
"Get a pack doctor, now!" Calix shouts, holding Amira's cold and lifeless body in his shaking hands. A servant comes and offers to take her to the pack infirmary, taking her from his arms when he doesn't react to his words and rushes out of the room. 

 The faint whimper of Myla wakes him from his shock, and he turns toward her in a flash, grabbing her by the throat and crushing her against the wall. 

 "Give me one reason not to end your life right now?" 

 She gasps and claws at his hands, unable to speak. 

 "Calix, please reconsider, she is my sister and someone who has been a dear friend until now. Give her another chance," Malachi pleads. 

 "Another chance! She tried to kill my mate, she has made it clear from the start she hated Amira and has now shown she doesn't hold any respect or care for her Alpha." 

 Myla shakes her head, her face going red before he finally lets her go. 

 "Please, spare me, Calix! We've grown up together, I've been there for you through everything. I just couldn't stand how cold you have been treating me, I acted without thinking, forgive me!" she cries, clinging to his leg. 

 Malachi pulls her back and hides her behind him. 

 "If you're that upset, then kick her out of the pack. There are others she can stay with, but she will never be able to return here and will be disowned from the Beta family." He pushes Calix back more. "Your mate needs you more right now, let me handle this and go," he adds. 

 Calix gives one more death glare to Myla before running to the infirmary, praying to whatever god there is that Amira makes it through this. He tries to banish the images of Amira bleeding out in his arms, her pale lifeless face and cold body. 

 "Tell me what's going on so far," he demands as soon as he enters the infirmary. Amira lays lying on the hospital bed with a large bandage wrapped around her neck. 

 "We have stopped the bleeding, but she has lost too much. She will need a blood transfusion immediately," one doctor explains. 

 "Then let's do that. How much time do we have to find a donor?" 

 "Not much, there isn't much blood getting to her brain at the moment, which means the longer we wait the more likely she is to suffer permanent damage to her brain, it could put her in a vegetative state." 

 Calix feels as if he might puke from the rage and guilt, but he holds it back. "You all better get to work, then. No one is allowed a minute of sleep until a proper donor is found for her. Leave, now." 

 Once they're gone, he pulls a chair up beside the bed and grasps Amira's hand, squeezing it lightly as he whispers into it. "You better wake up, sweetheart. You aren't allowed to leave me so soon after I've found you." He kisses her fingers. "Please, Amira." 

 He isn't sure how much time has passed when the doors open once more, one doctor coming back into the room with papers in his hand and a nervous look on his face. 

 "Well?" Calix asks. 

 "I'm sorry, Alpha. Her blood results came back, but we're unable to identify it among our known types of human blood. I fear she may need to seek medical treatment at a hospital meant for her kind." 

 He reacts without thinking and throws the chair beneath his across the room, narrowly missing the pack doctor who flinches and stiffens his posture. 

 "You are supposed to be among the best pack doctors in this country, yet you can't even identify something as simple as her blood type?" he roars. 

 "Forgive me, Alpha Volkov, but we detected an unknown gene in her blood that we do not have the technology to further analyze. If we test everyone in the pack, there is an unlikely chance since she is a human. It may be best to alert her parents so we can test them–" 

 "No! Do not alert her parents, not yet." Calix lets out a shaky breath and looks at Amira's pale face. "Test as many pack members as you can, for now, I will think of another solution," he says. 

 "We will get started right away." 

 Calix collapses to his knees next to the bed, feeling utterly defeated for the first time since losing his parents, like his very soul has been sucked out of his body. 

 The door opens once more behind him and he barely detects Malachi until he stands behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

 "What is happening outside?" Calix asks, his voice hollow. 

 "Myla has returned to her room with a guard and is packing her things. She will be escorted outside pack territory once she is done. Word has spread of what happened, but I have issued a command to cease all talk, it's the most I can do at the moment. What has happened here?" 

 Calix stands up to grab the chair and drags it back to the bedside. 

 "The pack doctors can't identify her blood type due to some unknown gene. If she doesn't get the transfusion in time, she may be left brain dead." 

 "Why not have it tested at a hospital in the city?" Malachi asks. 

 Calix turns to him with wide eyes and suddenly lunges to grab his shoulders. 

 "You are a genius, Malachi. Why didn't we think of that sooner?" Calix slaps him on the shoulders in gratitude and runs off, stopping at the door. "Watch her until I get back and let me know the second anything changes." 


 It has been two days since Calix took a sample of Amira's blood to the closest hospital in the city in hopes that they can identify her blood, only for them to come back and identify the unknown gene in her as a Lycan gene, further deepening their search mystery to her recovery. 

 With this discovery, it was advised that she be transported to their hospital to receive treatment more suited for her kind but also meant her parents would be alerted as they would be a more likely match, especially her mother. With the Lycan gene barely present in her, it suggests that her father isn't her biological father, and her mother is their best call possibly. 

 Calix waits impatiently in the waiting room knowing her parents will be showing up any second now and he wants whatever happens to take place as far away from Amira as possible. 

 He is surprised when a woman with similar hair colour and features comes strolling through the door, but no one is accompanying her. It's clearly her mother but her father didn't come with her. 

 She storms up to him. "Are you Calix Volkov, the one who brought my daughter Amira here?" 

 "Yes, ma'am." 

 She slaps him across the face. "You have some nerve showing your face to me after what you did to my daughter! You both lied to me about where she has been all this time and now I'm contacted to be told she is on her deathbed in the hospital from a wolf bite!" 

 "Mrs. Altaha, I'm so sorry for what happened–" 

 She slaps him again. "You can save your apologies for after she is saved, but you won't be around to make them. I never want to see you near my daughter again, or I won't hesitate to contact the authorities! Do I make myself clear?" 

 Calix feels numb as his body reacts on its own, nodding slowly as his worst nightmare comes to life right before his eyes. 

 "You have five seconds to leave this hospital," she adds, then storms toward the check-in desk. 

 With mechanical movements, Calix shuffles his way out of the hospital where Malachi is waiting for him. He rushes to him when he sees how pale and unstable Calix seems, reaching his hand out to touch him, but he slumps to the ground the second he moves away from the door. 

 "What the hell happened in there?" Malachi asks. 

 Calix continues to stare silently ahead of him before his head falls into his hands. 

 "I'm returning to the pack; I need you to stay here and update me on what happens to her. Look out for a woman with blonde hair who heavily resembles Amira, it's her mother and she won't take lightly to you sniffing around her daughter," Calix mutters. 

 "Why are you not staying?" 

 He chuckles. "I'm no longer wanted here."