Have You Heard about A-Link Company?

The residence was especially lively with everyone gathered around.

Su Yu was especially excited to see many people who wanted to entertain him. 

His youngest aunt gave him a new dinosaur plush toy a while ago. The little boy was in a phase where he liked dinosaurs. The moment he got the toy, Su Yu was unable to separate from it. He wanted to bring it everywhere with him and show everyone what he had.

Ye Qing Xin watched as her son played with the plush toy before turning to her younger sister, Ye Qing Luo. "Xiao Luo, you spoiled Yu Yu too much." Ye Qing Xin heaved a helpless sigh as she recalled how Ye Qing Luo would always buy something new for her son.

"Yu Yu is my only nephew. Of course, I have to spoil him a lot." Ye Qing Luo stretched her hand to pinch Su Yu on his chubby cheek.

The two sisters chatted briefly while playing with the little boy.


The little boy's voice made the sisters look up. 

Ye Qing Xin's eyes turned gentler when she saw her husband, Su Ming Yuan walking into the living room. The man walked over to his son and picked him in his arms. 

Su Yu laughed happily being tickled by his father. 

Finally, his laughter subsided as his father put him down. 

Su Yu hugged his father's neck tightly and rested his head on the tall man's shoulder. It could be seen that the father and son had a very good relationship. 

"You're just in time," Ye Qing Xin said as she walked over to her husband's side.

"Mmm... Something happened at the company."

"Then, is everything alright?"

Su Ming Yuan flashed an assuring smile. "Don't worry about it. I have everything settled before coming over."

Ye Qing Xin stared at her husband, wondering if the man was telling the truth. But looking at his face, she felt that he was telling her the truth.

Not too long after, the auntie announced that dinner was ready and called everyone into the dining room. The Ye family sat together while having their meal.

The happiest was Mother Ye who always liked to be surrounded by her family members. 

Ye Heng was eating his meal quietly when his father suddenly inquired about his blind date. The smile on Ye Heng's froze and the conversation around the table suddenly halted. 

Suddenly, Ye Heng was finding that everyone was looking at him. He let out a helpless sigh before he looked at his father and discussed his blind date with the young miss of the Xia family.

Father Ye asked a few questions about Ye Heng's date. This will not be the first time for Ye Heng to attend a blind date. As a father, he was quite worried about his son.

He hoped that Ye Heng would meet someone he liked and settle down.

Fortunately, the meal did not last for a long time. Once it ended, Ye Heng finally made his escape and headed out to the garden.

A breath of relief escaped him as he thought about attending another blind date.

He would not say that he enjoyed meeting those women. However, he could not stop himself from attending those blind dates.

His elders were concerned about his lifelong happiness and he did not want to disappoint them.

The noise coming from behind him made Ye Heng turn around. The look on his face softened when Ye Heng realized that it was Su Ming Yuan. "Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to take some fresh air." Su Ming Yuan answered. "Elder Brother, are you worrying about your blind date tomorrow?"

Ye Heng coughed. 

"I heard that your blind date this time is a nice lady from the Xia family," Su Ming Yuan pointed out. "Recently, Ye Group had a few business cooperations with her family, right?"

Ye Heng merely smiled.

He did not care about the other party's background. Ye Heng only hoped that he would meet someone he could get along with.

Soon, Su Ming Yuan changed the subject between them and the two men naturally chatted about business. 

During this time, Ye Heng could not help but remember something that he wanted to ask Su Ming Yuan to help him investigate.

Ye Heng hesitated for a while before he finally spoke, "Ming Yuan, there's something I hope that you can help me to investigate."

Su Ming Yuan raised a brow. He thought that it was rare for his brother-in-law to ask for his help. Naturally, Su Ming Yuan was curious to know what was it that Ye Heng wanted him to investigate. "Elder Brother, just tell me what is it?"

"Have you heard about A-Link Company?" Ye Heng asked

"A-Link?" His brow furrowed as he gave that company's name a thought. "The name sounded familiar. Isn't that a new company recently established in Y City?" 

"Hmm..." Ye Heng nodded.

"Elder Brother, what do you want to find out?"

"A friend of mine is interested in working with the group," Ye Heng came up with an excuse. "I just wanted to know what sort of company it is."

Su Ming Yuan nodded. "It should not be too difficult to find out about the company. Elder Brother, I will give you the report in a few days. But... do you have anything specific you wanted me to investigate?"

A pretty face appeared in Ye Heng's mind. 

He wondered if he should ask Su Ming Yuan to investigate Tang Shi Yi.

But then, Ye Heng was sure that Su Ming Yuan would be curious to know about Tang Shi Yi.

The most important part was that Ye Heng did not think that it was proper to meddle in with Tang Shi Yi's privacy. Tang Shi Yi and him were considered good friends in the past. If there's anything, he should find her and speak to her face-to-face.

"Nothing." Ye Heng answered. "I just need to know about A-Link business. That is all."