A Dress

Yin Yi Bo was in the middle of finishing his manuscript when Tang Chen walked over to his side and offered the mobile phone to him. 

"Uncle Yin." Tang Chen spoke with a serious look on his face. "My mom wanted to speak to you."

His movement halted. Yin Yi Bo glanced at the phone and thanked Tang Chen before pressing the phone to his ear. "Shi Yi?"

"Mmm... It's me." 

Yin Yi Bo leaned on the seat behind him. "What's the matter?"

Tang Shi Yi cleared her throat. "I might have to stay back and attend a business dinner. Yi Bo, do you mind looking after Chen Chen for a little longer? I promise that I will try to get back as quickly as I can."

Yin Yi Bo chuckled. "Shi Yi, you know that I won't mind." He looked at Tang Chen who was reading a book on the sofa. But, Yin Yi Bo could feel that Tang Chen was trying to eavesdrop on his conversation. "Your son is quite obedient."

A faint smile appeared on Tang Shi Yi's lips.

She knew that her son was obedient and had never caused any problems to anyone. 

Chen Chen will always make her feel at ease.

"Then, I have to ask you to order some takeout for Chen Chen," Tang Shi Yi said.

At the side, Tang Chen continued to listen to Yin Yi Bo's conversation with his mother. Although she could not listen to his mother's voice, Tang Chen seemed to be able to guess what their conversation was about.

It seemed that he wouldn't be able to see his mother for dinner. 

Tang Chen did not mind his mother working overtime. After all, he knew that his mother was working hard to make a lot of money so that they could pay for Xiao Xiao's treatment.

However, he missed his mother a bit. 

While having their meal together, the two of them could talk about a lot of things together.

"Chen Chen."

Yin Yi Bo's voice snapped Tang Chen out of his thoughts.

The little boy looked up and saw that the elder man was waving the phone at him. 

"Your mother wants to speak to you." 

Tang Chen jumped off the sofa and walked over to take the phone from Yin Yi Bo. "Mommy." He spoke as he pressed the phone to his ear again.

"Chen Chen, Mommy will have to work overtime today," Tang Shi Yi said. "Do you mind spending time with Uncle Yin?"

"Mm... I don't mind. I can do my homework while waiting for you."

A faint smile appeared on Tang Shi Yi's face. "I know that my Chen Chen is the most obedient boy. But Chen Chen, you don't have to wait for me. I might be late. Just go to bed when it is time."

Tang Chen lowered his head. "Mmm... I know."

Tang Shi Yi could sense that her son was not too happy. "Then, I'll take you out to play with Xiao Xiao on the weekend, alright?"

The mother and son chatted briefly before they finally ended the phone call.

Tang Chen stared at the phone for a brief second before he finally placed the phone on the table. When he turned around, Tang Chen saw that Yin Yi Bo was looking at him with a smile.

His lips pursed into a thin line. Then, Tang Chen looked away, wanting to pretend as if he did not see Yin Yi Bo's strange look.

"Chen Chen, it looked like it will be the two of us tonight.," Yin Yi Bo spoke. "What do you want to eat for dinner? I'll order a takeaway, alright?"

Tang Chen wanted to pretend as if he did not hear Yin Yi Bo talking to him. He had reminded this person to call him properly, but it looked like Yin Yi Bo was not listening.

"Tang Chen?"

It was only then that Tang Chen raised his head to look at Yin Yi Bo. "Uncle Yin, I'm fine with anything. I'm not picky."

Yin Yi Bo chuckled. "You are a stubborn child." He already expected that Tang Chen would finally talk to him once he called his name. Yin Yi Bo stretched his hand and patted the boy's head. "Then, I'll order some fried rice with your favorite fried chicken, alright?"

Tang Chen nodded. "Alright."

Once Yin Yi Bo got the little boy's answer, he picked up his phone again to order some food.

Tang Chen glanced at Yin Yi Bo before lowering his head to read his book again.

Although he was not too happy that he would have to spend his time with Yin Yi Bo, it looked like he would have to spend a lot of time with this man. His mother... should be getting busier with her work.


Knock! Knock!

Tang Shi Yi was focusing on the document on her computer when she heard the knocking on the door. She glanced at the door and spoke, "Come in."

The click-clacking of a high heel echoed.

Tang Shi Yi raised her head and saw her secretary walk into the room carrying a cloth cover into her room. Her brow furrowed, as she wondered what was going on.

"Miss Tang." Secretary Yuan had a smile on her lips. She raised the cover a little higher. "President Quan send this to you." She unzipped the cover to reveal a black dress underneath. "He said that you should try this on and see if it will fit."

Tang Shi Yi stood up and walked over to her secretary's side. She looked at the dress in the secretary's hand and thought that the dress was quite pretty. "Why is he sending me a dress?" Tang Shi Yi looked at her secretary inquiringly.

"Miss Tang, aren't you going to accompany President Quan to a business meeting?" Secretary Yuan spoke. "President Quan figured that you might not have the time to choose a suitable dress. Therefore, he sends this to you to let you try it first."