
**WARNING - This chapter contains sexual content not suitable for readers under 18. Readers' discretion is advised.**


Amira wakes up to the shock of seeing it is 6 a.m. – and it's now Monday. She slept all of Sunday away after her activities in bed last night. Just the thought sends her stomach flip-flopping and squirming, remembering every last detail of what she did last night. 

      She is almost still able to feel his fingers inside of her. 

      Oh, dear god! She gets out of bed quietly and rushes into the bathroom, turning on the light to find the sink and splash some cold water on her face. Looking up at the mirror to check how streaked her make-up is, she gasps loudly instead of the multiple hickey marks covering her chest and neck. 

      She also notices that she has been dressed in an oversized white t-shirt, her bra still missing but her panties back in place. "Oh, my god," she mutters, thinking of Calix changing her and cleaning up their mess after she passed out on him. 

      He comes rushing in seconds later, sensing her shock and hearing her muttering to herself. "Is everything all right?" he asks. 

      "No, it isn't." She turns and points to the marks. "How the hell am I supposed to hide this when I go to school?" 

      His eyes light up and his smile beams with pride as his gaze trails over her body, making her feel as if the t-shirt she is wearing is invisible. She tries to cover herself and backs into the counter behind her, but Calix crowds her against it and pulls her arms away. 

      "You look extremely attractive wearing nothing but my shirt." He nibbles on her earlobe, and she lets out a gasp. 

      "I d-don't feel much d-different than before." He begins kissing and nipping at the weak spot on her neck, making it nearly impossible to think, let alone speak. 

      "I call bullshit, sweetheart, I can feel how aroused you are right now, something I couldn't feel before. Your body is already beginning to naturally respond to my touch, you most likely passed out last night from being unable to handle to pressure of feeling the heat of two bodies." 

      As if to prove his point, he runs his hand up the inside of her thigh and her body presses further against his, instantly reacting as he said. Unable to handle the swirling desire wrapping around them, he lifts her onto the counter and slams his lips onto hers. She feels him press his erection against her, the material of his sweatpants much thinner than the jeans he wore last time, causing her to almost feel the outline of his cock against her even thinner panties. 

      They once again lose themselves in a moment of passion, Amira forgetting everything right down to her name for their blissful minutes before the blaring of her phone alarm in the next room alerts her that it's time to get up and get ready for her morning classes. 

      This time, she is the one to groan in frustration when he pulls away from her, causing him to laugh briefly and making her realize this is the first time she has heard his genuine laugh, loving the sound of it. 

      "You can use the bathroom to get ready, I washed your clothes yesterday. I can drive you to the college after." Calix kisses her forehead before leaving to fetch her clothes. 

      "Oh, uh, actually," she says and stops him from leaving. "I don't want people to see us showing up together, they are definitely going to know something is going on and you're a teacher." 

      He narrows his eyes. "And this isn't high school, you're perfectly legal, you'll be 19 soon and I'm only 23, Amira. Or do you plan to keep our relationship a secret until you graduate?" 

      "It's not the worst idea," she mumbles. 

      His eyes darken further, and he grabs hold of her again, trapping her against his chest. 

      "I think it is since you don't have a mate mark to at least keep me sane." 

      Despite the seriousness of the situation, she giggles at his jealous words. Isaac was never the one to show any possessiveness or jealousy towards others, even those non-existent. Turns out it's a feeling that makes her slightly giddy. 

      "That will only keep the male werewolves away, not any male species," she teases. He growls at her in response, sounding closer to the werewolf side of him than the human side in front of her. 

      She tries to wave him off. "Can we keep it a secret just for now? It's probably safer the fewer people who know about us, or they might target me as a weakness." This isn't a lie, but deep down she hopes it is. 

      "Fine," he grumbles. 


      Amira drives into the school parking lot just in time to see Calix getting out of his car from the reserved teacher's section. Though they are far enough away from each other that she can't see his face, she sees the way his head lifts and instantly seeks out her car and already imagines the grin he has on his face from the way she gets a small random dose of serotonin. 

      Checking around the parking lot, she spots Evander's light blue car behind her but can't see him inside or around it and hopes the coast is clear for her to at least get herself inside the building. The more people around her, the better. 

      She grabs her bag and rushes toward her class building, keeping her head straight down along the path until she gets close to the doors. 

      To her non-existent luck, Evander pops up around the building and starts walking toward the front doors as well, spotting her immediately. 

      "Morning, Amira!" he calls out and runs up to her. He stops as a wide grin spreads across his face and he points to her neck. "It looks like someone had a fun weekend." 

      She tries to pull the collar of her jacket up further and gives him a sheepish smile. 

      "Sorry about that, I tried to cover them." 

      "Don't apologize, this is college, it's what we're supposed to be doing. These are the last years we're going to have before we enter the real world and have to actually start acting like adults rather than letting them handle everything for us." He laughs loudly and draws the attention of people nearby. 

      The last thing she needs after this weekend is for Calix to find out that Evander found her first thing Monday morning after finding a stranger outside her house. 

      "I have to head to class if you're walking in the same direction," she offers. 

      Evander nods and opens the door for her to go ahead of him. 

      As they're walking down the hall he turns to her. "I wanted to apologize again for upsetting your boyfriend. I didn't realize he was an Alpha at first, I don't have that great ability to sniff out who has the Alpha gene. My parents explained to me afterwards that there is a custom for any new wolves who move into the territory claimed by a pack, they must either join or pay respects to show they are not rabid rogues." 

      "You weren't aware of this custom before? Were you not a part of a pack before coming here?" she asks. 

      "We were, but we were never a family of important status or high rank, my father is a rather humble person who is just willing to help in any way he can, but he isn't a warrior like most men. It was because of his gentle nature that we ended up leaving the pack, no longer agreeing with the direction they were going and the views they had. Now, we're drifters, I suppose." 

      Amira hums and nods her head, unsure of what to say as she thinks about all the unanswered questions she and Calix have had since he appeared. Now, she realizes that he is completely harmless and really is just trying to live a peaceful life with his family. It's clear that for someone like them, Morrowfalls is the perfect place to settle down. 

      "If your parents knew of the custom, why didn't they go and pay respects?" 

      "As I said, they're very simple folk and don't want to cause any trouble, but they understand how it might look when strange wolves move into the area without a pack and nothing to their name. They are afraid we might be mistaken for rogue wolves or assumed to be on the run." 

      Amira hides her face as her cheeks heat up, ashamed of the views she and Calix had when they first met him, accusing him of those very things. She looks up and sees that they have arrived at her classroom. 

      "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I've known all the packs here for many years and I'm sure any one of them would love to take your family in if they have the space." She isn't sure what else to comment on his situation but needs to cut the conversation short. 

      He smiles at her. "Thanks for the vote of confidence and for allowing me to walk to class. I hope we get to talk again soon, Amira." He gives her a small wave before turning down the hall and continuing. 

      She tries to push their conversation aside when she heads into class, deciding to speak with Calix about it after Business Ethics.