Chapter 171 – Summoned by the Student Council President

"Kim Sang-hyuk."

Deherit stared at me intently before speaking first.


Once more, we were the first ones here. Should I suggest that they enter rather than argue and fight over access rights to the dungeon? I was slightly hesitant, but...

Yuuna's expression showed no intention of giving in. Our class president wasn't the type to tolerate such behavior.

"Are you planning to enter this dungeon?"

"Yes, we are. That is, unless you try to stop us."

"We won't stop you. Go ahead."


Seeing Deherit concede so easily, Yuuna and I exchanged puzzled glances. What was going on with them?

Their usual prickliness was absent.

"Also, I apologize for my previous behavior."


Had Deherit just apologized?

"I'm sorry for belittling and cursing you for being an on-hole collector."


Deherit seemed slightly embarrassed. Without waiting for my response, they left with their party members. Seriously, what was that all about?

"Did they eat something weird?"

"Well, there are rumors going around that their sister beat them."


Title: The Unforeseen Encounter

"My third-year sister asked me about your relationship with Deherit because of the exchange event."

…Exchange event?

I had nothing to pinpoint.

"You know, that incident. Deherit was constantly obsessed with you."

"Ah, right."

"Didn't you think it was a harassment situation? I wouldn't have let it slide if my sibling had been acting like a bully."

Ironically, I, the person involved, didn't even pay it any mind.

Whether he apologized or not, it was simply beyond my concern.

"So, will you accept his apology?"

"Well, I am curious about your sister."

What did she do to make him as docile as a lamb?

Yuuna stared at me intently.

"Since you've interacted with all the first- and second-year students, would you like to engage with the talented third-year seniors next time?"

"I had no impure intentions!"

Henna hunched her shoulders.

"Seniors, I'm scared."

"Third-year seniors can be intimidating. Like the student council president, they have a completely elite aura."

"Is that so?"

To me, all academy students are the same, or so I thought. As one grows older, it becomes apparent that the difference of a single year is insignificant. However, for someone Yuuna's age, the gap of one grade can feel immense.

"It's the third-years who've experienced all sorts of trials. They have numerous squads connected to Suther, plenty of superstars, and even girl groups.

Listening closely to Yuuna's words, it's clear that the prestigious academy's third-year students in this world possess a unique quality. These individuals have overcome unimaginable competition to reach their standing.

All the third-year students I knew exuded an unmistakable presence. Student Council President Isabella, Vice President Evangeline... Though I have never encountered other third-years, as they reside in a different building, I am aware that they are the subjects of both fear and admiration among the underclassmen.

"Superstars and girl groups in just the third year of the academy? Truly, it's a world apart."

How can one lead such a driven life? Is it because the magnitude of the innate talent they were born with differs significantly?

In truth, even in the world I inhabited, I witnessed prodigious talents who became part of girl groups or rose to stardom at a young age.

Until now, it had felt like an entirely separate realm from my own.

It was a peculiar sensation to know that such a group existed so close by, as if we shared the same breath.

"Why do you speak as if it's someone else's business? The hottest topic among second-year students right now is the Paragon of Excretion Hero. Kim Sang-hyuk, the Jelly Man."

The monitors used to address me had multiplied once again.

Jelly Man, Onahole Man, and Paragon of Excretion Hero.

Henna tugged firmly at my sleeve.

"Uh? Henna?"

"Sang-hyuk's market evaluation: 590,000 coins..."

"Uh, is that impressive?"

"It's incredible! There's hardly been any change for Henna and me."


Hadn't I performed quite well as a queen? I didn't know the specifics since I wasn't part of the opposing faction.

"Didn't you watch the heated battle? The first place was a clash between Hilaria and Quintia."

"Hilaria and Quintia..."

It must have been a confrontation that occurred after my departure.

"Take a look later. It's extraordinary."

"For now, let's continue exploring the dungeon."


Yuuna takes the lead.


I extended my hand to Henna. Henna shyly grasped it.

"Ah, yes!"

Growth is crucial.

Onaholes are essential, too.

Harvesting onaholes from most goblin and orc creatures has become the most vital mission for our Onahole Squad.

"Sang-hyuk, here!"

As Yuuna swung her sword, creating an opportunity, I instantly twisted the jaws of the orcs and goblins.

"Personality-Expelling Left Hook!"


The orc emitted a bizarre sound and collapsed.

Initially, Yuuna was so repulsed that she couldn't bear to look at the jellies being wrapped. Now, she's adapted quite well.

"How is it? Did it turn out well?"

