Chapter 197 – Blazing Lucky I


In my experience, once a Lucky Skebe is set in motion, it is bound to unfold just as planned. Uttering this might make it sound like an outrageous cheat, but this power solely targets heroines I've lusted for, with the ultimate goal being depraved sex. In fact, it is indeed an outrageous cheat.

This is the first time since Serena that I've used reality manipulation at such high intensity. I did utilize it with Quintia, but I deactivated it before anything severe occurred.

And yet, the Lucky Skebe announced a one-minute countdown.

Confused and unable to focus, I began battling the bizarre creatures.

"Sang-hyuk! Concentrate! What's distracting you?"

I was so preoccupied that Yuuna had to scold me.

One minute from now? Impregnating sex in one minute? What is this, then? A dream?


Suddenly, seeing Yuuna fight the beastly mage brought me back to my senses.

Unleashing a torrent of bullets from the Glock, Yuuna managed to repel the clinging demonic beasts. Then, she swiftly loaded her Benelli shotgun and fired lead pellets at them, one by one. As Yuuna embraced Henna, she skillfully wielded her dual blades, striking down two or even three of the monstrous creatures. Ten seconds had already passed.

'How? How can we engage in sex while she's pregnant?'

Damn, I need some spoilers—I can't bear the uncertainty! Meanwhile, my cock was throbbing with anticipation. I couldn't tell if it was the influence of Lucky Skeve, but the mere thought of engaging in passionate sex with a gorgeous, busty girl in this condition was enough to arouse me beyond control. Who wouldn't be tempted by the fantasy of teaching a lesson to that smug villain?

A whirlwind of conflicting emotions raged within me. I had mentioned Lucky Skeve's involvement, and Enn seemed to think that was enough. I tried to simulate various scenarios in my head.

'Falling down.'

That seemed to be the most likely outcome. However, a villain suspended in mid-air by telekinesis shouldn't be at risk of falling in the first place.

As someone who had only experienced "weak manipulation" thus far, I couldn't comprehend the thought of having sex with a villain who was nearly 20 meters away from me in just a minute. The battle intensified.

The attacks from the magical beasts were brutally ferocious, and Yuuna was left in shock.


My girlfriends were serious. Naturally, they were standing on the thin line between life and death. There was no room for jest.


"It's okay. I can handle this much!"

30 seconds elapsed.

It took a mere 30 seconds for the sensation of impending defeat to set in. The magical beasts charged in violently, and shortly after, Yuuna was struck by an attack and sent flying.



Those bastards!

I smacked the black magical beast with the pommel of my weapon and immediately fired lead bullets, teaching it a harsh lesson.

40 seconds elapsed.

I managed to take care of three of them, but there were more magical beasts. At least 20 more surrounded the antique!

"Ugh, I'll get up soon."

Yuuna struggled to stand, her legs trembling with effort.

50 seconds elapsed.

I lowered the Benelli and stood there, dumbfounded.

[10 seconds later, S-class villain Entique and no-conception pregnancy sex♡]

Yet, nonetheless…

… Of course, it wouldn't be a blank check. I've never seen Lucky Skebe lie before.

Should I unbuckle my pants now?

As I pondered, Entique spoke with a tone of assured victory.

"You've grown weak. I'm a bit disappointed."

[3 seconds]

[2 seconds]


I felt tense.

I remained still, my shotgun lowered. I vowed not to be startled by whatever happened next.

Would I lose my reason and charge at her? Could I be manipulated like that? All sorts of thoughts raced through my mind.



[Here comes the delicious S-class villain's vagina.]

Enn was so excited, but what was she so thrilled about?

Ah, damn it. Who cares? Good is good!

[1 second]

I relaxed my entire body. The moment Entique was about to do something.

[Rule 3. Physical mitigation (canceled)—creampie sex initiated]

[Rule 4. Persistent tracking (canceled)—creampie sex initiated]

[Rule 5. Energy substitution (nullification): creampie sex initiated]

[Rule 6. Art Hall (nullification): creampie sex initiated]


All the rules applied to the space were shattered into pieces. It wasn't just me who realized it; Entique was equally taken aback.


An even more astonishing event occurred the next moment. According to Lucky Skeve's prediction, we should be having pregnant sex right now. However, we still remain apart.

I was deeply afraid of what might transpire here. And yet…

Something far worse than I had imagined took place. With a "swoosh," my body was pulled forward. My feet lifted off the ground, and the belt of my pants slid open.

