Spirit King Kai - THE KNIGHT SAGA

Arc - 3 The Fuegomizu War 

Scene 1 - Brewing Tensions

After the Battle with Soken, Karuro took a year's break before returning to Olympia. He moved back into his old home with Kaya, Some of his friends even came to visit him. On this particular day, Karuro was making some late-night breakfast with Lillian spending the night, not knowing that his year break would be shorter than he expected.

Karuro: How's the food, Lillian?

Lillian: This is amazing! If you weren't trying to be spirit king, you'd be a really good chef.

Karuro: Thanks, I've been practicing

A moment later, they both hear a knock at the door

Lillian: I'll get it for you.

Lillian opens the door

Kotashi: Uhh hello Lillian, is Karuro here?

Lillian: Oh hey Mr. Kotashi! Yeah, he's here, please come in!

Lillian brings Kotashi into Karuro's home.

Karuro: Mr. Kotashi? It's been a while.

Kotashi: I know, it's good to see you, how have you been?

Karuro: Pretty good actually, would you like some breakfast?

Kotashi: Ya know what, sure

After Kotashi ate his food, he revealed the real reason why he was here

Kotashi: This was good, Karuro. But sadly I didn't come here just to catch up with you.

Karuro: So why did you come?

Kotashi: To recruit you for an assignment...

Karuro: Maybe you don't know but this is my break year.

Kotashi: I know and I'm sorry, But my brother is about to go to war with the Hellbull, and you are the only person I know who has enough power to challenge Isada and Hebro

Karuro: Wait wait wait, time out. First of all, you have a brother? Second, you're a prince?!

Kotashi: Yes and yes but that's not important, what's important is that we prevent a war from happening, If you want to help me.

Karuro: You are my teacher and my friend, of course, I'm gonna help you.

Kotashi: Thank you, Karuro. I appreciate this.

Karuro: So when do we get going?

Kotashi: Right now, get your things

Karuro packs a suitcase full of clothes

Karuro: Well I'm out, can you tell Kaya that I'll be gone for a little while?

Lillian: OK I will, Karuro. Please be safe

Karuro: I'll try man, Love ya, Lillian

Lillian: Love you too...

Karuro and Kotashi leave his home

Kotashi: So the plan is we're gonna go to BluKoi and talk to my brother, then we'll go to Hellbull and talk to Hebro so we can find out exactly what's going on. We should get a move on though, it's gonna take us 2 days to get there.

Karuro: two days, how bout two minutes

Kotashi: you're joking right, no way you're that fast. Plus the BluKoi and Hellbull kingdoms are overseas.

Karuro: I might have been on my year break but I was still training I have a new ability.

Karuro first coats himself with his black blood, then he combines it with his lighting ability supercharging his speed, strength, and soul energy/anti-soul energy

Karuro: I call this God King Mode.

Kotashi is astonished by Karuro's power

Kotashi: That power is pretty damn amazing, but how is that exactly gonna get us Blukoi?

Karuro: get on my back.

Kotashi: Ok?

Kotashi gets on Karuro's back, and at that moment he runs outside of the country, overseas, and into the Blukoi Kingdom

Scene 2 - BluKoi and Hellbull

In a blur, Karuro dashes across the ocean carrying Kotashi on his back. To Kotashi's astonishment, they arrive in the kingdom of BluKoi within minutes.

Kotashi steps down, impressed.

Kotashi: Incredible...you really have grown stronger.

Karuro grins.

Karuro: Told ya so! Now, let's go see the king.

At the palace gates, Kotashi convinces the guards to let them pass. In the throne room sits Kotashi's brother, King Isada and a figure standing by him wearing a white suit and his head was a cloud.

Isada greets Kotashi warmly.

Isada: Brother, it's been too long. And you must be the talented young Karuro my brother spoke of.

Karuro bows respectfully.

Karuro: At your service, Your Majesty. And who's your friend by you?

Gost: Im Gost, Im just an advisor for BluKoi so you won't be talking to me that much.

Kotashi gets right to business.

Kotashi: Hmm ok... Isada, I've heard you and Hebro are nearly at war. What happened to cause such hostility between you?

Isada's expression darkens.

Isada: It's Hebro's doing. He's laid claim to our ancestral valleys in the west. His demands grow ever more irrational. I suspect devilry is behind this...

Kotashi and Karuro exchange a worried look. The situation is escalating faster than they realized.

Scene 3 - An Audience with Hebro

Using his Godspeed, Karuro transports Kotashi overseas once more to the Hellbull Kingdom's fiery mountain domains.

At the gates, they are greeted by Hebro and a floating smoke spirit beside him

Hebro: Ah, Kotashi and his protege, To what do I owe this intrusion?

Kotashi: Hebro, we only want to avoid unnecessary bloodshed between our peoples

Hebro scoffs.

Hebro: Bloodshed? Your brother is the one disturbing the peace, I only want the ancestral valley that rightfully belongs to Hellbull.

Kotashi: I understand but My brother feels the same.

Smokagodda: If you really want peace, I suggest you tell your brother to just surrender the ancestral valleys to Hellbull.

Kotashi: Im sorry, who are you?

Hebro: He is my newest general, Smokagodda. And I agree with him, the only way we will ever have peace is if BluKoi surrenders.

Kotashi and Karuro exchange frustrated looks. Neither king seems willing to back down.

Karuro: If I can suggest something, maybe we can in your castle to see if there's a spy or something because this really seems like a "he said - she said" situation.

Hebro thinks for a moment

Hebro: You can stay young Karuro but Kotashi must go back to BluKoi

Karuro: What, why?!

