High Technology and Low Life

In the quiet solitude of his private villa in Terence city, Clarke Higilton leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowing in concentration. He delved deeply into his consciousness, exploring the vast expanse of the imaginary number space. There, over two hundred consciousness projections fluttered like distant stars, each a separate entity within this boundless mental universe.

The villa, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of The City, stood in stark contrast to the bustling urban life outside. Its luxurious facade, masked by rows of similar grandiose manors, betrayed little of the high-tech marvels within. Despite its central location, the area was a haven of tranquility, a stark departure from the crowded hospital quarters where Clarke had once resided.

Here, in this serene environment, the population was sparse, a factor crucially influencing Clarke's unique ability to absorb emotions. In this secluded spot, the process would be painstakingly slow, potentially taking over ten days to match the efficiency he once achieved in a single day.

"It appears relocation is necessary," Clarke murmured to himself, contemplating the implications. His ability to absorb emotions wasn't merely a quirk, it expanded the imaginary space, generating spiritual energy, a vital shield in his arsenal for self-preservation.

With this thought, Clarke strode into the villa's grand lobby, where a colossal real-life environment simulator dominated the room. As he approached, a bionic maid, Android Annie, materialized beside him, her form meticulously crafted to perfection. "Master, how may I assist you?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a programmed hint of sorrow.

"No, thank you. Please leave," Clarke responded curtly, barely glancing at her. Annie, a marvel of advanced technology, epitomized the pinnacle of artificial aesthetics, yet lacked the essence of true sentient life. With a slight, resigned nod, she vanished from his sight.

Activating the simulator, Clarke was greeted by a translucent figure. "Dear user, how can I assist you?" it asked promptly.

"Show me a panoramic view of the City," Clarke commanded. Instantly, the spacious living room transformed, morphing into a sprawling miniature replica of the city. Skyscrapers and streets shrank into a detailed, scaled-down model under his watchful gaze.

"Display the city's population density," Clarke instructed further. "Mark areas of high density in red, medium in yellow, and low in green."

Obediently, the model city shifted hues, a vivid tapestry of reds, yellows, and greens painting a stark picture of the urban landscape. The city center, a swath of vibrant green, was encircled by a sea of red, indicating densely populated zones, which gradually faded into yellow and then green at the outskirts.

Clarke studied the colorful patterns thoughtfully, his mind already weaving plans for his next move, in a city that thrummed with the hidden energies he sought.

Clarke Haigilton, standing before the holographic environment simulator in his Credence villa, spoke with a commanding tone, "Remove all non-red sections and display the population density figures for the red areas."

"Accessing city administration data..." the system's electronic voice intoned. The miniature city before Clarke began transforming, methodically concealing the yellow and green areas, leaving only the red, densely populated zones. These were segmented into irregular blocks, each labeled with precise population density figures.

The Mokley community: 22,000 people per square kilometer;

Havod community: 23,000 people per square kilometer;

Glosburg community: 27,000 people per square kilometer...

Clarke wasn't surprised by these numbers. He knew the global population was vast, with Earth alone housing over 30 billion souls, not to mention the billions more on Luna, Mars, Europa, and Titan.

His eyes narrowed as he focused on Hamilock Community, the most densely populated area in Terence City. Strategically located at the crossroads of the business and residential districts, it was encircled by towering 300-meter citizen welfare buildings, a testament to the Federal Civil Welfare Act. Each of these buildings rose 100 floors high, housing 6,400 residents.

Clarke calculated quickly. His synaptic space could envelop about one square kilometer, encompassing eight of these buildings, a staggering total of 50,000 residents.

"This number far exceeds that of the hospital," Clarke noted, a spark of realization in his eyes.

Moreover, Hamilock Community wasn't just about residential density. It boasted the city's most thriving commercial pedestrian street, brimming with nightclubs, shopping malls, and the bustling sky ring, reminiscent of New York's Times Square.

With a decisive tone, Clarke instructed, "Find me a commercial property here. It should be under 500 square meters and cost no more than 1 million Crypto-dollars."

As the simulator processed his request, "Accessing real estate agency data..." it announced. The map of Tarence City refined its focus, presenting overhead views of numerous properties.

"This one won't do... nor this one. Ah, this one seems right," Clarke muttered, swiftly selecting a property. His choice: a two-story, single-family duplex building in Hamilock Community, nestled beside the welfare buildings. It wasn't grand enough to be a villa but far surpassed the standard welfare housing in comfort and accessibility. Complete with a private courtyard and parking, it was perfectly situated in the heart of the bustling community.

In the expansive indoor space, spanning 423 square meters, Clarke surveyed the property with keen interest. The outdoor courtyard, a lush 105 square meters, added a serene touch to the setting. He noted the asking price: 590,000 Crytodollars, which resonated in the air with a hint of opportunity.

"This is quite reasonable," Clarke mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Back in my previous life, this would be a steal at the equivalent of US$590,000."

He reflected on the bustling city of Credence, a dynamic second-tier city. By his estimates, a central city property there would cost no less than 5 million Dollars. "Real estate was a pricey affair in those days..."

"I've made my choice," Clarke declared with newfound resolve. He glanced towards Android Annie , his bionic maid, embodying the perfect blend of technology and servitude. "Annie, please initiate my purchase request. The details are for Zamba, citizen number TLxxxx2273."

"Right away, Master," Annie replied, her voice a harmonious blend of human warmth and mechanical precision.

Clarke watched her move with effortless grace, a testament to the wonders of this high-tech society. Once the details were transmitted, he deactivated the holographic environment simulator, a marvel that brought distant places right to his fingertips.

He reflected on the unique citizen number system, a comprehensive identifier intertwining ID, phone number, bank account, and online presence. "Impersonation is a relic of the past here," he thought.

Soon, Zamba's voice crackled through the communicator. "Master Higilton, the housing agency confirmed your authorization for the Hamilock Community property. Shall I proceed?"

"Yes, manage the formalities. I'll transfer the funds upon completion," Clarke replied.

"Understood," came the brisk response before the line went dead.

Stretching languidly, Clarke pondered his next move. With ample funds, his thoughts turned to self-enhancement. "As a capitalist, simply saving money is futile. Investment, especially in oneself, is the cornerstone of wealth."

However, the generic genetic optimization solutions flooding the market didn't appeal to him. "To unlock my full potential, I need something more... personalized, safe, yet profoundly effective." His eyes gleamed with the thought of a custom enhancement, a stride beyond mere genetic modification.