'Ahh, so that's how it is.'

It was approaching Entique's hovering vagina. Having lost control over her movements, she flew towards me like an onahole, praying to be filled.

"What's happening?!"

I'm so sorry, Si Eun. I apologize for not being able to protect you. Come forth, sweet vagina!!!

I surrendered myself to the situation, feeling powerless as my erect cock was inserted into the prepared pussy.


"Sex Initiated"



Silently, I gazed at the sky, immersed in the OnaAka emotions.

…Am I…?

Maybe… I thought I could get along with this world.

"Oh… Ah…?"



Yuuna and Henna watched, seemingly taken aback.

Anyone would be flustered by aerial ejaculation during pregnancy.

I thrust my hips forward, my cock standing tall as I took to the sky, and Enn flew through the air with her entire body, soaring towards my erection.

It was an astounding feat, reminiscent of the transforming combination robots I'd seen as a child. My throbbing member somehow slid smoothly into the tight, unyielding pussy. Any explanation would be futile.

"Hello, Sieun."

"Eh… uh? What… what happened…?"

With a firm grip, I grasped Sieun's waist.

The pussy was incredibly tight. It was undoubtedly because the Lucky Skebe caused a forced arousal state. Our pussies and cocks melded together in perfect harmony.

My cock was massively erect, and it felt amazing.

Gone are the life-threatening villain fights of the past.

All that remained was sex. Only sex.

"Damn it, I said I was going to become an onahole!!"

*Squeak, squeak, squeak!!*

"Oh, oh-oh-oh!?"

Damn! Damn! I told you I'd become an onahole. If the villain is a beautiful girl with huge breasts and I'm sincere, what other fate could await you?

I began to thrust my cock vigorously into Sieun's pussy.

Shaking my hips like a wild beast, I used Sieun like a limb-amputated onahole.

*Squeak, squeak, squeak!!*

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Wh-what the… Ah! Ah!? Ah…!! Attack, att…ack…!"

Monstrous creatures charged at us. However, they were unable to enter, as if blocked by an invisible barrier.

They couldn't penetrate the absolute sanctuary of our impregnating sex.

"Oh, why… ah… ngok…!"

Even if you ask me why,.

Because it's erotic. Damn it!!

Because it's erotic!!

I shook my hips like a madman. I thought I'd want to finish quickly out of embarrassment, but why is this vagina so good?

Why is Shi-eun's villainous vagina so amazing, huh?

With strength, I thrust my hips against the tightly gripping vagina.

"Oh, oh, oh!?"

Shi-eun, too, unexpectedly caught off guard by how pleasurable it was, tried to escape from the cock by desperately twisting her waist.

However, the cock, already deeply embedded and nestled inside her, couldn't be removed even if she tried.

"Attack, attack, ah, yikes!"

"Personality Expulsion Smash!!"

Chew boob!!

Using the glans like a boxing glove, I firmly held onto her waist, preventing Enn from escaping, and delivered a powerful personality expulsion smash to her cervix.

"Ah, oh, ngok!!?"

Shi-eun pursed her lips and released a long breath, clenching her large buttocks.

"Personality! Expulsion!"

Squish, squish, squish, squish, squish♡

Then, as if they had lost control, all the magical creatures melted to the floor and vanished. Now, only Si-eun's villainous Onahole pussy and my lewd waist teasing remained in earnest.

*Squeak, squeak, squeak!!*

Oh, her pussy is incredibly tight! It's so pleasurable to see Si-eun rolling her eyes and gasping for breath that I keep thrusting my cock inside her. Si-eun is far better than the name of an S-class villain, Entique!

"Ah, ah, ah... Stop… stop it… What is this? Ah… ugh!? I'm… I'm going to be squeezed dry."

"Personality expulsion!"

"Ah, ooh!!"

As I shove my erect dick deep inside,

Si-eun clenches her large buttocks, trying to endure the expulsion of her personality, which in turn tightens her pussy even more.

*Wobble, wobble♡*

Si-eun's large breasts sway beautifully, tracing a circular path. Her girlfriends come closer to watch the S-class villain whimpering as her pussy is devoured.

"What... what are you doing?"

"I turned her into an Onahole."

"I see…."

"I've become an onahole."A villain…."

"Ugh, ah… don't look… Don't look at me like that."

"Even if you tell me not to look..."

Yuuna spoke as she drew her sword.

"You seem to be finished."