge ahead, our secret route bringing us closer to our goal.

"Oh, isn't it heavy?"

"It's the weight I love."

Henna nestled in my arms like a baby, creating a void platform on the other side and descending.

[30 consecutive blocks, Pt+15]

[Swift Entry into the Fortress, Pt+15]

[Clever Shortcut Pt+30]

[Top Commander of the Rebellion, Pt+15]

With Henna and the climbing cheat, we scaled several thick and towering walls, and now the queen's chamber is within our reach. The most magnificent and expansive garden lies within the fortress. As we entered, an Imperial Army NPC wielding twin swords greeted us.

"You've made it this far. I am known as Hygiros, the Empire's sword, the wielder of the Double Blades! I shall bring you to justice here and earn the queen's favor."

"Gum gum personality expulsion!!"



I subdued the rambling NPC with a single rubber bullet.

Whooosh, whooosh, whoooosh!!

We bypass the jelly-spraying NPCs and press on.

In front of the palace, several general-like NPCs can be seen.

"Ahh, so you've already broken through Hygiros' defenses and made it this far? My name is Blonel, wielder of the Skewer Spear."

"Rubber, rubber, personality expulsion!!"


"My name is..."

"Rubber, rubber, personality expulsion!!"

I defeated every general in a blink of an eye and entered the inner sanctum.

Isolde glanced back and muttered with a hint of pity.

"...If you're caught by the wrong senior, there's really no mercy."

"Rubber, rubber, personality expulsion!!"

Suddenly, and to my surprise, it was Deherit Ade who appeared right before my eyes.


"No, what do we do if you suddenly pop out?"

If I hadn't recognized her as Deherit in that instant and adjusted my strength accordingly, I might have struck her without restraint.

As soon as Deherit saw me, she dropped to her knees and flinched in humiliation.

She seemed unable to resist, being on the verge of attack.

Violence upon violence, personality expulsion.

Those who experience it cannot move.

"You were almost in big trouble, Deherit."

"Kim, Sang-hyuk…"

"Did you follow me all the way here?"

"That's quite the persistence. You too, senior."

"Here, you can pass through."

Deherit pressed her forehead to the floor and trembled.

This scene demonstrates the formidable power of personality expulsion. Had she been a woman, she might have already reached the peak of her surrender; however, since the ability to incite sexual arousal in male characters has been nullified under the "OnaAka" setting, Deherit was merely gasping for breath as if she had sustained a grave injury.

"Can't you get past this?"

I loaded a rubber bullet into the empty chamber.

"Do you want to be hit once more, then?"

"I've lost!"

Deherit surrendered.

"You felt it too, didn't you? That acting cheap would only get you screwed."

"… Huff, hah… Please don't shoot. I've surrendered…!"

I felt satisfied.

Both the student council president and Seridwen had no choice but to expel their personalities.

Could a mere supporting male character withstand that? It's preposterous.

"How sincerely have you surrendered? Are you planning on following us later and stabbing us in the back? Huh?!"

As I shouted, brandishing the gun barrel threateningly, Deherit appeared on the verge of tears.

"I'm serious! I've surrendered!! Please, don't shoot!"

Deherit pressed her forehead to the floor and cried out abjectly.

"I won't bother you again during this exchange match!"

"Good heavens… How unbearable must the pain be to reduce you to such a pitiful state?"

I understand.

This is different from mere sickness.

Deherit is the sort who gritted his teeth and persevered all day without complaint, even when his thigh muscles sustained injuries severe enough to rupture.

And yet, even someone like him cannot bring himself to confront the terrifying sensation of having his very character seemingly defiled, as if expelled through the foulest of orifices.

"Very well, we shall move on. Deherit."

"Ah, ugh…"

"What's that? Head held high? Do you wish to be struck?"

"No, I didn't hear you! Just pass by. I'll keep my head bowed!"


We proceed to discipline Deherit, traversing the lengthy corridor and entering the Queen's chamber.

A mere hour and a half into the 3R mission, we at last encounter Yuuna within the Queen's royal audience hall.


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