Kotashi: It's fine Karuro, I need to keep an eye on Isada anyway.

Karuro: OK then... see you in the morning...

Scene 4 - Night Raid

Night had fallen over the BluKoi kingdom. Kotashi kept a watchful eye as King Isada talked with Gost about the rising tensions with Hellbull. Suddenly, the castle shook from a massive explosion at the gates.

Isada and Kotashi: The hell?!

Kotashi, Isada, and Gost readied themselves. Hellbull soldiers came pouring in, flinging balls of fire from their hands. Isada wove hand signs, and a massive wave of water materialized and washed over the invading forces. The Hellbull troops concentrated their flames to evaporate the deluge. Kotashi extended his palm, freezing time around a cluster of soldiers. With deft sword strokes, he cut down the immobilized enemies before releasing the time freeze. More Hellbull reinforcements flooded in, raining fire down indiscriminately. Gost rose up, his body turning ethereal as air swirled around him. He condensed the air into a solid construct, shielding Isada and Kotashi from the scorching blasts.

Gost: Mine turn...

Gost punched forward, and a dense blade of compressed air shot out, slicing through the front lines of soldiers. Isada formed hand seals, and geysers of water erupted underneath groups of Hellbull forces, violently scattering them. He kept the pressurized streams going, smashing any foes who attempted to regroup. Kotashi froze time in wider radius, zipping through the battlefield and disabling enemies with rapid sword slashes before the time freeze ended. But still more Hellbull reinforcements kept pouring in, endless ranks of fire-wielding warriors. Gost opened up a swirling white vortex behind them, its powerful vacuum attempting to suck the soldiers through to who-knows-where. With a roar, Isada unleashed a massive tidal wave that battered the remaining resistance before crashing against Gost's barrier in a thunderous explosion of mist. When the vapor cleared, the castle courtyard was littered with fallen Hellbull soldiers. Isada, Gost, and Kotashi stood battered but victorious over the attempted siege.

Isada: This was no mere raid, Hebro has thrown the first blow in an outright war against BluKoi. I will strike back and make him answer for this...

Kotashi: Wait Isada! I don't know if noticed but while we were fighting I saw a gray aura emitting from the soldiers.

Isada: And this gray aura is supposed to mean something?

Kotashi: Maybe the soldiers didn't come here on their own fruition.

Gost: Are you saying that someone could have been controlled in some way?

Isada: That sounds absurd...

Gost: It could be a possibility, sir.

Isada: Whatever... clean my hallway im going to bed...


At the same time as the attack on the BluKoi castle, the Hellbull kingdom also came under siege from BluKoi forces.

Inside the fiery mountain fortress, Karuro stood ready alongside King Hebro and his smoke general Smokagodda as explosions rocked the outer walls.

Hebro: So it begins, the cowards of BluKoi strike while we negotiate in good faith!

Karuro: Look for all we know, this could be a misunderstanding on both sides, I'll go have a look.

Before they could respond, BluKoi soldiers burst through the main gates, flinging torrents of water with their bending abilities. Smokagodda's body turned into a churning vortex of black smoke and ash.

Smokagodda: I'll handle the pawns.

He stretched out like a billowing cloud, rapidly engulfing and suffocating the frontline BluKoi troops. Hebro charged in next, swinging his axe in a blinding series of fiery slashes that cut down any soldiers in his path. His tunic was alight with a blazing energy that made him seem like a living inferno. Karuro watched their backs, alternating between countering water blasts with lightning streams and projecting solid constructs of soul energy to the body to block incoming projectiles. Despite their efforts, more and more BluKoi reinforcements kept pouring into the fortress implicated, many trying to douse Hebro with their water abilities. Thinking quickly, Karuro activated his Copy ability to mimic Hebro's fire mastery. He formed a massive whirling vortex of flames that raged through the BluKoi's ranks. Smokagodda shifted his form, compacting down into a superheated tornado of smoke and embers that tore through the BluKoi's defensive lines like a drill. The battle raged for what felt like hours, with Hebro, Smokagodda, and Karuro steadily overwhelming the enemy forces through the combined might of their fire, smoke, and lightning abilities.

Finally, the last BluKoi soldier fell, and an uneasy silence fell over the smoldering ruins of the Hellbull fortress entrance.

Hebro: You fought well, Karuro, I can see why Kotashi values your skills so highly.

Karuro: Thank you... but this attack makes no sense, Why would BluKoi strike now while we're still negotiating? There must be bigger forces at play...

While Karuro and Hebro were talking, Smokagodda noticed one last BluKoi soldier and created a tendril to kill them, Karuro say at the very last second and caught the tendril before it reached the soldier

Smokagodda: What are you doing?!

Karuro: There's no need to kill this guy he's already down! Plus don't you see that gray aura coming off of him?

Smokagodda: So?

Karuro: I don't think this is his natural aura, I think somebody controlled this guy and the rest of the BluKoi soldiers.

Hebro: So what do you suggest we do?

Karuro: Let's just set up a meeting with you and Isada so we can just find a peaceful resolution to this.

Hebro: Fine... But only because I trust those whom I fought beside.

Karuro: Good to know...

Scene 5 - Clash of Fire and Water

Both the BluKoi and Hellbull kingdoms met up in the ancestral valleys and they tried to find a peaceful solution

Kotashi: I'm glad you both had enough reasoning to come to this agreement

Hebro: Well I'm not gonna get any younger so let's get straight to the point, I want the ancestral valleys that rightfully belong to Hellbull

Isada: Out of the question, Hebro! The ancestral valleys are part of the BluKoi kingdom!

