Chapter 237 – Pretty Girl President

Lunch hour.

Today, for some reason, I was drawn to the combination of warm soup and noodles, so I chose udon.

Henna, who came with her, chose cockle bibimbap, and Yuna chose ball katsu, holding it in her hand and looking at her phone.

"Everyone must have been confused because the coordinates were mixed up in the morning."

"Does this happen?"

"Hmm~~ What, during the gravitational wave intensification period? The higher the rank, the greater the anomaly."

Yuna put her phone down and held out her volkatsu to me.

"A bite?"

Take a bite right away.

The inside is moist and warm, as expected. Filled with minced meat and well-chopped onions, fill your mouth.

The rich flavor of the meat and the subtle sweetness of the onion went well together.

"Sanghyeok, try eating this too."

I also received cockle bibimbap that Henna mixed well and ate.

The plump cockles seemed to burst in my mouth with every bite.


I nodded my head, chewed it all up, and swallowed it. I also took my udon and put it in a bowl to share with the two of us.

The rice exchange was like a set routine, and we were used to it.

"I think it's good because the rewards are bigger."

"What happened inside?"

"I met Dihirrit. After that, Gunam."

My estimate is that the dungeon rank is A.

Because the last apostle of the dryad that appeared was A+ grade.

"Me and Henna were in C grade! How strong was she?"

"It was easy. I asked Si-eun to handle it."

"Hehe. 「Si-eun」?"


Yuna said she didn't like it very much.

"Well, it's okay. We're getting stronger, too. Right, henna?"


I'm a villain here for no reason, but it turns out that I'm a good kid, so I should keep quiet and not shield vaguely.

Because I'm hanging out with Shi-eun.

Not everyone likes Sieun. You shouldn't even want that.

"If possible, rather than Villain Onahole... Rely on your teammates."


For a moment, Yuna looked at me and evaded it.

"Oh, I can't help it at times like today. We were apart.

"No, Yuna is right."

I held Yuna's hand tightly.

"If anything happens, I'll be the first to rely on you."

"…Yes. Thank you…"

Yuna deserves to say this to me.

It is desirable to get along well with one another. We face each other and do the same thing.

Even Kushina and Kang Si-eun are the personal spaces of ona halls, where the sense of time is blurred.

They share a living space in 『Onahole Inventory』.

However, I think that it is an unavoidable problem that girlfriends stay away from the Ona Hall group and feel uncomfortable with it.

It's me who made that distinction.

In the world of dog vulgarity that says all cunts are nothing more than holes for shoveling dicks in pleasure,

It's a risk I have to take when trying to have a girlfriend.

I have the desire to listen to what they want and to make them happy.


What Yuna wants is

"I like Villain Onahole, but please look at me a little more."

Where is the boyfriend who doesn't want to listen to such a wonderful wind?

"Are you done with what you want to say to your boyfriend?"

"…Uh, uhhh. Don't make fun of me."

"Feed me one more Volkatsu."

"Ah, ah."

On the way home from class after dinner, she waddled with the henna behind her.

He is trying to relieve the regret of not being able to openly touch Henna's chest by touching his stomach.

"… I'm sorry. I just ate, and I'm hungry."

"Use it. Cute belly fat."

I don't know why it's nice to touch my girlfriend's belly fat.

Is it because it is a strategic point where you can go up and down anywhere?

"Huh, huh…"

The way she holds her breath to pretend she doesn't have belly fat is so cute.

"Uh, if I don't breathe, I'll die~?"

"Huh… Heung-eup… Huh… Huh…"


I hold tight to the henna that twists and turns and continues to touch the belly over the school uniform.

It's lovely to even let out a sigh as if giving up soon.

"I'm ashamed… I'm not as thin as Yuna."

"It tastes good when you're chubby, doesn't it?"


"That's why I'm hanging on to you, not Yuna."

Slender Yuna groaned.

"Why, why! I'm confident that I'll be happy too."

"I might bump my bones."

"Because it's a G cup! It doesn't collide!"

G cup?

Aren't we the weakest of our girlfriends?

Seeing Henna's bulky K-cup, Yuna's mouth came out, and she turned her head with excitement.

"Come here. I'll hug you."



Hug Yuna and Henna together.

Yuna, who was held back in my arms, held her thick male forearm tightly and continued to touch my hand.

"It's a forearm scam... What's with the bruised veins?"

"I don't know."

I really don't know.

Why are the forearms always pumped up?

My body always feels irritable, so women like it.

Henna also clung to my arm and played frantically.

The academy students passing by in the hallway were startled when they saw me wearing two women.

Looking at the face, 'Ah, Kim Sang-hyuk.' It passes with this feeling.

"… Did you see his expression just now?"


Yuna and Hena look up at me with shy faces.

"I think everyone knows that we are Kim Sang-hyeok's girlfriends."

"Why can't it be known?"

"It's not like that, but... Uh… These days, even my friends sometimes ask me... Who is the true love?"

"Everyone is honest."

I evaded the answer.

