
Clarke Higilton stepped into the Akio family's restaurant, immediately noting the group of people huddled together, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. Without their security systems and android troops, the affluent family appeared vulnerable, like lambs awaiting their fate. These individuals, never having undergone any physical enhancements, seemed even frailer than the average person.

Observing this, Clarke couldn't help but ponder his own vulnerabilities in such a situation.

"Clarke, my nephew?" Akio family head, Charles Akio, spotted Clarke and his face brightened with a mix of relief and hope. He quickly turned to those around him, insisting, "This is all a misunderstanding, a terrible misunderstanding!"

"Old man Akio, what misunderstanding are you referring to?" Clarke eyed him with a hint of scorn. "And what about Varon? Was that a 'misunderstanding' too?"

"Varon? What about Varon?" Charles Akio feigned ignorance, then attempted a reasoned approach. "My dear nephew, surely this is a misunderstanding with our family. Shouldn't you have consulted with the head of the Higilton family before taking such drastic actions?"

Clarke smiled slightly, choosing not to respond. He understood the games that someone as cunning as Charles Akio played. By implying that Clarke acted without his family's approval, Charles Akio was subtly trying to leverage the situation.

White Shark, standing nearby, whispered to Clarke, "When we stormed in, they were all hiding in a safe room beneath the restaurant, with breakfast half-eaten on the table. If their security system hadn't failed, we might never have found them. They were probably planning to escape."

"How can our family run away?" Charles Akio protested, anger flaring in his voice. "We have done nothing wrong. Why would we flee?"

"What you've done, do I really need to spell it out?" Clarke toyed with his golden pistol, his gaze steady. "Alexander Higilton commissioned your family to eliminate me. Whether or not it succeeded, Varon Mercenary Group would have been your next target. But you didn't anticipate that I wouldn't seek out Varon but come directly to you. And you certainly didn't expect that I could mobilize the Higilton family's hackers to breach your security system so swiftly."

Charles Akio face fell at these words, and he chuckled ruefully, realizing the miscalculation. He should have suspected something was amiss when Varon's plan fell through, all due to Alessanders blunder.

Nevertheless, Charles persisted, feigning innocence. "Nephew, surely you jest. Our families are bound by a marriage contract. Why would I send someone after you? If I truly wanted you dead, would you be standing here now? And as for hacking our security, I doubt your family possesses such skilled hackers."

Clarke, unfazed, remained silent, letting Charles's words hang in the air.

Stunned by Clarke's non-reaction, Charles struggled to gauge whether Clarke's actions were sanctioned by the Higilton family or were a rogue operation. The implications of this uncertainty weighed heavily, the fate of the Akio family precariously in the balance.

As Clarke Higilton confronted his captives, his stature and demeanor exuded an aura of dominance, casting an intimidating shadow over the Akio family members. The uncertainty and fear in their eyes grew with each passing moment, especially as Clarke's indifferent attitude became increasingly apparent.

Suddenly, Clarke's attention shifted, and he scanned the room with a hint of suspicion. "By the way, where's your daughter Jessica?"

"Jessica isn't here," Charles Akio replied, his voice tinged with bitterness. "She went to her school's graduation ceremony today. Thankfully, she's safe from this chaos..."

Clarke's brow furrowed in frustration. "That's unfortunate," he muttered, his tone laced with regret. Abruptly, he drew his golden pistol and, without hesitation, fired.


The gunshot echoed through the room as Charles Akio, the family head, collapsed in a mix of shock and disbelief, his life extinguished in an instant.

The Akio family members erupted into a chorus of screams and cries, their panic palpable.

With cold detachment, Clarke addressed the distraught crowd. "Charles Akio is dead. Who inherits the headship of the Akio family now?"

Eyes wide with fear, many glanced towards a man who bore a resemblance to Charles. Clarke recognized him as Charles less capable brother, Mark Akio.

"It's me," Mark Akio stammered, stepping forward tremblingly. "What do you wish of me, Master Higilton?"

Clarke's lips curled into a sly smile. "As the new head, you can arrange Akiko's marriage, correct?"

Mark Akio's eyes widened in shock, mirroring the surprise of White Shark, Jack, and the others present. Realization dawned on Mark; Clarke's sudden attack might have been spurred by his interest in Jessica.

Suppressing his excitement, Mark tried to bargain, "If I agree to the marriage with Jessica, will you spare our family?"

He continued hastily, "It was all Alexander Higiltons doing. He manipulated my brother into this plot against you. We were unaware!"

Clarke's expression shifted subtly, betraying a hint of uncertainty. The layers of deceit and manipulation within the elite families were deep, and Clarke now found himself pondering his next move in this intricate web of power and vendettas.

The flicker of hope in Mark Akio eyes intensified as he hurriedly added, "Once this misunderstanding is cleared, I can immediately consent to unite Jessica and you in marriage. We'll be family then, and surely, I would never harm you. With our alliance, even Alexander's position could be threatened. You could become the next head of the Higilton family!"

"I'm not interested in becoming an heir," Clarke Higilton stated firmly. "My only desire is to marry Jessica."

He continued, his voice steady, "If you're truly uninvolved in this debacle, then let's proceed with the marriage right away."

"Yes, of course!" Mark agreed, taking a deep breath. He was visibly anxious but resolved to see this through. "I'll contact the head of the Municipal Marriage Office right now. We can arrange the marriage without Jessica's presence."

Clarke's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Then what are we waiting for? Make the arrangements."

As the conversation unfolded, White Shark interjected, confirming that all remaining members of the Akio family were present in the manor, except for those who had resisted and been killed.

Clarke nodded, turning to address everyone present, "Since the Akio family is here, you will all bear witness to my marriage with Jessica. Any objections?"

The room fell into a tense silence.

"Seeing no objections, it's decided." Clarke's tone was final. He then turned to Jack, instructing him to hand over a light brain chip to Mark.

Mark, after some urgent communication with the Municipal Marriage Office, announced that Clarke and Akiko were now legally married.

"Now, let's celebrate," Clarke declared, motioning towards the breakfast laid out in the dining room. He took a seat, gesturing for the others to join. Hesitation was palpable among the Akio family members.

"If you don't join me, are you trying to disrespect me?" Clarke's voice was edged with a dangerous tone.

When his invitation was met with continued hesitation, Clarke's patience snapped. He drew his golden pistol, and with three quick shots, three members of the Akio family collapsed.

The room erupted in screams and cries of horror.

Mark Akio's face drained of color as he realized the grave mistake he had made in his calculations. Clarke was not a man to be trifled with or underestimated.

"Sit down!" Clarke commanded, his voice brooking no opposition.

Trembling, Mark and the others quickly took their seats, hurriedly eating, driven by fear of meeting the same fate as their fallen kin.

Observing their frantic actions, Clarke couldn't help but express his astonishment at their compliance. "You're actually eating?" His question hung in the air, a stark reminder of the power he wielded and the fear he instilled.