Hebro: My ancestors created that area before BluKoi drove us out and the barrier was made!

Isada: That is irrelevant, Brother don't you agree

Kotashi: This is a conversation between you two. I'm not gonna have any bias.

Karuro: why don't you two share the valleys?

Both give Karuro a perplexed look

Isada and Hebro: What?!

Karuro: Now hear me out, it's like both your kingdoms have a connection with the valleys. Maybe if you guys share the valleys you learn of each other's cultures and bond over differences.

Hebro: This.... Is not a bad idea...

Isada: it would help bring peace to our nations...

Very high up in the sky, Gost is observing the meeting and commenting on how the two kingdoms almost achieved peace but he won't allow it.

Gost: Well this is a surprise, they actually manage to find a middle ground. Too bad it won't last very long. We've tricked both armies into coming here so they should be here any minute now.

Smokagodda: This is about to be one hell of a show...

Gost creates an air arrow and points it at Isada planning to hurt him but not kill him

Back on the ground, Kotashi pulls out a treaty paper for the kings to sign. Right when Isada was about to sign, Gost shot that smoke arrow, and Isada barely dodged it.

Isada: what the hell?! You snake!!

Isada charged at Hebro thinking that was an assassination attempt, at the same time both armies came charging into action determined to save their respective kings.

Kotashi: Jesus Christ, Karuro help me separate the two! It's obvious that someone orchestrated this. Karuro and Kotashi dash at the kings and separated them. Hebro rushes at Isada but Karuro drop kicks him away.

Hebro: Do not get in my way, Karuro! This is your first and last warning...

Karuro: I can't let you kill, Iasda

Hebro: very well then, remember you chose this...

Hebro charges at Karuro, engulfing his entire arm in a fire. Karuro copies this manuvier and they clash. Hebro was winning the clash, pushing Karuro into the ground but Karuro put anti-soul energy into his fire burning away Hebro's fire. Hebro then jumps in the air and throws his axe like a boomerang towards Karuro. Karuro jumped into the air, dodged the axe, and grabbed it trying to attack Hebro with it. Hebro catches the axe's blade between his hands and swings Karuro off the axe into the ground. Hebro covers his in fire and charges straight to the ground like a meteor. Karuro barely dodged the attack. Hebro gets back up and gets hit with an "electric shotgun" from Karuro, pushing Hebro back. Hebro then creates a fireball in his hands and hits it with his axe at Karuro. Karuro uses Soken's ability to create a tennis racket, charges it with soul energy, and swings the fireball back. So the two kept playing tennis with a fireball for a while.


Kotashi and Isada are in their battle.

Kotashi: Please Isada, cease this madness! Can't you see we're being manipulated?"

Isada: Yeah by Hebro, so get out of my way!

Kotashi: I can't let you kill Hebro in good conscience

Isada: Then I view you not as my brother, but as my enemy...

Isada summoned forth his spirit, the Hydrodragon - an immense watery serpent that coiled around Isada menacingly. With a gesture, Isada sent the spirit racing towards Kotashi in a crushing tidal wave. Acting quickly, Kotashi froze the wave solid with his Cryomancy, then retaliated by slowing time around Isada. Moving in a blur, Kotashi landed several blows on his bewildered brother. But Isada broke the temporal freeze with his Hydroconsciousness, rallying his emotions. The Hydrodragon responded, smashing through Kotashi's ice shields and knocking him back. To follow up, Isada created water clones to attack Kotashi. Kotashi easily froze all of the water clones turning them into ice bombs and throwing them at Isada, injuring him.

Isada: You... always did think you were above me didn't you?

Kotashi: No Isada not at all!

Isada: Stop lying! You only left BluKoi because you felt sorry for me, for being the weaker brother..

Kotashi: I left because I wanted to forge my path, Isada. I didn't want the burden of ruling a kingdom, you did!

Isada: So BluKoi is a burden to you?! Well then let me show you the power of its king!

Isada then used his deadzone to get the upper hand on Kotashi. Kotashi tried to stop time but he realized he couldn't use his time-stop ability.

Kotashi: Why can't I use my spirit ability?

Isada: This is my deadzone, Hydrospace. Time doesn't exist here therefore you are unable to use your ability.

Kotashi: Oh I'm screwed aren't I...

Isada: Very...

Kotashi: But we are still on equal footing...

Isada: True but there's one issue

Isada runs up to Kotashi's face

Isada: I am way faster than you...

Kotashi jumps back and throws a flurry of ice sickles at Isada. Isada runs at the ice sickles, dodges in between them, and kicks his brother in the stomach. Kotashi freezes his brother's leg and throws it on the ground, but Isada makes a handstand and kicks his brother in the face with his free leg. Kotashi stumbles back a bit but he catches his footing Isada tries to kick Kotashi in the head, but Kotashi blocks it with his arm breaking the ice off of Isada's leg. Kotashi begins to grow tired...

Isada: What's wrong brother, tired yet?

Kotashi: Im.... just getting started-

Isada cuts him off by blitzing him and punching his stomach causing him to fall to his knees

Isada: Quite you...

Isada puts down the deadzone and when it goes down, Iasad and Kotashi see Karuro and Hebro playing tennis with the same fireball. The brothers give each other a look of confusion.

Kotashi and Isada: What the hell?...