"Isn't he the student council president? You're the prettiest. Big breasts… Butt…"

"Why don't you think I've seen the character or career of the student council president?"

"It's perfect anyway, so I don't have to tell you."

Unexpectedly, Isabella is cute when she looks dependent on me.

If I talked like that, Yuuna would really get angry, so she just smiled.

"I don't really like the student council president."

Henna said that.

"Why, henna?"

"Because I tried to expel Sanghyuk."


Oh, there were times like that.

Honestly, I think the student council president did her job, but I didn't know she still had it in her heart.

Because Henna was submitting refutation materials to save me at the time.

Perhaps there is a more hidden hostility.

Even that is lovely.

"I'm fine. I got everything from the president."

"What did you get from me?"

The club room opens, and the student council president with silver hair and huge breasts appears!

Yuna and Hena are shocked.

"I came because I didn't hear from you. I thought I'd see you when I came here."

"What's going on?"

"I need to go with you. It's urgent."



Yuna and Hena grab my arms as if telling me not to go.

"Does Sanghyuk still need to be monitored by the chairman?"


"I… Yuuna Nakamori. I'm a sophomore."

"Henna Isis…"

The chairman sighed and stood in front of us.

Her height is not much different from Henna's, but she straightened her back and made Henna and Yuna feel intimidated by her unique charisma.

I probably didn't mean to take a picture of myself, but...

When you touch those chilling eyes, it naturally happens...

"This is not surveillance; it's a special case. I hope there are no misunderstandings. The academy already trusts Kim Sang-hyeok."

"Then I won't be dragging you around like this."

"Should I get permission to be a girlfriend?"


Isabella, you're mean...

"It's a joke."

"Yeah!? No, are you kidding?"

"At the academy, I was a senior, but as a girlfriend, I was a junior, right?"

Yuna seemed surprised in many ways.

I just heard that line.

"They're really dating."


Isabella smiled and acknowledged her relationship with me.

"I heard that I'm number seven."

Yuna pursed her lips.

"Chi, I picked the number well."

"It seems that the hate hair has been properly attached to you."

"Because Isabella calls me out all the time."

Henna and Isabella, who were silently bowing down, met their eyes.

The two were completely opposite in temperament and personality.


"2nd year, Hena Isis."

Isabella held out her hand as if to shake it.

"I know. You're Kim Sang-hyeok's childhood friend, right?"


"I'm sorry, then. I didn't try to listen to your story properly."


I squeezed her hand so that Henna could speak.

"Henna. Chairman, will you accept my apology?"

"…I'll watch."

"What business are you going for today, so?"

"It's not my business. It's the VVIP who called."


VVIP call? What's going on?

"I will take over Kim Sang-hyeok for a while."

"…Take me…"

As if Yuna had given me away, I loosened her hands.

"I'll be right back after hearing the business. Both of you wait in the east. If you don't come, let's go to class."

"Yeah, I got it."

Henna nodded her head without saying a word.

"This way."

So, following Isabella,

I moved to a third-grade area I had never been to.

How far does this guy's campus go? All the buildings comparable to the imperial palace, which I had only heard about, were all gathered here.

"Who is the VVIP who called me?"

"I know when I see it."

Seridwen is a professor at Essol, so I wouldn't call her a VVIP.

Had she ever run into someone like that?

The chairman led me through a building full of security devices and into a hotel suite.

It's the first time I've seen a room that uses an entire floor.

The ceiling was also surprisingly high, so I was looking around like a country boy, and I saw someone sitting on the terrace waiting for me.

… Pretty.

With her elegant blue-purple hair, it was immediately recognized that she was pretty just by looking at her silhouette turned around.

If it were a showcase, I think I would have gotten married right away.

The way you sit is very elegant.

The innocent face with dark eyebrows turned this way was even prettier.

It shows her shoulders exposed in a white mini dress, with her hair in a half ponytail held in place with a bonjam—a hairpin decorated with phoenixes.

Even considering her age, she is in her early 20s.

I stared at her blankly, her eyes wide open. She turns her head away, perhaps shy of my blatant eye contact with her.

"Your Excellency, I brought Kim Sang-hyeok, an academy student."

… ?

What sir?

"Good work. Isabella. See you later."


She thought it was a hidden camera at first.

However, seeing Isabella's serious attitude and the girl answering her call to be Mr. President, I swallowed her dry saliva.

People are so flustered that it makes no sense. Only the mouth opened, and only the eyes blinked, and suddenly the two of us were alone.


The guards guarding the terrace approached me and searched me.

"Don't do that, mister."

"It's a natural procedure, Princess."



I became dizzy, as if I had been beaten a second time.

Who would have known that I, possessed by a vulgar yokem, would come face to face with a female president of Korea called 'Princess'…?

'No, in a background like this, shouldn't the head of state already be plain and absent?'

To be honest, does the president come out as a heroine?

[Identification of on-hole aptitude]

Aaaaagh! No! Don't do it!! En-chan!!!

I closed my eyes tightly.
