

The sudden sound of electronic devices short-circuiting echoed through the alley amidst the bustling crowds of the outer city, followed swiftly by the terrified screams of three people. However, their cries were abruptly cut short, replaced by the ghastly sound of a sharp knife slicing through flesh.

Minutes later, Clarke Higilton emerged from the alley, his expression calm, composed. He had donned the attire of the man who had earlier accosted him. Though slightly ill-fitting, in the outer city, such discrepancies were hardly noticed.

Regrettably, the man's optical brain chip had been rendered useless, burned out in the scuffle. Clarke considered the utility of the chip but quickly dismissed the thought. Using it would be too risky, potentially exposing him to both the Higilton and Akio families.

As he walked, Clarke mulled over his situation. "The Higilton family wouldn't employ mercenaries from the outer city for such a task," he thought aloud. "If it was indeed orchestrated by Alexander Higilton, he wouldn't use the family's resources directly."

His thoughts raced. "An intermediary... could it be the mercenaries agency mentioned by the the assailant? No, not necessarily. If I were Alex, I'd entrust this to someone trustworthy, but not necessarily from the Higilton family. The key is... this person will try to eliminate any trace of involvement."

Clarke paused in his tracks, a realization dawning upon him. "Outside the city..." He pondered who held power in Terence City. The Akio family, of course, acting as the local enforcers for the more powerful Higilton family.

"If the Akio family is behind this, how would they execute it?" Clarke's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "They wouldn't dare let me die within the city. That would bring too much heat on them. They'll watch me, waiting for me to leave Terence City, then strike."

He understood that restrictions like city checkpoints and the ban on thermal weapons were deterrents only for smaller factions. More powerful entities could act with impunity, even within the city limits. However, the Akio family, wary of repercussions, would likely choose to act outside the city.

This line of reasoning, though speculative, was founded on logical inverse deduction. Yet, Clarke acknowledged the need for a motive. What was the Akio family's incentive for targeting him? What did they stand to gain?

Lost in thought, Clarke leaned against a bar's billboard, observing the passers-by under the neon glow. The residents here bore a stark contrast to those in the city center. Their fierce demeanor, the way they carried themselves, spoke of lives led on the edge, their bizarre attire enough to scare children. In this part of Credience, every shadow seemed to harbor a story, every glance a hidden agenda.

Clarke Higilton furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "The motive... What could drive them to such lengths?"

He paced slowly, piecing together the puzzle. "The Akio family's alliance with the Higilton family hinges on my marriage contract with Jessica Akio. It's a tenuous link, but one the Akio family seems reluctant to sever. They might be feeling pressure from other families, or perhaps they see greater potential in aligning with the Higilton family."

"But why would they risk the wrath of the Higilton family to assassinate me, in accordance with Alexander? There must be a more significant gain in my demise."

Clarke paused, an idea forming. "Could it be... Mutiny? No, that doesn't fit. This entire theory assumes Alex wants me dead. If the Akio family were plotting a rebellion, it wouldn't be against me, but against Alexander himself. And it would require more than just leverage; it would need substantial benefit."

His eyes suddenly widened. "The marriage contract! Of course!"

Clarke's mind raced. "Alex offered a deal: my life for a marriage to Jessica Akio in my stead. This would tighten their alliance, a tantalizing offer for the Akio family."

Everything began to click into place, though Clarke knew this was just one of many possibilities. There were coincidences and assumptions: Alexander animosity towards him, the Akio family's control over Terence City, the attack happening outside the city limits, and the use of mercenaries as a cover.

Yet, as Clarke pondered, the pieces seemed to align too perfectly to be mere chance. "When all these 'coincidences' point to one conclusion, it can no longer be ignored," he thought aloud.

Taking a deep breath, Clarke synthesized his thoughts. "Alex, seeking my elimination, entrusts the Akio family with this task. They have control over Terence City, the perfect place to orchestrate this without raising suspicion. And the promise? Marrying Jessica Akio, forging a deeper bond between the families."

"The Akio family, careful not to alert my father, involves an intermediary, mercenary group. They plan my assassination outside the city to avoid direct retribution."

As the web of intrigue unraveled in his mind, Clarke's eyes hardened. "The Akio family... acting preemptively against me, perhaps sensing my intentions towards their assets? Or is it simply human greed driving them?"

The city's neon lights flickered overhead, casting an eerie glow on Clarke's determined face. In this lawless part of Credence, amidst the chaos and desperation, he had unraveled a potential conspiracy that entwined his fate with the machinations of powerful families. The next steps were crucial, and Clarke knew he had to tread carefully in this treacherous game of power and betrayal.

In the shadow-laden streets of Credence, Clarke Higilton pondered his next move, realizing the potential trap that could have been set by the mercenaries. Had he pursued the mercenary directly, an ambush would likely have awaited him. Agni's dying mention of group's name could have been a deliberate ploy, luring him into a lethal snare.

Clarke's eyes narrowed as a daring strategy began to take shape in his mind. "Tomorrow is the Higilton family's grand celebration. The family meeting at ten in the morning could provide the perfect opportunity. Not only could I confront the Akio family, but also deal with Alex. The Higilton family could end up under my control..."

He whispered these thoughts to himself, a low murmur lost in the cacophony of the city's nightlife. To harness the full potential of his psionic power and assert his dominance, he needed a force of his own, something unattainable as just another young scion of the Higilton family. The audacious actions of the Akio family and Alexander Higilton had unwittingly handed him an opportunity, especially with the family celebration the next day.

Resolved to act, Clarke's thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of two familiar figures at the street corner. He stood partially concealed by the bar's billboard, observing them.

The pair, a man and a woman, seemed to recognize him. The man, in his twenties, had a burly build and wore a rocker-style jacket. The woman, around sixteen or seventeen, boasted long silver hair, a sweet demeanor, and a slender frame.

"Hey, doesn't he look familiar?" the man remarked, squinting at Clarke.

"Is that you?" the girl added, her voice tinged with surprise.

Clarke's face broke into a knowing smile. "Indeed, it's me. What a coincidence."

"Such a coincidence..." the girl echoed, her gaze lingering on Clarke, seemingly trying to reconcile the person before her with the noble figure she had encountered previously.

"And why are you here?" the man asked, his recognition dawning with a mix of suspicion and curiosity.

Clarke's smile widened. "Curious, are you?"

With a confident stride, he stepped away from the billboard and moved towards the bar. "Join me for a drink, and I'll tell you all about it."

The neon lights of the bar cast a flickering glow on the group, reflecting off the damp streets of Credence. The atmosphere around them was thick with the intrigue and unpredictability that characterized this part of the city. As they entered the bar, the sounds of lively music and chatter enveloped them, providing a stark contrast to the grim thoughts occupying Clarke's mind.