I am Higilton Family

In the aftermath of Clarke Higilton's startling declaration, a hush descended over the venue in Credence, every breath held in suspense.

The crowd's eyes, wide with bewilderment, followed Clarke's every move, trying to decipher his intentions.

Amid this eerie silence, Alexander couldn't suppress a chuckle, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Brother Clarke, still lost in your own world, I see. Who are you trying to intimidate with this act?"

But before the final word could escape his lips, Clarke uttered a single, chilling sound.


His voice, unnervingly calm and low, bore no resemblance to a gunshot. Yet, in this absurdly childlike "bang," a muffled noise erupted from behind Alexander.

Instinctively, everyone's gaze darted around, only to witness a macabre scene. A headless figure sat slumped in the seat behind Alexander, unrecognizable, his head obliterated. The white tablecloth beneath him was marred by a radial pattern of blood, while the stump of his neck spurted blood in time with the fading heartbeat.

A deafening silence ensued.

The guests stared, dumbfounded, struggling to comprehend the unfolding horror.


ndeterred by the ghastly scene, Clarke continued. As the second "bang" echoed, Alexander witnessed in horror as his uncle Jacob head burst open, as if by an invisible force. A thick mist of blood enveloped him, coating his face and head.

Disbelief widened Mark's eyes. He shakily touched his cheek, his fingers coming away stained with the pungent scent of blood.

Could this be real?


The shockwave of realization hit the crowd. Women's screams pierced the air, and men shouted in terror, all scrambling for the exits.

It was as if a bomb had detonated. Hundreds of Higilton's family members leaped from their seats in a frenzied tide, desperate to flee the nightmarish scene.

But the venue was overcrowded.

In their panic, the throng of people congested the narrow aisles. Tables and chairs toppled, creating obstacles as everyone pushed and shoved, each person desperate to escape first.

Those who fell became additional barriers to escape.

Chaos reigned supreme.

In this moment of sheer terror, familial bonds and friendships dissolved into nothingness. Everyone, regardless of their relationship, was reduced to primal survival instincts, desperately trying to escape.

The scene was one of utter pandemonium, with people pushing and stepping on each other. The once prestigious Higilton family was stripped of its dignity, its members indistinguishable from any other frightened, ordinary people in their frantic fight for survival.

"The so-called elite, stripped of their power, are just as vulnerable as anyone else," Clarke mused, his eyes coldly observing the chaos before him. Then, with the same eerie calm, he released another deadly "bang."


A man, dressed sharply in a suit, had his head erupt in a grotesque spectacle mid-flight. His body crumpled to the ground, causing those nearby to recoil in horror, their retreat hastened by fear.

"What... what on earth is happening?"

Incredulity etched on his face, Mark surveyed the chaotic scene. A thought struck him, and his eyes snapped to Clarke Higilton's projection on the stage. Noticing Clarke's indifference, a realization dawned on him, and he suddenly veered against the tide of people.

He remembered, behind the stage lay a second exit, a possible escape from this nightmare. With this thought, he dashed, inadvertently drawing the attention of several others who quickly followed suit.

"It seems we must hasten our efforts," Clarke Higilton murmured, observing the scene through his wrist holographic projection. Abandoning the "bang" sounds, he parted his lips slightly.


"Da da da da da…"

In an instant, the venue transformed into a macabre of blood. Guests collapsed like dominoes, their heads erupting in an eerie mimicry of fireworks, creating a ghastly mist of blood.

It was as though invisible bullets, merciless and unerring, were being fired from the screen, reaping lives with a ruthlessness akin to machine-gun fire.

For a brief, chilling moment, the scarlet haze merged into a grotesque spectacle resembling a grand, yet morbid, fireworks display.

In this hellish landscape, Heathrow, previously reliant on a cane, moved with unexpected agility. His body, secretly enhanced with anti-aging treatments, carried him swiftly towards the venue's exit.

"It's near, almost there!"

As he navigated through the falling bodies, hope flickered in Heathrow eyes. The world seemed to slow down around him as he ignored the gruesome sights, focusing solely on his escape.


Suddenly, the world jolted violently, and he was catapulted into the air, defying physics. Confusion clouded his mind, but he felt an eerie numbness in his neck.

His vision swirled, revealing a headless body in familiar attire, still moving towards the exit, oblivious to its fate.

"No, this can't be..."

"It's not real, it must be an illusion."

Fear crept into Heathrow eyes as realization dawned. In the next second, his severed head struck the ceiling forcefully, his life fading rapidly as his eyes lost their luster...

Until his end, Heathrow couldn't fathom the manner of his death.

But the carnage continued.

"Da da da da da da!"

As Clarke Higilton's eyes sparked with a sinister grey lightning, several Higilton family members fleeing in the opposite direction also met their gruesome end, their bodies falling motionlessly in the venue.

"No, you can't kill me!"

At the crowd's rear, a terrified woman stumbled. Crying and in distress, her high heels had betrayed her, forcing her to crawl desperately. She screamed while dragging herself forward.

"I have an electromagnetic kinetic energy shield. Bullets can't kill me!"

But in the next instant, her lower body grotesquely exploded, scattering a vivid array of organs. The so-called shield she boasted of offered no protection.

Finally, the vast venue fell eerily silent, the bright lights casting an ominous glow on the swirling blood mist.

"Ha, ha, ha!"

As the deadly symphony ceased, Henry, breathless and spent, emerged from backstage. Collapsing to the ground, he gasped for air, then spun around to look.

Before him lay a macabre mountain of corpses, piled high near the "Safe Exit" sign. The closest body was mere meters from escape, but those who sought freedom lay still and lifeless.


Henry, his mind numbed by the horror, began to laugh hysterically. "Brother, I won... I walked out of the venue, I survived!"



His laughter, tinged with the relief of survival and the madness of narrowly escaping death, echoed hauntingly.

"Oh, really?"

As Henry laughter echoed through the venue, a chilling voice abruptly cut through the air, freezing him mid-chuckle.

Henry's pupils contracted sharply, his body quivering as he slowly lowered his gaze to his wrist.

Unbeknownst to him, his communication system had activated, displaying an image of Clarke Higilton raising his hand.

Clarke, observing Henry, who had narrowly escaped death, spoke softly, "Sorry, you've exceeded thirty seconds."

"No, no..."

Henry's eyes widened in horror. "This is absurd! I refuse to accept this, I won't accept it!!!"


With that final, soft sound, Henry world plunged into darkness, consciousness slipping away...


Phill sat stoically in his seat amidst the chaos, his expression numb.

His once-immaculate suit was marred with blood, and a heavy mist of blood hung in the air, tainting each breath he took with its metallic scent.

As the head of the Higilton family, his front-row seat had seemed like a trap, nearly impossible to escape from.

But he hadn't attempted to flee.

It seemed either fortune or Ckarke Higilton's intent had spared him, for he remained seated, untouched by the carnage.


After executing the family members in the venue, Clarke Higilton's towering projection finally turned towards him. His tone was eerily calm. "I have purged the Higilton family. From now on, there will be no more treachery."

"You won't kill me?"

Phill face was a mixture of confusion and relief as he slowly looked up.

"Why would I kill you?" Clarke Higilton asked, his voice laced with a sinister smile. "The Higilton family cannot survive without you, just as it cannot survive without me."

"You and I are the entirety of the Higilton family."