Psychic code

Clarke Higilton gazed intently at Lamiton, who had been reanimated within the ethereal realm of his imaginary synaptic space. To Clarke, this observation was akin to watching an ornate, mesmerizing fish glide through tranquil waters.

The Credence district, where this scene unfolded, was a place of stark contrasts - glimmering lights from skyscrapers piercing the night, casting long shadows over the quieter, forgotten corners. Here, Clarke, aloof from the world, focused solely on Lamiton, disregarding the other three souls in his purview. He pondered how long it would take for a soul to naturally dissipate, a question that echoed in the silence of the space.

The other three souls, were a mix of detested capitalists and unremarkable common folk, paled in significance. Lamiton, a solitary beacon of scientific brilliance among them, demanded Clarke's protective gaze.

Thus, he channeled his spiritual energy exclusively into Lamiton, leaving the others to their fate. However, a spark of inspiration struck Clarke. As master of this imaginary realm, he wielded control over all spiritual energies within. Could he, perhaps, sculpt a form from this energy to communicate directly with Lamiton?

This idea seemed not only viable but tantalizingly within reach.

Determined, Clarke attempted to harness his psychic powers once more. Initially, he gathered the nebulous spiritual energy, attempting to mold a physical form. The task proved daunting. Spiritual energy, unlike malleable clay, was elusive and fluid, resisting form and structure.

Reluctantly, he aimed for a more modest goal, creating a semi-formed entity. Yet, this too faltered.

Exhausted, his mind throbbing with the effort, Clarke finally managed to shape the energy into an irregular, orb-like form, with two indentations resembling eyes.

"This is probably my limit," he muttered, surveying the rudimentary psychic construct floating in the void of the imaginary space. Clarke wiped away the sweat of exertion from his brow, a gesture more of frustration than physical toil.

The next challenge loomed, giving voice to this creation. This task, he quickly realized, was even more complex than shaping a body. In a blend of desperation and innovation, Clarke resorted to forming words directly with the spiritual energy, a simpler yet effective method.

This entire endeavor unfolded in a secluded corner of the imaginary space, unnoticed by Lamiton. Hours slipped by as Clarke immersed himself in this solitary training, slowly progressing from crude text formation to something approaching coherent communication. Though still a far cry from a fluid dialogue, it was a significant stride forward.

"If before I could only wield this power like a blunt instrument," Clarke pondered, "now I'm beginning to perform more delicate operations. Maybe even programming?"

Recalling his recent foray into the world of programming, Clarke considered the possibilities of combining his newfound psychic finesse with the 'G' assembly language he had studied. What marvels could he achieve with such a fusion?

Lost in these thoughts, Clarke slowly opened his eyes, returning his consciousness to the bustling reality of cuty. It was late at night, yet the commercial streets thrummed with life. Groups of young people, adorned with trendy prosthetics and carefree attitudes, wandered in small clusters. Their conversations, a mix of excitement and nonchalance, revolved around the night's escapades.

These youths, mostly offspring of corporate and government workers, lived in blissful ignorance of their privileged origins, drawn instead to the raw allure of the city's underbelly. Clarke watched them, a silent observer, his mind still echoing with the possibilities of what lay within and beyond the imaginary number space.

Clarke Higilton, immersed in his observations of the local youth in city, noted their fascination with hip-hop and gang culture. These young people, often seen selling drugs on campus, idolized notorious criminals and spoke brazenly of sex and violence. Clarke pondered their trajectory, without guidance, they seemed destined to be ostracized from civil society, eventually becoming denizens of the outer city slums.

Redirecting his focus, Clarke felt a surge within him as a strand of spiritual energy seeped from the imaginary space into reality. This influx of energy brought a chilling detachment to his emotions, a sense of aloofness from the world around him.

Despite this, the psychic energy did not disrupt the electronics in his room. The only sign of its presence was a brief flicker on the optical brain chip on his wrist, indicating a momentary interference before stabilizing.

"Now, it's time for the experiment," Clarke thought to himself.

He began to manipulate his spiritual energy, exploiting its wave-particle duality. With precise control, Clarke quickly composed a short piece of 'G' language code. This code was a restart command, typically used for rebooting AI-enabled devices.

As the characters flowed through his mind, Clarke's gaze shifted to a vending machine ten meters away. In the next moment, a gray-white electric spark shot from his pupils, and the machine powered down abruptly. The busy street went on, oblivious to this anomaly.

Did it work?

Clarke watched intently. Simply shutting down the machine was easy with a burst of psychic energy, but his goal was to restart it.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds...

After three seconds, the vending machine flickered twice and then rebooted, much to Clarke's quiet satisfaction. This success was more significant than it seemed.

In this world, hackers leveraged electromagnetic induction towers to infiltrate people's bionic prosthetics. These towers served a dual purpose, providing both Wi-Fi and wireless power. They were omnipresent in the city, powering everything from floating cars to household appliances, eliminating the need for charging or wired connections.

Clarke understood that back in his world, the inefficiency of electromagnetic wave propagation in air hindered the widespread adoption of such technology. However, for the Federation of Terra, with its mastery of controllable nuclear fusion and abundant energy, this was trivial.

Electricity was as common as air, and hackers exploited this to invade any prosthetic connected to the network. The only exceptions were prosthetics without AI or those disconnected from the network.

But psychic energy was different. It didn't travel through the power grid but through his imaginary synaptic space. Physically, Clarke was over ten meters away from the vending machine. However, the moment he transmitted the code, he sensed it vanishing from reality, reemerging in the imaginary space, and then returning to reality. By the time the psychic code reappeared, it had already infiltrated the vending machine's intelligent system.

Clarke Higilton experienced an exhilarating sensation, akin to piloting a spacecraft through a wormhole, emerging light-years away in the blink of an eye. In this vivid analogy, his psychic code was the spacecraft, and the imaginary space, a vast and enigmatic wormhole.

This breakthrough realization dawned upon him: As long as the imaginary synaptic space overlapped with reality, his psychic code could materialize anywhere, unrestricted by physical constraints.

Moreover, Clarke discovered an intriguing aspect of psychic energy, its innate ability to disrupt electronic systems, superseding all conventional electronic signals. This meant that the codes he crafted with psychic energy held dominion over any electronic command, rendering them the ultimate key to any digital lock.

The implications were staggering. Even devices disconnected from the internet were vulnerable to the incursion of his psychic codes. Clarke felt a rush of power at the thought, within this world, he could manipulate any electronic device at will.

A glimmer of triumphant excitement sparkled in Clarke's eyes as he pondered these revelations.

"Yes, this is it. Absolutely right," he mused to himself, a sense of awe enveloping him.

He realized he had uncovered a profound truth about spiritual energy, its potential was not just metaphysical but had tangible, groundbreaking applications in the realm of technology. This discovery not only expanded the boundaries of his own abilities but also hinted at untold possibilities in the convergence of psychic powers and the digital world.