The fireball was being hit so fast and had a build-up of soul energy, that at the limit of its power, it exploited. Karuro and Hebro absorb the leftover energy from the explosion, charging one last clash similar to the one at the beginning of their fight. They rush at each other planning to finish this fight. Right before their fist connected, Karuro in a genius move switched all the power from his right arm to his left hitting Hebro in the stomach, then grinding his fist up Hebro's body into a finishing uppercut. With Karuo winning the fight and Hebro knocked out, Isada takes this opportunity to finish him off. Kotashi used the last bit of his strength, chasing him down. The brothers dash at each other trying to get the upper hand on one another. Kotashi tries to kick Isada in the face but Isada uses water substitution and reappears, stabbing his brother in the stomach. When Karuro saw this, he instantly turned into his God King Mode and dashed at Isada.

Karuro's lightning-charged fist plowed towards Isada with thunderous force. At the last instant, Isada summoned a shield of water to block the crushing blow. Karuro pressed his assault, raining down heavy blows. The Hydrodragon erupted from the ground in response, vaulting Isada away from Karuro's relentless strikes. A blade of water manifested in his hand as he charged forward. Karuro sidestepped the water blade, his fist connecting with Isada's torso in a painful cross. Staggering back, Isada regained his footing. Winded but undeterred, Isada drew deeply from his reserves of strength. The Hydrodragon spiraled wildly around him, its jaws crackling with energy. The Hydrodragon unleashed a focused torrent of water with the power to shear through the stone. Karuro uses his Copy King to imitate the Hydrodragon, both dragons clashing at each other. Not expecting this, Isada held his stance firmly. he charged forward, a spear of water held high. Karuro deflected the spear with a clap of thunder just as Isada closed in. Before Isada could react, Karuro landed a powerful and fiery right hook to his jaw, knocking the king off his feet. The Hydrodragon dissipated instantly with its master stunned. Isada crashed limply to the ground, defeated.

Karuro breathed heavily, thinking that it was finally over...

Karuro: Jesus..... Christ.....

With that, Gost and Smokagodda finally had enough chaotic energy to reawake their true power. The sky turns gray, with Smokagodda's and Gost's energy. Smokagodda manifests into a 30-foot-tall pillar of pure energy while Gost stays the same size as they stand over Kauro.

Smokagodda: Well I must say, this worked better than I could ever imagine.

Gost: Well duh it was my plan.

Karuro is visibly shaken up by Smokagodda's and Gost's presence

Karuro: What... what are you guys?...

Gost: You do need an explanation do you... I am Gost, god of air and deception.

Smokagodda: And Im Smokagodda, god of smoke and discord. Also thanks for the show.

Karuro: So... why do this?...

Smokagodda: For one I feed off of chaos and negativity.

Gost: And for two it's just entertaining.

Karuro: That's it?

Smokagodda: Oh come on, you can't tell me that tricking two dumbasses isn't funny?

Gost: Plus you did contribute to getting us this much power

Karuro slowly put his arms up and charged his soul energy

Karuro: Well then let me fix my mistake...

Gost and Smokagodda: Oh please, try us...

Karuro launched himself at Smokagodda in a blur, unleashing a devastating barrage of blows against the smoke entity. But his fists glanced harmlessly off Smokagodda's amorphous form. Smokagodda then created tendrils of inky vapor lashing out to ensnare Karuro. Thinking quickly, Karuro channeled electricity through his body, dispersing the tendrils. But Smokagodda simply reformed them and attacked again. Karuro evaded the shadowy onslaught, His aura flared as he focused his power. Sensing the mounting energy, Smokagodda recoiled warily. But too late - Karuro summoned a colossal lightning storm, bolts of electricity bombarding Smokagodda from all sides. As Karuro poured everything into his electric assault, Gost finally decided to intervene. He took to the air, riding the churning winds as he gathered the very air molecules into a series of hyper-dense invisible blades that lashed out at Karuro. The concentrated bursts of compressed air battered Karuro relentlessly until his electric charge died out and he collapsed to his knees, utterly spent. Smokagodda loomed overhead, his shadowy form regenerating from the lingering ashes and embers in the area.

Smokagodda: An impressive attempt, I'll give you that, But futile nonetheless against our divine might.

Gost drifted down, eyeing Karuro with disdain.

Gost: Did you really think the pawns of mere mortal kingdoms could ever hope to stand against us?

Karuro glared defiance at them through his battered state, his indomitable spirit burning bright even as his body failed him.

Smokagodda seemed to consider finishing Karuro off, but instead let out a low chuckle.

Smokagodda: I think it's time we brought this senseless war to its climax, don't you agree?

With that, the pair turned their attention to the horizon, ready to unleash their devastating powers against both the BluKoi and Hellbull kingdoms in one final, apocalyptic confrontation.

Kotashi slowly gets up, trying to heal his wound by freezing it. Kotashi sees Karuro fighting for his life against Smokagodda and Gost, this makes his heart sink as he feels like it was his fault. Kotashi then turns to see his brother and Hebro knocked out. He decides to wake the two kings up and try to make things right.

Kotashi: Wake up you two!!

Isada and Hebro slowly start to wake up and they see Kotashi still wounded but standing. They see Kotashi point at Karuro and Smokagodda fighting, and a mix of amazement, shock, and horror appears on Isada and Hebro's faces.

Hebro: What.... What did we do?....

Kotashi: You two fucked up that's what!! Karuro is risking his life trying to save two kingdoms that don't deserve it!! So you two will get up, and help me help Karuro take on those bastards, Is that understood?!

Hebro and Isada both look at each other, then they ready themselves.

Hebro: im ready...

Isada: Let's go...

Kotashi: Alrighty then.... Oh and Isada

Isada: yes?

