Space Promotion!

Clarke Higilton, having taken a step back from the company's day-to-day operations, reclaimed full control over the Higilton family's affairs, ascending to the highest echelon of authority within the family.

In the grand scheme of things, Clarke's father Phill, now relegated to second in command, retained the title of family head only in name. Yet, his influence had grown substantially. He wielded control over the family's elite rapid response force, commanded a significant 17% share in Cybernetic Network Technology, and had access to all of its liquid assets.

Clarke, too, possessed these privileges, but with a crucial difference: his commands held absolute priority. In a scenario where his directives clashed with his father's, it was Clarke's orders that the family's quick reaction force and the company would unerringly follow.

This dominance was Clarke's trophy, a symbol of his victory.

Meanwhile, his father's priority was to stabilize the company, navigating it back on course before rival conglomerates could react. Additionally, to avert any upheaval from higher echelons, he found himself at the doors of Harmony Mining Company, expending substantial funds to secure loyalty and control.

Clarke returned to Terence City, now the sole inheritor of the Akio family's wealth. This included 20 billion in stocks and fixed assets, alongside 1 billion in liquid assets. However, the turbulence within the Akio family hadn't gone unnoticed. The stocks of Akio Biotechnology nosedived, inflicting a significant financial blow on Clarke.

But these losses were mere ripples in the larger picture. His father would seamlessly absorb and restructure the Akio family's enterprises, eventually amalgamating them into the Higilton family's portfolio.

Business concerns seemed distant to Clarke now.

Upon his return to his two-story residence, he found it transformed into a fortress. Elite rapid reaction troops, robotic in their precision and efficiency, were now stationed there, rendering the place impregnable.

These bionic soldiers would be his guardians for the foreseeable future.

Clarke, his mind racing, retreated to his bedroom. Without delay, he sprawled on the bed, immersing his consciousness into the ethereal realm of imaginary space.

This virtual domain was alive with chaos. Over a hundred and fifty souls, their faces etched with fear and confusion, roamed aimlessly. Their memories frozen at their life's final moment, the space echoed with their anguished cries and bewildered curses.

Clarke, unbothered by the cacophony of the deceased, focused on four peculiar cocoons. Unlike the others, which birthed new souls rapidly, these remained cocooned, greedily absorbing the emotions swirling in the space.

Since Clarke's return to Terence City and the expansion of the imaginary space to encompass a hundred thousand more, these four soul cocoons began to siphon unprecedented emotions from the sea of consciousness projections.

He watched, fascinated.

Guided by an unseen force, streams of red, blue, green, and purple emotions began to separate from the collective consciousness. These emotions, although rooted in joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil, and desire, were of a more complex and specific nature.

The red cocoon drew in emotions akin to violence, hatred, and courage, laced with an undercurrent of a desire to kill. The imaginary space churned with these violent, courageous emotions, culminating in a frenzied storm that coalesced into the red cocoon.

In that moment, Clarke observed a transformation. The red cocoon, bristling with newfound energy, began to sprout spikes. It writhed and twisted like some alien entity, its hue deepening to an almost visceral, blood-like red.

The blue cocoon, nestled amidst the vast expanse of Clarke Higilton's imaginary space, thrived on the continuous stream of consciousness projections, drawing out intricate emotions such as hope and change, infused with an underlying urgency for transformation.

As these azure emotions amalgamated into the cocoon, it began to sprout slender, sinuous tentacles. These appendages writhed and curled like sentient beings, their tips unfurling menacingly as if to ensnare any nearby souls in their grasp.

Not far from this spectacle, the green cocoon was undergoing its own metamorphosis, albeit extracting a vastly different set of emotions. Clarke watched in fascination as countless particles, akin to green sand, were siphoned from the consciousness projections. These hues represented reproduction, tenacity, and a certain contentment found in tranquil seclusion.

Yet, the green cocoon, as it absorbed these emotions, started to exhibit signs of decay. Its surface began to fester, oozing a viscous, black liquid. But within this rot, there pulsed a bizarre, almost paradoxical life force.

The purple cocoon, however, was an entity apart. The emotions it drew were those of love and desire, interwoven with a pursuit of beauty and hedonistic pleasure. After imbibing these emotions, the cocoon showed signs of division. A deep, blood-like fissure emerged at its center, splitting the original cocoon into twin entities, still connected yet distinct.

Clarke's consciousness reeled at the sight of this transformation, a mix of awe and disorientation engulfing him.

As a observer in this surreal space, Clarke couldn't suppress a shiver of trepidation. The emotions these cocoons absorbed were not just the basic seven emotions and six desires; they were more tangible, a blend of emotion, belief, and desire in their most potent form.

"What in the world is happening?" Clarke murmured, his voice tinged with both fascination and a creeping dread. He stared at the four peculiar cocoons, feeling no immediate threat yet unable to shake off a sense of profound unease. It was as if these cocoons were an intrinsic, albeit bewildering, part of this imaginary realm.

In the past, Clarke Higilton had perceived the imaginary Synaptic space as incomplete, capable only of absorbing the most basic, unrefined emotions. Now, however, these four cocoons had filled the voids within this space, like four hearts pulsing life into a previously inert realm.

These soul cocoons, in their own unique ways, brought a more comprehensive essence to the imaginary space. It was as though they were the missing pieces of a complex puzzle, making the whole infinitely more profound and meaningful.

Moreover, the accumulation of emotions within this space hadn't dwindled; in fact, it had intensified. These cocoons, with their capability to absorb more sophisticated and nuanced emotions, signified a heightened utilization of human emotions in the imaginary number space.

"Has it become the complete Synaptic space?" Clarke mused, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. If the previous incarnation of this space was a blank canvas, these four soul cocoons had splashed it with vibrant colors, revealing its true nature.

At this revelation, Clarke felt a dawning understanding of why human consciousness projections exhibited four distinct colors. These colors symbolized the four intrinsic qualities, the four natural tendencies of the human psyche.

People with a predominance of red in their consciousness projections likely leaned towards a more radical nature, gravitating towards violence and confrontation. Their consciousness was steeped in these aggressive hues.

In contrast, those with a bias towards blue perhaps delved deeper into the world's complexities, often employing cerebral approaches to problem-solving, their minds a labyrinth of thoughts and speculations.

Individuals whose projections leaned green might be more steadfast, nurturing a deeper appreciation for life, yet often content in their own secluded corners.

And those with a purple tinge in their projections? They were the seekers of love, beauty, and pleasure, driven by desires of the heart and soul.

In essence, these four colors of consciousness projections mirrored the multifaceted nature of humanity. And then there were those projections nearing pure white – either the embodiment of pure innocence, perhaps found in children, or a sign of a truly unblemished mind.

All these revelations painted a vivid picture of the reality of the imaginary number space, a complex tapestry woven from the very essence of human emotions and tendencies.