
Struggling to his feet, Clarke Higilton emerged from the wreckage, gasping for air. He found himself on a desolate, dark wasteland, the chilling winds of late autumn whipping around him, carrying with them an icy bite that made him shudder. Confusion clouded his mind, amplified by the relentless dizziness and the persistent smell of blood, leaving him uncertain if it originated from his own injuries or the unforgiving wilderness around him.

Realizing the imminent danger, Clarke knew he had to escape the crash site immediately. But just as he mustered the strength to move, a sudden whoosh! A bullet whizzed past his temple, disappearing into the darkness behind. Shocked, Clarke touched his forehead, feeling the warmth of blood trickling down into his eyes.

Before him, the night erupted with the sound of engines and beams of light converging towards him. A dozen vehicles roared to a stop, only meters away, encircling him.

"Oops, missed that shot," came a taunting voice, tinged with amusement. "But no worries, the next one will be a headshot for sure!"

The group surrounding Clarke jeered and taunted, clearly relishing the moment. They were an intimidating gang, their appearance and mannerisms suggesting they thrived on chaos and violence.

The leader, a man named Agni, caressed his prized old-fashioned flintlock pistol, which he had acquired for a hefty sum. It was a relic of the past, but in his hands, it was a lethal weapon.

"Agni, hurry up!" urged a woman with glowing scarlet electronic eyes. "Let's not waste time. Finish him off!"

Agni, nonchalant yet focused, replied, "Why rush? It's not often we catch someone of his stature. Let's savor the moment before the kill."

As he prepared his pistol, Agni checked in with his accomplice, Falcon, who had hacked into Clarke's luxury car. "Falcon, you got it handled?"

"Boss, I'm on it," Falcon's voice crackled through the communicator. "Thanks to the overclocking decoder from Varon, I've taken out their car's system and everyone's chips. They're in the dark, with no chance to send an emergency signal."

Pleased, Agni chuckled, his demeanor casual but his actions swift and precise as he reloaded his pistol. He took aim once more, confident he wouldn't miss this time.

"Wait, wait," Clarke called out, his voice strained but determined, as he faced the barrel of Agni's gun. He knew he needed to think quickly. Despite the precarious situation, his mind raced for a way out of this lethal confrontation, aware that every second counted in this game of life and death under the indigo sky of the wasteland.

Clarke, standing defiantly in the harsh glare of the headlights, faced his assailant with an unexpected calm. "I want to know who you are," he asked, his voice steady despite the dire circumstances.

Agni, with a sneer, kept his gun trained on Clarke. "Curious about us? Planning to haunt us as a cyber ghost?"

"No, I just want to know..." Clarke began, slowly lifting his head, revealing eyes that glowed a deep scarlet.

"Who is the first person I killed in my life!" he declared, his voice rising above the howling wind.

In that instant, chaos erupted. Agni's electronic prosthetic eye sparked violently, bursting into flames. His bionic arm crackled menacingly. Around him, his companions faced similar malfunctions; their prosthetics ignited, their motorcycles ground to a halt.

"There's a hacker!" Agni roared, struggling to maintain control amidst the pandemonium. He reached for his gun with his remaining human hand, but realized too late that the blackout had robbed him of his vision.

Gunshots rang out in the darkness, the mercenaries firing blindly. Bullets tore through the night, illuminating brief flashes of their desperate struggle. Agni, frantically trying to communicate with Falcon, discovered his communicator had been rendered useless.

"It's not a hacker, it's an EMP attack!" one of the female mercenaries exclaimed, realizing the extent of their predicament. "Our prosthetics have been paralyzed!"

Agni, in disbelief, strained to see through the darkness. "My military-grade prosthetics should be immune to EMPs unless..."

The realization hit them both as they noticed the gunfire dwindling, replaced by the sickening sound of bodies hitting the ground. A chilling silence enveloped the wasteland, broken only by their labored breathing.

Agni called out to his fallen comrades, but no response came. The wilderness had become a graveyard, with only Agni and the woman left standing. Suddenly, Agni felt a warm splatter on his cheek, the unmistakable sensation of blood.

In the eerie quiet, they slowly realized the grim truth, their team had been silently and systematically eliminated. The only sounds were the whispering wind and their own racing hearts, as they stood alone in the vast, unforgiving wilderness, surrounded by the aftermath of a deadly encounter they could neither see nor comprehend.

In the desolate wasteland, the only sound was the howling of the fierce wind. Agni, now incapacitated and helpless, and his female companion, immobilized by her malfunctioning prosthetics, lay vulnerable under the dark sky.

"Damn, it's a sniper!" Agni's voice was tinged with panic as he smelled blood in the wind. He desperately scanned the surroundings with his remaining good eye, clutching his antique flintlock pistol, the only weapon still functional.

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the wasteland. Agni's right arm, his last functioning limb, was hit. He screamed in agony as his arm burst open, blood and flesh splattering over him.

In the darkness, the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder. Agni, writhing in pain, looked up to see Clarke Higilton walking towards him. Clarke's appearance was ghostly under the dim sky, his eyes glinting menacingly.

"It's embarrassing," Clarke said, standing over Agni. "Any last words?"

"Who... are you?" Agni's laugh was bitter, filled with disbelief at the swift reversal of their roles.

"I don't know who I am, so it seems someone hired you?" Clarke inquired, his demeanor both hideous and unhinged due to the blood on his forehead.

"Give up. We were just hired by the dark web for 30,000 Crypto-dollars to ambush you. We don't know who's after you," Agni gasped, his voice fading as blood loss drained his strength.

"Understood," Clarke replied coldly, making a gun gesture with his hand, aiming at Agni's forehead.

"You're kidding?" Agni spat, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Bang," Clarke uttered softly.

In an instant, Agni's body collapsed, his expression frozen in shock as his life abruptly ended.

The sole surviving woman, witnessing this, let out a terrified scream. She pleaded for her life, offering information and allegiance in exchange for mercy.

Clarke regarded her with an unsettling calm, his hand raised in the air. Beneath his stoic exterior, a storm of madness brewed.

"Bang," he repeated softly.

With the sound of a crushing impact, the woman's life ended in an explosion of blood and tissue, scattering in the wind like crimson snowflakes.

Clarke stood alone amidst the carnage, his figure etched against the desolate landscape. The wind carried away the remnants of the violent encounter, leaving only Clarke and the eerie silence of the wasteland. In this moment, Clarke Higilton realized the gravity of the situation, he was not just a target, but a player in a much larger and more dangerous game.