Kotashi: Fuck you

Isada: I.... deserve that....

Karuro running out of energy has been getting beat and thrashed by Smokagodda and Gost, right on his last leg.

Gost: Well young one you put up a good fight, But you were too weak. Any last words, Karuro?

Karuro flips off Gost

Gost: Rude.....

Smokagodda then creates a gigantic fist of smoke and charges it full of soul energy, readying himself to kill Karuro. Just as Smokagodda was about to do it, Hebro came in flying from the left, swinging his axe hitting Smokagodda square in the face. Then Kotashi and Isada come in from the left, both simultaneously kicking Gost in the torso.

Smokagodda careened from the combined surprise attack but quickly regained his swirling form. Tendrils of smoke lashed out, forcing the group to scatter. Hebro swung his axe in blazing arcs, dispelling the tendrils. Isada raised walls of water to shield them. Kotashi froze the water into thousands of icy daggers and sent them hurtling at Smokagodda. The shadowy figure bent and contorted to evade the barrage. Karuro added crackling bolts of electricity to the mix, the air humming with power. Smokagodda adapted and absorbed the attacks, growing ever stronger. Gost created swirling winds, dodging Isada and Kotashi's strikes with ease. The air god gathered the very molecules around him into a concentrated vortex before expelling it as a spiraling tornado of compressed air blades. The invisible slicing forces tore through the ground and deflected Hebro's fire attacks. Smokagodda let out a resonating bellow and slammed his smoke tendrils into the earth, unleashing a massive shockwave that staggered the group. As they regained their footing, Hebro and Isada combined their fire and water powers into a scalding storm of superheated vapors. The misty hellscape poured over Smokagodda, eroding away at his form bit by bit even as he continued regenerating. Gost hardened the air around him into an impenetrable curved shield to weather the punishing onslaught. Seizing the opportunity, Karuro copied Gost's air solidification trick and enclosed himself and Kotashi in a vacuum sphere to catch their breath.

Smokagodda: You mortals thought that you could jump us?!

Gost: You must not truly understand how hopeless this situation is, so let us show you...

Gost and Smokagodda: Deadzone!!!

Smokagodda's and Gost's Deadzone is so big that it covers the entire planet Earth. They then charges a blast above them that would destroy both the BluKoi and Hellbull kingdoms, and launches it at the group. The group instinctively come together and charge their beams at Smokagodda and Gost. The beams clash instantly but Smokagodda's and Gost's beam easily overpowers the team's beams. It seemed hopeless but an idea came to Karuro's head. He forcefully combined his team's energy and added his anti-soul energy to the team's beam. The beam then not only overpowered Smokagodda's and Gost's attack, but It completely obliterated him and destroyed Smokagodda's deadzone clearing the sky. The team was extremely tired, with Karuro almost passing out. But as a sign of victory, he caught himself from passing out.

Karuro: Not... this time...

Kotashi: Are you alright, Karuro?

Karuro then turns to see Hebro and Kotashi bowing down to Karuro and crying feeling grateful that Karuro has saved their kingdoms.

Hebro: Thank you... Thank you so much for saving our kingdoms!..

Isada: How.... could we ever repay you?....

Karuro: Just..... Work with each other and be decent.

Isada and Hebro both get up and shake hands, bringing a new era of peace for both kingdoms.

Kotashi: Well that's taken care of, what now?

Karuro: Let's just head home, I bet the gang is worried about us.

Kotashi: Drop me off at Olympia when we get back, you need a break.... For real this time.

Karuro: Oh trust me, I will...

Karuro eventually arrives home.

Kaya: Karuro! You're back! We were so worried.

Lillian: Are you alright? We heard about the terrible battle.

Karuro: I'm fine, don't worry. Just happy to be home.

Lillian: Please just don't up and leave on me like that again!

Karuro: Ah come on, I had to do what I had to do. Hell anyone would.

Kaya: Anyone? Karuro, you saved two whole kingdoms! You're too humble.

Karuro: Maybe you're right. But I'm no Spirit King, that's for sure.

Lillian: Not yet at least. But one day, I just know you will be.

Karuro: Thanks, Lillian I appreciate it.

They embrace warmly, grateful to be reunited and bring an end to the Fuegomizu War. 

Arc - 4 The Spirit King Trials 

Scene 1 - A Fateful Summons

Karuro enters the royal throne room where Spirit King Yukahn awaits.

Yukahn: Karuro, your valiant deeds have proven you a true hero from saving my daughter to defeating Soken and finally saving two kingdoms. As such, the time has come for you to undertake the trials to become the next Spirit King.

Karuro: Me? But sir I am still so inexperienced.

Yukahn: A wise king admits his shortcomings. You are ready to take my place, will you accept young Karuro?

Karuro steels his nerves and kneels solemnly.

Karuro: Then for you, me, and the future of the spirit realm, I accept.

Yukahn creates a light sword, tapping Karuro's shoulders.

Yukahn: Then rise, young one, and prepare yourself for the Spirit King Trials.

Scene 2 - Seeking Wisdom

Yuukahn sent Karuro to meet Suno Kidd in the cloud citadel, a tutor of past Spirit Kings. Suno greets him warmly.

Suno: So you are the next candidate. I have heard a lot of good things about you—the name's Suno Kidd.

Karuro: Im Karuro Ashren, its a pleaser. So can you tell me exactly how you're gonna train me?

Suno: Well before and after the trials you're going to fight me to gauge your progress and just how strong you are. As for the Spirit Trial Themselves, it's split into 3 parts. The Body Trial, The Mind Trial, and The Soul Trial. I'll go into more detail when you start the actual trials.

