The World's Giant Company

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the bustling city of Credence Province, Clarke Higilton and Larsson's family exchanged heartfelt goodbyes. Their hands met in a firm, respectful handshake, sealing a bond of newfound friendship. Amid the chatter, they exchanged contact information, promising to stay connected in the ever-changing tides of time.

Three days whisked by in a blur.

The medical team, led by the esteemed dean, gathered around Clarke's bed in a semi-circle of anticipation. The air was tinged with a sense of conclusion and hope. With meticulous care, they conducted Clarke's final examination, their expert eyes scanning every detail.

Upon confirming Clarke's remarkable recovery, the dean, a smile of genuine satisfaction lighting up his face, declared, "Mr. Higilton, your recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. You're fit to leave our care today, should you wish."

Clarke, a hint of gratitude softening his features, nodded in acknowledgment. "Dean Zack, your team's dedication has been my sanctuary. I am deeply grateful for your unwavering support."

Dean Zack, his humility as evident as his smile, rubbed his hands together. "It's our duty and honor, Mr. Higilton. We are here to serve."

With a few more exchanges of courteous words, Clarke, flanked by his loyal bodyguards, made his way out of the hospital. Dean Zack escorted him to the long-awaited aerial vehicle, a symbol of modern transportation marvel.

The city's skyline, a tapestry of lights and shadows, stretched beneath them as they ascended. The aerial vehicle, a sleek, bullet-shaped marvel, hummed softly, powered by clean electric energy. This was the era of electromagnetic superconducting vehicles, a testament to humanity's leap into the fifth industrial revolution, marked by room temperature superconductors, controlled nuclear fusion, and quantum computing.

Clarke gazed through the virtual window, his eyes tracing the city's retreating skyline, a tinge of nostalgia coloring his thoughts. During his stay at the hospital, he had been an unwitting collector of human emotions, a whirlwind of life and death swirling around him. This experience had left an indelible mark on him, adding four more souls to the imaginary space he was connected to.

These souls, in their newfound existence, seemed to be in a state of limbo, their consciousness drifting like shadows in the fog. They appeared disoriented, unsure of their origins, purpose, or identity. It was as if their essence needed strengthening.

Yet, Clarke's time in the hospital had not been in vain. He had managed to gather emotions equivalent to the size of a rubber ball, a significant feat considering the centuries-old challenge faced by his family. In this bustling hub of human activity, he realized he could accumulate centuries worth of emotions in mere months.

As the vehicle smoothly transitioned from the urban aerial ring rail to a gentle landing, Clarke's mind buzzed with possibilities. The journey ahead was uncertain, but he was ready to embrace the challenges and mysteries that lay in wait.

As Clarke Higilton's floating vehicle glided effortlessly through the futuristic skyline of Credence Province, he contemplated the growing expanse of his imaginary number space. It seemed to swell like a snowball, gaining momentum and size with each passing moment. Despite not fully understanding its purpose, Clarke's instincts whispered that its expansion was crucial, perhaps even beneficial.

The vehicle soon approached the city's perimeter, arriving at a crucial checkpoint. This checkpoint, a stark boundary between the inner and outer city, served as a bulwark against the inflow of illegal professions like mercenaries and gangs, as well as the prohibition of thermal weapons. Without proper authorization, entry into the inner sanctum of the city remained a distant dream for those from the outer regions.

As they left the checkpoint behind, the hover car smoothly transitioned onto a high-speed ring track, propelling them towards Skyrim City, the capital of Credence Province. Clarke's ancestral home, a place of both heritage and exile, awaited him there. His father's summons had prompted this journey back to his roots, a return that stirred a mix of anticipation and unease in him.

The vehicle, operating autonomously, sped along the aerial highway, its seamless journey offering a view of the evolving landscapes. Clarke casually reached for a bottle of carbonated drink from the car's refrigerator, his gaze fixed on the window.

