Orb Of Emotions!

In the tumultuous realm of imaginary number space, Clarke Higilton found himself enveloped in a deafening roar, as his surroundings shattered, revealing an abyss of black nothingness.

This was the embodiment of true void, an expanse devoid of the universe, of worlds, an endless emptiness akin to the fabled abyss. The mere sight of this void gave Clarke the chilling sensation that his very soul might be devoured.

Trapped in this emptiness, Clarke pondered, "Is this a hallucination, or something out of legend, a supernatural phenomenon?"

His pupils contracted to pinpricks as he surveyed the surrounding darkness, where streams of black air currents swirled chaotically. These currents brushed past him, carrying whispers that sounded like a blend of malevolent curses and the agonized wails of souls facing their end. Yet, whenever Clarke strained to decipher these sounds, they dissolved into mere illusions.

Clarke attempted to take a deep breath, seeking to anchor himself in calm, only to realize his body was non-existent. In this void, he was but a consciousness, formless, intangible.

"Where is my body?!" Panic edged his thoughts. The airflow around him, mingled with murmurs and wails, seemed to tug at the very fabric of his being, threatening to corrupt his spirit.

Clarke scanned the void, feeling the profound absence of meaning, time, or space. It was a realm of complete nothingness.

In his growing panic, something in the periphery of his vision caught his attention. He instinctively lowered his gaze, though he had no physical form. His perspective shifted, focusing on the stirring entity below.

There, Clarke observed a floating mass of an unknown, murky substance. About half a meter in diameter, spherical in shape, it resembled a chaotic mixture of countless egg whites and yolks, partially blended yet distinct. It pulsed and churned, embodying both liquid and gas, swirling with shades of legendary black and yellow.

Clarke was certain he had never encountered such a peculiar entity in his life.

As the only tangible presence in this void, Clarke found himself drawn to it, his eyes widening in astonishment as he watched it silently spin in the darkness.

Attempting to approach this curious mass, he discovered that with a mere thought, the material teleported right before him, or rather, his consciousness teleported to it.

Hesitant yet curious, Clarke willed his consciousness to touch this strange substance, unsure of the potential consequences or dangers it might pose. But in this world of nothingness, where time and space had lost their meaning, this bizarre mass seemed to be the only actionable element before him.

The moment Clarke Higilton's consciousness made contact with the mysterious mass before him, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. A torrent of emotions – joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil, desire – cascaded through his consciousness. Each emotion was incredibly potent, condensed into an overwhelming force.


Clarke immediately recoiled, withdrawing his consciousness. But even after pulling away, his mind continued to reel, shaken and trembling from the encounter.

"This... This is a sphere of emotions..." Clarke realized in the enveloping darkness. This strange, swirling mass was a dense concentration of emotions, a sphere embodying intense feelings.

"Why is there a cluster of emotions here? What is this place?" Clarke pondered, his initial fear and helplessness giving way to a burning curiosity. His previous life's knowledge offered no answers to these mysteries.


A sudden realization dawned on Clarke. If this void was extracting emotions, could it be linked to the legendary condition of autism? Was the original person's condition a result of having all emotions siphoned away, leading to an indifference towards everything?

The thought horrified Clarke. If this theory held true, then the emotional sphere before him might be the accumulation of emotions extracted from generations of the Higilton family. He might have just uncovered the root cause of the affliction that plagued his family for generations.

Could this space be an imaginary number space designed to absorb emotions? Clarke studied the Imaginary numbers, a mathematical creation, represent a value that, when squared, equals -1. This concept, while defying classical physics, holds significance in quantum physics, where imaginary numbers form the basis of fundamental quantum equations.

In quantum mechanics, this implies that a particle could exist simultaneously in reality and an unknown space, leading to the concept of imaginary number space. This space, unlike the real universe, could operate under entirely different rules, in this case, absorbing emotions, rendering them tangible entities.

But why was this space affecting only the Higilton family? Clarke continued to ponder. Given his experiences, including time travel, he surmised that perhaps only the Higilton family's blood or genetic makeup could interact with this space. Maybe their genes, altered by some unique factor or ancient genetic modification, were uniquely attuned to this imaginary number space, allowing only those of Higilton descent to communicate within it.

In the heart of Credence Province, Clarke Higilton grappled with a perplexing mystery that had haunted his family for generations. The enigmatic condition, uniquely afflicting one member of the Higilton family at a time, manifested as autism. Curiously, upon the demise of the afflicted individual, the condition would inexplicably transfer to a newborn within the family.

Clarke's mind raced with theories as he sat in the dimly lit study, the soft glow of the desk lamp casting long shadows on the walls lined with ancient books. He pondered a radical idea: an imaginary number space, shifting and alive, perhaps residing within him!

Memories of a peculiar sensation, a sort of mental extraction before sleep, invaded his thoughts. Could this space, lurking in the bloodline of the Higiltons, be the key to their hereditary plight? Like a parasite, it might move from one host to another upon their passing, latching onto the next generation's newborn.

"This is all speculative," Clarke muttered to himself, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet room. "The real truth remains elusive."

He leaned back in his chair, the leather creaking under his weight. If his theory held true, it explained the bizarre, generational curse. A foreign space nestled in their minds, feeding on their emotions, manifesting as a disease.

Despite the technological advancements of their era, such a concept as an imaginary number space remained beyond scientific comprehension. Clarke's gaze drifted to a curious object in the room, a human sized orb, pulsating with a strange energy. It seemed to embody emotions, a tangible representation of his family's collective experiences.

"How did I get here? And more importantly, how do I escape?" Clarke spoke aloud, his voice tinged with frustration and curiosity. He studied the orb intently, feeling a bizarre connection to it, as if it whispered secrets from a time before the world's creation.

In a sudden epiphany, Clarke extended his consciousness towards the orb. An electric thrill coursed through him as he reached out, feeling on the cusp of a groundbreaking discovery about the Higilton family's mysterious affliction. The room, steeped in shadows and the weight of history, seemed to hold its breath as Clarke ventured closer to unraveling a truth hidden for generations.