Karuro: Sounds good, I can't wait to get started.

Suno: It's easier said than done, but I love your enthusiasm

???: More like stupidity....

The voice startled Karuro but not Suno

Karuro: Who is that?!

Onin just popped in front of Karuro

Onin: Your superior...

Karuro: "..."

Suno: Oh come on Onin, you literally just found out that the kid existed yesterday.

Onin: Now that I see him in person, he's oddly short and has a stench of fear

Karuro: Oh, I didn't know I was gonna get insulted this much today

Onin: I only speak the truth young one, you are one of the weakest candidates for a spirit king I've ever seen...

Karuro was a little bothered by this but he tried to hide it

Karuro: Yeah ok...

Onin turns around to look at Suno, he shakes his head and then leaves

Karuro: Who the hell was that?

Suno: That was my friend Onin Bloodjin.

Karuro: Your friends with him?...

Suno: Onin, he wouldn't admit but yeah we are.

Karuro: He seems like a jerk to be honest.

Suno: Onin is just very prideful, I mean for one He's Yukahn's head general, and two he beat death in a battle so he has reasons.

Karuro: Beat death? As in The Grim Reaper?

Suno: Oh yeah that was a crazy battle indeed, after Onin won Death gave him two gifts. Eyes of death perception and ever-lasting life although it's only to where he can't age.

Karuro: Eyes of death perception?

Suno: It's an ability where they can see multiple points on an opponent where if they hit it, the "death points" would make it easier to take out an enemy.

Karuro: That's actually pretty cool, but he's still an ass

Suno: He'll come around, now we have a battle to do

Karuro: Right, should I hold back or go all out?

Suno: you're going to need to go all out to even perceive my speed

Karuro: Then let's go!

Karuro powered up into his God King mode, lightning crackling around him. Suno simply smiled and beckoned him onward.

Karuro launched a blistering barrage of punches, But to his shock, Suno easily dodged or deflected every strike as if dancing effortlessly. To emphasize his point, Suno struck out in a blur, sending Karuro skidding backward despite his enhanced speed. Karuro realized that Suno's skill badly outclassed him. Changing tactics, Karuro pressed his palms to the ground, sending arcs of electricity along the stone floor. But Suno nimbly leaped upwards, rebounding and somersaulting over the crackling field. As Suno descended rapidly foot-first towards him, Karuro crossed his arms and reinforced his body with anti-soul energy. The force of Suno's axe kick drove Karuro down into the fractured floor, pulverizing the rock but protecting Karuro from harm. Momentarily stunned by the blocked attack, Suno failed to react in time as Karuro countered with a rising uppercut, finally landing a clean hit on his mentor and sending him airborne.

Suno: Well done, you're learning. But you'll have to do better than that.

Nodding, Karuro concentrated his energy into his fist, then punched the ground, shattering the stone floor. The debris rose into the air, enveloped in anti-soul energy. With a sweep of his hand, Karuro sent the hailstorm of rubble flying at crushing speeds towards Suno. But Suno chuckled and turned his tail into a staff, deflecting every stone near him. Karuro grimaced, realizing direct attacks were useless against Suno's skill. Instead, Karuro relied on a trick. Concentrating, he created an illusion of himself charging straight at Suno, while he secretly maneuvered behind, in anticipation of a disabling strike to the back of the neck. But once again Suno was ahead of him. Without even turning, he jabbed his staff backward, catching Karuro hard in the solar plexus before he could land his attack.

Suno: Nice try Karuro, but you're not slick.

Karuro is on the ground wheezing and exhausted but he still tries to get up

Suno: You can sit down, Karuro you did amazing.

Karuro is still gasping while trying to speak

Karuro: But we..... We just got started...

Suno: I've seen all that I needed to, let me start off by saying that you have grit and are very determined. You're a pretty good fighter in general, the only problem is that you are weak. Don't get me wrong you have a lot of potential but you yourself are just pitiful, when you do get into the zone while fighting you are very easy to telegraph. Nonetheless, when I'm done with you, you will be legendary.

Karuro: Wow... I appreciate the honesty. So when do we get started?

Suno: Now actually, you will run 1 million miles around the Earth!

Karuro: "..."

Suno: You think I'm joking?

Karuro: No, but I wish you were...

Suno: Oh don't worry, It's only gonna be for one day. Plus I'm gonna sit on your back the whole time giving you energy.

Karuro: I don't know whether to thank you or fight you again...

Suno: You and I both know you have no choice in the matter.

Karuro: So what, are we starting in the cloud citadel?!

Suno: no but we'll be back here once you're done.

Karuro: Then let's get straight to it.

The two then skydive off of the cloud citadel and land at Olympia Spirit Academy, where Karuro starts his 1 million-mile run...

About 200,000 miles in, Karuro was ready to collapse. His muscles burned, his feet bled, and his lungs gasped for air.

Karuro: Je.... sus christ....

Suno: Hey don't say lil bro's name in vain and keep pushing!!

Karuro: I... will....

Karuro gritted his teeth and pushed past the pain, slowly picking up speed again.

After 500,000 miles, Karuro entered a trance-like state, his mind drifting as his body continued forward automatically. Suno nodded in approval at the focus.

Suno: Wow, Karuro you're actually doing way better than I thought you would.

Suno was thinking that after the run, Karuro could go straight into the mind trial because of his progress.