"Become an onahole."


Colorful personality jellies transform into onaholes.

The girls picked them up and brought them to me.

"Thank you."

"No need to mention it. I should get used to it too. Sa, Sang-hyuk is my husband after all."

"A cute onahole has been created."


I gently stroked the heads of the two girls.

They were truly commendable companions, in my opinion. The sole man in the party employed a personality expulsion punch and transformed the magical personality jelly, spawned by the beast, into an onahole. They would carry out such dubious missions with a smile on their faces, never voicing any doubts.

Strength『197』(Illustrated Book Bonus +53)

Agility『124』(Illustrated Book Bonus +58)

Stamina‎126』(Illustrated Book Bonus +76)

Technique 191 (Encyclopedia Bonus +45)

(Hidden) Magic 10 (Encyclopedia Bonus +6)

(Hidden) Charm『999』

(Hidden) O.J.『50』

My collection bonus had reached its pinnacle at that moment. It wasn't due to the onaholes I had gathered in the dungeon today, but rather the effect of accumulating younger sisters at home through onahole assessments.


Yuuna sighed, her body slick with sweat from her exertions.

"My stats have improved too, but it's difficult to keep up with Sang-hyuk's movements. You must have really worked hard over the weekend, right?"

"Yes, I did. I worked hard."

I didn't say that it was all thanks to her mother.

"Ah. My mom wants me to say hello."

However, Yuuna was the one who brought up the topic of Sumire first.

"You must have been busy while I was asleep, huh?"

"…I apologize."

"Did Henna's mother also suffer?"

"Yes, she did. My mother has already become Sang-hyuk's onahole."

"…Alright. Let's head to the next area."

"It's finished. We're in the process of dismantling now."

What? Already?

Now that the exchange battle is over, we're back to the regular dungeon size. It's somewhat disappointing.

I wonder how Grania and Clarissa are faring.

"Are you preoccupied with thoughts of the Onahole, my lord?"

Yuuna placed her hand on her waist, disapproving of her tone.

"Forgive me. From now on, I'll only think of you, Yuuna."

"Ah… um… really… yes… I guess I have no choice.

I held Yuuna tightly and nuzzled her neck.

"Ugh… I was sweating.

"That's a good thing."


Henna spread her arms open, so I embraced her as well. The intimacy in the dungeon had intensified.

"Henna, your skin is so soft and smooth."

"Hee, hic!? S-sorry… I'll try harder next time! I'll run around more!"

"No… I wasn't criticizing you!"

I held the trembling Henna close and gently stroked her.

"Since you're a sorceress, relax in the back. We'll guard you."


"I'm envious. I wish I had a talent for magic.

"Yuuna looks beautiful wielding a sword. That's why I fell in love at first sight."


Can one say there's no impact?

Watching a delicate schoolgirl brandishing her sword and toppling massive creatures,

Everyone would be astonished.

"You're nowhere near as skilled as Quintia."

"Well, that's practically an art form. I can hardly believe they're the same person."

"I think I understand what you mean."

After the dungeon was cleared, Yuuna held Henna's hand and headed to the academy's shower room.

"We'll clean ourselves up and come out! You can go to the dining hall first!"


After bidding farewell to her friends, she checks her phone alone.

Hot Clip Board... It's there.

While the videos of the exhibition match still dominated all the rankings, the top video was a fierce duel between Quintia and Hilaria.

"You dare lay a hand on my husband?"

Hilaria swung her hefty greatsword with enough force to cleave Quintia's head in two.

The aftermath alone caused the ground and walls to tremble.

Quintia counterattacked with a stoic expression, but Hilaria's relentless assault would not cease.

"Shouldn't you also surrender that lovely face, or an arm, or a leg? Quintia!"

"Use your feathers! If you don't—"

"And if I don't?"

What a monumental showdown! The walls of the building crumbled from the mere impact of Quintia and Hilaria's clashing blades.

Indeed, it even collapsed.

Quintia stood steadfast in her place, parrying all of Hilaria's attacks before striking back, while Hilaria moved with the ferocity of a wild beast.

If Quintia's swordsmanship was akin to art, Hilaria's was unbridled savagery.

Such a level of skill could not be easily imitated by others.

Sliding as if nearly lying on the floor, braking with the mere strength of her fingertips, and wielding her steel blade as though conjuring a typhoon...

This was beyond a full swing. It was such devastating swordsmanship that it seemed to hurl her entire body along with the sword.

And then she would propel herself onto the opposite ceiling or wall, clinging with her exceptional climbing abilities.