Beyond the glittering skyline of the inner city lay the sprawling expanse of the old city – a stark contrast of dilapidated low-rise buildings, abandoned factories, towering mounds of refuse, and muddled mud roads. This was the outer city, a stark reminder of societal disparity and neglect.

Clarke's heart stirred with a complex mix of emotions as he observed this forgotten realm. It was a world where the rich-poor divide and the rigid caste system had fostered a landscape akin to dystopian fiction. Here, the outer city, a byproduct of modern society, thrived as a haven for crime, drug lords, and gangs, standing in stark contrast to the orderly, civilized world of the inner city. It was a place where the disenfranchised and credit-less were exiled, stripped of their rights to be citizens.

A sense of gratitude tinged with melancholy washed over Clarke. Had he not found himself in this fortunate circumstance, time-traveled into a life of privilege, he could have easily been one of the faceless many in the outer city, a non-citizen, a ghost in the sprawling machine of societal order. This journey was more than a physical one; it was a voyage through the stratified layers of human existence.

As Clarke Higilton's hover car continued its smooth journey, he raised his left hand slightly, initiating a command. In response, a holographic screen materialized before his eyes, shimmering with data and vibrant colors.


[Citizen Number: TLxxxx22981028]

[Name: Clarke Higilton]

[Gender: Male]

[Occupation: Businessman]

[Date of Birth: 2298.10.28 (21 years old)]

[Social Credit Points: 100 (Elementary Citizen)]


Clarke mused over the concept of social credit points. His recent days, immersed in absorbing memories and exploring the internet, had given him a grasp of this world's intricacies. Every citizen was awarded 100 social credit points upon reaching their status, a symbol of their social credibility and contribution. These points were not just a mark of honor; they could be converted into substantial loans.

A single point equated to a 10,000 crypto-dollars dollar loan, repayable without any deduction if met on time. Failure to repay meant a deduction of points, and losing all would relegate one from citizen to civilian status. Additionally, criminal activities also led to a decrease in points.

Increasing one's social credit wasn't a simple monetary transaction. While one could donate 100 million crypto-dollars for a single point, such a route was seldom taken. Typically, advancements in social class were earned through contributions in fields like scientific research and the arts. A new medical breakthrough or an artistic masterpiece could earn one dozens, if not hundreds, of points. Ordinary citizens could also contribute through acts of social service, though these earned points more slowly.

Reaching 100 points designated one as an elementary citizen, 200 as intermediate, and 300 for a high-level status. Achieving 500 points bestowed a knighthood, offering greater social benefits and eligibility for high-level federal positions.

Ten minutes later, the maglev vehicle approached another city, Credence Province's capital, Skyrim City. This metropolis was a magnificent sprawl of art-like skyscrapers, a crystal jungle reaching towards the heavens. Yet, as they neared, Clarke observed the outer city fringes, a common sight across the federation. The inner city basked in prime resources, while the outskirts languished in neglect, a stark divide between opulence and desolation.

This duality of existence was palpable: one end represented heaven, the other, a hellish reality.

As the vehicle seamlessly connected from the high-speed outer ring to the inner city track, Clarke marveled at the urban landscape. High-rises, architectural marvels in themselves, were interconnected by winding inner-city rails. Maglev cars whizzed past in a symphony of modernity, a testament to a dreamlike future city.

In the city's heart stood four towering structures, including the high-rises of the three major chaebols, the Higilton family being one of them. Dominating the center was the Harmony Mining Group's branch building, a T0-level giant in the Terra Federation. Their vast empire spanned construction, military, aerospace, and more, covering the entire solar system.

Clarke realized the Higilton family, his family, while influential in its own right, was merely a cog in the grand scheme of Harmony Mining Group's machinations. In this world, his family, comparable to the top business dynasties in another reality, was reduced to a mere subordinate in the face of these global conglomerates. It was a humbling revelation, highlighting the immense scale and power dynamics at play in the Terra Federation.