Nearing the 1 million mile mark, Karuro climbed snowy mountains, traversed scorching deserts, and forded raging rivers, never stopping. Finally, he crossed the finish back at Olympia, collapsing instantly. Though on the brink of death, Karuro had completed the unfathomable trial.

Suno: You did amazing kid, You probably gonna be asleep for a week. After that, we start the mind trial.

After 1 week of rest, Karuro finally awoke back at the cloud citadel being greeted by Suno

Suno: Rise and shine, Karuro! We have some work to do!

Karuro was still very groggy but pushed on anyway

Karuro: I have to do the mind trial, right?...

Suno: Correct, you start right now

Karuro: Huh?!

Suno grabs Karuro and they both teleport back to the cloud citadel, Suno puts Karuro in a room.

Suno: this room is the black box, it's basically going to strain your head, make you confused, angry, the whole nine yards. All you have to do is keep a clear mind and a steady flow of soul energy.

Karuro: That's it?

Suno: Yep, well I'll leave you to it, see you after your trial kid.

Suno then walks out of the Black Box, when he walks out he sees Onin just standing there.

Suno: You sure are a little ear hustler aren't you?

Onin: You know my doubts about this...boy.

Suno: What, because he's weak?

Onin: That and he's so inexperienced, I believe you put too much trust in him.

Suno: Karuro has so much potential, he might be weak but the kid is really smart. And his determination is just... amazing

Onin: Determination can only get one so far, Suno. He's still a child after all.

Suno: I'm pretty sure he's 18, but I'll man him up.

Onin: You better for his sake...

Onin then turns around and leaves

Back in the Black Box Karuro found himself alone in the pitch-black room. At first, there was only silence and stillness. Then, whispers began swirling around him - taunts and doubts meant to break his focus. Karuro shook them off, concentrating on maintaining a steady flow of soul energy. The darkness shifted, morphing into nightmarish visions - demons clawing, flames licking. Karuro remained calm, breathing deeply. The visions melted away. Now soothing memories played before him - his sister's smile, his team's laughter. Pleasant at first, but they turned twisted, becoming a tormenting reminder of all he could still lose. Karuro steeled himself, pushing the memories aside. Next came searing pain, racking his body. Karuro cried out but kept his mind clear, drawing on his well of inner strength. After what felt like an eternity, the agony ceased. Now came anger, red hot fury coursing through him, goading him to destroy. But Karuro focused inward, acknowledging the emotion without giving in to it. Finally, all sensations ceased, leaving only Karuro's rapid breaths echoing in the void. He had persevered, completing the trial through force of will alone. Just then, the door opened, sunlight spilling over a weary but accomplished Karuro.

Suno: Nice work kid, looks like your anti-soul energy has been fully unlocked

Karuro comes out of the Black Box showing he has been crying

Suno: You ok, Karuro?...

Karuro: You literally put me in a room where I saw the people closest to me just flat-out die, so no Suno I'm not okay!!

Suno: I'm sorry Karuro but that's just something you to see, the mind trial was made to test your mental fortitude.

Karuro: I understand so I'm not angry at you I'm just... shaken up.

Suno: Hey if you want to we could stop for a bit before we begin your last trial.

Karuro: No... I want to do it now. I've been on a roll, haven't I?

A smile comes on Suno's face, proud of Karuro's want to finish the trials

Suno: Alrighty then, let's start the soul trial!

Karuro: So what do I have to do?

Suno: You have to fight yourself.

Karuro: Excuse me?!

Suno: I'm gonna take your soul out of your body and put your body on autopilot.

Karuro: And why is this the last trial?

Suno: Your Body and Mind are in sync, we just need to see if your soul is too

Karuro: If that's the case... then I'm ready!!

Suno: Good...

Suno then rips Karuro's soul outta his body. Once that happened, Karuro's soul and body readied themselves to fight one another. The body attacked first, lunging forward with a devastating punch. Karuro's soul barely dodged, surprised by the body's speed and power. The body pressed its assault, raining down heavy blows that Karuro's soul struggled to evade. Realizing he couldn't keep running, Karuro's soul planted its feet and caught the next punch. Soul and body strained against each other, clasped hands trembling from the force. Seizing the chance, Karuro's soul delivered a headbutt, stunning the body. It followed up with a roundhouse kick to the chest, launching the body backward. Regaining its footing, the body adopted a defensive posture. Karuro's soul attacked with a flurry of punches and kicks, but the body adeptly blocked or deflected them. To break the stalemate, Karuro's soul swept the body's leg while simultaneously striking its shoulder. The body crashed down but used the momentum to roll back up. The two circled each other warily before clashing again, trading blow for blow. Karuro's soul started incorporating feints and misdirection. The body anticipated this, striking at where the soul feigned rather than where it appeared. As the intense battle raged on with no clear victor, Karuro's soul realized that besting himself required harmonizing his warring aspects - mind, body, and soul. Calming his thoughts, he directed energy into charging at himself. Soul and body glowed brighter, resonating in sync. In a brilliant flash, they re-merged into one Karuro.

Karuro felt a wave of power, euphoria, and accomplishment rush over himself and let out a scream of victory.


Suno: You sure did Karuro, you worked your ass off for this.

Karuro: Yeah, and thank you so much Suno... I really appreciate all you've done for me.

Suno: Don't mention it man, But if your still up for it we can have one last fight...

Karuro then instantly went into God King Mode

Karuro: Your on, Suno! I can actually beat you!!

Suno: Let's see then...

Karuro charged at Suno, barely dodging it. Even though Karuro missed, something truly wonderful happened that truly touched Suno. The force of Karuro's punch went upward into the sky, destroying stars in its path. It reached so far past the heavens...