Quintia faced a veritable steel storm, with onslaughts coming at her from all directions.

It seemed clear to anyone that the delicate Quintia stood little chance of victory.

"I'll cut off that arm!"

"With your skills, you won't be able to."

But in the next moment, Quintia had plunged her sword into Hilaria's abdomen.

"Ugh…!! Gah…!"

"If it were that senior, I might not know."

"Caught you."

Even as blood poured from her wound, Hilaria clutched at Quintia and delivered a headbutt.

One might have thought that the renowned Quintia would at least allow her a single proper hit, but...

She dodged that as well.

'…Her eyes are a cheat. Now that I see it,'

Quintia's crimson-eyed prowess was far superior to my own.

She sees through every move her opponent makes. Hilaria's valiant attacks and audacious hand-to-hand combat prove futile.


"Aaaaah! The Queen is dead!! The true queen is dying!"

glancing into the corner,

I saw Yuuna and Isolde hugging each other and crying amidst the crumbling building.

"Quintia~~! Please control your strength! Please!! If the castle collapses, we'll all die!"

"Senior Sang-hyuk! Hilaria is trying to destroy the castle! Save the people!"

Even after Queen Tia had drawn her sword from Hilaria's body, Hilaria wielded her sword as if it were nothing, causing the castle to truly collapse. With the thunderous sound of the walls crumbling, the screen turned black, and the video came to an end.

They were indeed excellent supporting characters, Isolde and Yuuna. Even I would have been terrified if the castle came crashing down and boulders the size of houses fell over my head, yet even in such dire circumstances, some remained composed.

Hilaria, I wonder if she's feeling better. Worried, I consider paying her a visit.


Kim Sang-hyuk, come to the dojo.

After cleaning up, I received a message on my phone from our silver-haired, voluptuous student council president, Isabella.

[Kim Sang-hyuk]

I was planning to visit my injured girlfriend.


Who said you could reply? Hurry up and get moving.

She's still as feisty as ever. However, Isabella is a person with a lot of affection beneath the surface.

[Kim Sang-hyuk]

Notification to the Onahole Squad: being dragged away by the student council president


Ah, why––why––why? The student council president is too much! Stop monopolizing Sang-hyuk!


Does the student council president like Sang-hyuk?

Does she like him?

I'm not sure. Not yet, at least. One thing that's certain is that she's not a captured heroine.

Today, there were many people at the dojang besides the president and me. Astonishingly, all of them were women.

As soon as I made my appearance, their gazes were fixed on me.

"Madam President, Kim Sang-hyuk has arrived."

"Kim Sang-hyuk."

"It's the jellying man."

"Seeing him in person for the first time."


I had thought that everyone at the academy had already seen me.

It seems I'm still a stranger to some.

Isabella brushed past me, clad in her typical tight white riding pants that accentuated the curve of her hips.

Ah, such a pleasant scent.

"You were absent yesterday."

"Ah… Yes. There was an important matter at home.

"I've taken your reason into account. However, submit the required documents in advance next time."

"Yes, I understand."

Did she take care of it? Madam President, you're so kind.

Her eyes didn't convey that impression at all.

"Today, we embark on our hero activities. Your name must have started to spread. This is an important mission."


"Turn on the Hero app. We'll discuss the details as we go."

As soon as the Hero app was activated, a torrent of sexually suggestive direct messages from numerous unidentified female heroes poured in.

"… Didn't I tell you to block them? Surely, you're not using this newfound fame to engage in inappropriate behavior with other heroes, are you?"

"Of course not."

I was certain I had blocked them, so why had the settings reset?

Could it be Enn's doing?


There's an astonishing number of selfies from alluring female heroes...

Perhaps I'll save them for later, when I can give them my full attention.

"Kim Sang-hyuk."

However, the silver-haired and voluptuous Student Council President standing before me is overwhelmingly stunning.

She captures my entire focus.

"Remember, today's mission is crucial. Understood?"

"Yes, President."

"Don't let your eyes wander. Keep them on me."

"Ah. Yes. I'll only look at you, President."

I followed the president's swaying hips as we made our way to a different neighborhood.

Today's objective was to confront and neutralize the nefarious villain of heterogenous origin who had been wreaking havoc upon numerous cities, disrupting the tranquility of their denizens.

"Let's do this, Kim Sang-hyuk."


[Emergency Information Alert]

[During the villain's apprehension, please adhere to safety protocols.]

"When this is over, you owe me a meal."


Summoned before even breaking for lunch, the importance of sustenance weighed heavily on them.
