Damian Rushford

As Damian Rushford entered the room, the atmosphere within the gathering subtly shifted. The distinguished James family, upon recognizing him, exchanged knowing glances. Jackson, with a swift and respectful gesture, stood, beckoning his companion to follow suit.

"Master Rushford!"

The others in the room, Clarke,Phill, and the members of the Quinn family, rose in unison, echoing the James family's respectful greeting.

"Please, everyone, be seated," Damian said with a warm, inviting smile that seemed to light up the room. He gracefully took his place at the head of the table, his eyes sweeping over the assembly. "Quinn, you appear much lighter since our last meeting two years ago."

Quinn, with a courteous smile, replied, "Mr. Rushford, I'm well, thank you. It's just the same old ailments that never seem to leave."

Damian's gaze then shifted to the James brothers. "If I'm not mistaken, you must be, the renowned Zheng Brothers?"

"Yes, we are," Jackson admitted, his usually imposing demeanor softened by a touch of humility. "We are fortunate to have gained some recognition in our field."

Damian nodded, then turned his attention to Higilton. "The Higilton family, a venerable lineage, has long been friends with the Rushford. My grandfather often spoke of his enlightening conversations with Mr. Higilton."

"I am humbled by your words," Phill responded, bowing slightly, his face expressing genuine flattery.

Damian continued, "Your presence here, despite your busy schedules, is greatly appreciated. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Damian Rushford, representing Harmony Mining Company's senior management. I hope this meeting will foster deeper connections and fruitful discussions among us."

The leaders of the three families nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of interest and anticipation.

Clarke, with an easy smile, casually glanced at the floral arrangement on the table. As he gently caressed the petals, the flowers seemed to dance, releasing a blend of floral and sandalwood scents that filled the room. The fragrance was soothing, casting a peaceful aura that enveloped everyone, easing the room into a state of relaxed attentiveness.

"Such an exquisite flower arrangement!" Clarke exclaimed, his surprise mingling with admiration. "Mr Rushford, your skill in blending sandalwood to enhance the charm of these flowers is remarkable. It speaks of a scholarly mastery reminiscent of the ancient Dynasties."

Jackson, seizing the moment, added, "Master Rushford proficiency in the Four Arts is undeniable. He is destined for greatness."

Quinn, not to be outdone, chimed in with a thumbs-up. "Impressive, truly impressive!"

Damian responded with a modest smile. "It's merely a small hobby of mine." He could tell that among them, Clarke had a genuine understanding, while the others offered their praise more out of courtesy. However, he chose not to comment, maintaining the congenial atmosphere.

Damian gracefully rose from the sofa and settled himself cross-legged on a cushion, beginning the meticulous process of preparing tea for his guests.

"Master Rushford, this really isn't necessary!" Quinn exclaimed, rising swiftly with the intention of taking over the tea-making duties.

"please, take your seat," Damian insisted gently yet firmly.

Clarke, unable to hide his curiosity, asked, "Master Rushford, is this part of the famed tea ceremony within the four arts? Are you skilled in it?"

Jackson, realizing the situation, sat back down, albeit somewhat awkwardly.

Damian, with a calm and composed demeanor, responded, "My skills in tea-making are modest at best. It's more of a personal art form for me, a way to cultivate tranquility and introspection, rather than something to be showcased."

As he continued with the tea preparation, Damion began to enlighten the others. "In our ancient culture, the tea ceremony is not just about brewing tea. It's about harmonizing the movement of chakara within the body, the coordination of heart, eyes, hands, and body, and the rhythm and flow of every motion. It's an art that cultivates the soul and refreshes the spirit."

Clarke, watching Danion's fluid motions, couldn't help but compare them to those of Claire, realizing Damian's mastery was far superior. In his mind, he reflected on how, once free from the burdens of labor, the elite often pursued such refined arts to deepen their spiritual understanding, something far removed from the struggles of ordinary citizens.

This tea ceremony, coupled with Damian intense and enigmatic gaze, seemed to Clarke to carry an undercurrent of something darker, more mysterious.

As Damian poured the last of the clear water into the clay cups, the blend of floral charm and sandalwood deepened the room's solemn and elegant aura. Even Jackson, a man of little cultural inclination, was visibly moved into a state of reverence.

"The tea ceremony is an integral part of self-cultivation," Damian remarked as he handed out the tea. "you might find it enriching to explore."

"Absolutely, I will," Quinn agreed enthusiastically.

"Now, let's continue our discussion over tea," Rushford suggested, checking the time. "The reason I've been sent by the company is straightforward. I'm here to caution everyone to be vigilant in the coming period."

Jackson, puzzled, inquired, "What do you mean by that?"

Damian expression turned grave. "Just a month ago, Weyland Company's fleet ambushed our mineral mining operations in the Pluto Industrial Park. The attack resulted in one of our industrial carriers crashing on Pluto, causing a loss of 130 billion. Subsequently, United Aerospace Corporation's warships raided our Kuiper Belt interstellar port, resulting in over 500 casualties and significant damage to the port." His words cast a somber mood over the gathering, as the gravity of the situation became apparent.

The revelation from Clarke Higilton sent shockwaves through the dimly lit, opulent drawing room of the estate. The air, heavy with the scent of sandalwood and the lingering floral notes from the tea ceremony, now seemed charged with tension.

"What!" Jackson eyes bulged in disbelief. "Weyland Company and United Airlines are targeting us? But why?"

"It's likely due to our company's steadily growing influence," Damian explained, his voice tinged with a foreboding tone. "They can't just sit idly by and watch."

The room darkened as Damian expression grew somber. "Essentially, we're seeing covert warfare led by the two T0 powers, seeking to drag Harmony Mining into a mire of conflict."

Quinn leaned forward, his voice tinged with concern. "And what does this mean for us?"

Clarke took a sip of tea, his calm demeanor in stark contrast to the gravity of his words. "For now, the company doesn't require any direct action on your part. Consider this a cautionary warning. Be vigilant against any moves from hostile corporations."

Jackson, visibly perturbed, stammered, "Could those T0s actually target us directly?"

"Unlikely," interjected Phill, deep in thought. "The T0s wouldn't bother with us. It's their associated companies we need to be wary of."

Damian nodded, affirming Phill's insight. "Exactly. The T0s won't move against you unless Harmony Mining falls. But keep an eye on their associated companies. They might get involved. As for T0s, their stance remains ambiguous."

At the mention of this, even Phill's face betrayed a flicker of concern.

"These entities might seem daunting, but we're not without our own allies," Damian said with a hint of defiance. "Harmony Mining's upper echelons are forging alliances with Sanctuary Technology and Pantheon Pharmaceutical. Umbrella and Cyberlife have declared neutrality. If a conflict erupts, it's anyone's guess who'll come out on top."

As these words hung in the air, the group exchanged uneasy glances. Their faces, illuminated by the soft glow of the room's antique lamps, reflected a shared understanding of the brewing storm. They knew, deep down, that the federation might soon be plunged into chaos once more.