Karuro: Um Suno, what just happened?

Suno: You... just became a legend...

Karuro: Thanks but that doesn't answer my question.

Suno: Do you know what Nirvana is?

Karuro: Um a little, why?

Suno: The punch you just threw, if had more power could've reached it.

Karuro: So why is it important?

Suno: Because Karuro, that means you have the potential to reach Nirvana yourself and attain enlightenment. No Spirit King has ever done that before!

Karuro: Wow... I don't know what to say...

Suno: Well I do, you are truly amazing in every way and I can't wait to serve under you... My king...

Suno then bows before Karuro, then Onin makes his presence known

Onin: Bowing already I see...

Suno: You don't understand Onin, Karuro is unlike anything you've seen before.

Onin: I will say that his power has rapidly grown throughout the trials, But Karuro is still a child and does not understand the real responsibility of becoming Spirit King.

Karuro: OK first of all I'm 18, second I know exactly what it means to Spirit King.

Onin: Then prove it... Fight me in a death match.

Suno: Onin that's unnecessary!!

Karuro: You know what, it's fine. But why a death match?...

Onin: Taking the responsibility of Spirit King means you would sacrifice anything and everything, including your life...

Karuro: That... makes sense. When do we start?

Onin: We will go to a gladiator ring for our battle.

Karuro: Alrighty then.

Suno: Karuro you don't have to do this, you're technically already Spirit King!

Karuro: It's fine, i don't want a subordinate to think I'm not worthy enough for my title...

Onin laughs

Onin: then let's begin...

They left the cloud citadel and went to a gladiator arena... As the battle commenced, the heavens shook and the blood-hungry crowds roared. Onin attacked like a viper, his obsidian blade a merciless streak of darkness. Yet Karuro met his strikes head-on, each lightning-laced punch ringing out like thunder. They dueled across the arena in a hypnotic dance of death. Whenever Karuro sought an opening, Onin would unveil some new cruel technique from his endless repertoire. Seeking to catch Onin off-guard, Karuro split into mirror images of himself using psychic projection. But Onin's blade severed the fakes, leaving the real Karuro exposed. Blood now flowed from numerous cuts, but Karuro ignored the pain. The tables turned as Karuro landed a crushing ax handle strike, fracturing the arena floor and nearly breaking Onin's blade. Howling with murderous rage, Onin retaliated with Death's Harvest - a whirlwind of vorpal steel that drove Karuro back. Karuro tried to get back up but Onin kicked and held him under his foot. Onin raised the sword above Karuro, ready to end his life...

As Onin swings his sword back down, Karuro catches the blade in between his hands. His God King Mode begins to create cracks with a white and purple light coming out of the cracks. Once Karuro's god-king mode fully breaks, a brilliant light shines across the arena. After the light dissipates Karuro slowly gets up in a white and purple aura covering his whole body. This was his Ultimate God King Mode. Karuro then breaks Onin's sword and delivers a devastating gut punch that reverberates through his entire body. Onin doubled over wheezing, only for Karuro to grab him by the throat and rocket skyward. Thousands of feet in the air, Karuro hurled the dazed Onin earthward like a missile. Onin smashed into the arena floor, obliterating the stone surface and sinking into the fractured earth. But Karuro gave no quarter. Plunging down, he stomped Onin deeper into the rubble. Grabbing Onin's leg, Karuro swung him overhead and power-slammed him back and forth across the arena like a ragdoll. Karuro then flung Onin straight up and battering-rammed him in midair, rocketing Onin through the arena wall in a hail of pulverized stone. Onin tumbled brokenly across the dirt. Karuro then slowly walks up to the beaten and bruised Onin, but has no malicious intent and just looks at him.

Onin: What... are you doing?...

Karuro: Showing you mercy.

Onin: But... why?...

Karuro: Because I care about life way more than I do a title, I wouldn't be much of a king if I didn't...

Karuro then turns around and leaves the arena, finally achieving his dream of becoming Spirit King...

A day or so later, Karuro and his friends and family went back to Olympia to celebrate

Lillian rushed forward, throwing her arms around him.

Lillian: You did it, Karuro! I'm so proud of you!

Karuro: Couldn't have done it without your love and support

Karuro squeezes her in a warm embrace.

Nozz gave him a friendly punch on the arm.

Nozz: Knew you had it in ya. But hey, don't let the fancy new crown go to your head!

Karuro laughed.

Karuro: Wouldn't dream of it.

Talia smiled brightly.

Talia: You deserve this, Karuro. All your hard work has paid off in the end.

Daigo just smerked at Karuro not saying anything

Kaya hugged her brother tightly, tears of joy in her eyes.

Kaya: Mom and Dad would be so happy, Karuro. You're going to be an amazing Spirit King.

Kotashi bowed respectfully.

Kotashi: It's been an honor to guide you, my friend. The future of the Spirit Realm is in good hands.

Finally, Yukahn approached, feeling nothing but pure joy.

Yukahn: Young Karuro, when we first met, I saw glimmers of the great king you could become. Now, you have exceeded all expectations. Rule wisely and lead with compassion - that is the mark of a true king.

Karuro met Yukahn's gaze steadily, resolve in his voice.

Karuro: I give you my solemn pledge to protect and serve the Spirit Realm with all my heart. We will build a brighter future together.

As the celebration continued, Karuro looked around at the smiling faces of everyone he held dear, realizing that this was the greatest honor of all - to share this moment with those who mattered most. After the trials he had endured, Karuro finally found himself exactly where he was meant to be.