Waiting for Your Call

Ye Heng looked at Tang Shi Yi with his eyes full of concern.

That evening, Su Ming Yuan invited him to join him and his friends at the club to discuss a new business opportunity. Ye Heng agreed, considering that he did not have anything to do.

Anyway, listening to new ideas did not seem like a bad idea.

He accompanied Su Ming Yuan and his friends for a few drinks until their discussion ended.

They were about to leave through the side door when Ye Heng caught the sight of Tang Shi Yi being harassed by a group of men.

He did not think too much before going over and pulling her from the man.

Ye Heng did not know what happened before he showed up but, he could see the hint of fear in Tang Shi Yi's eyes.

It made his heart ache.

"Are you alright?" Ye Heng asked. 

"I'm alright." Tang Shi Yi had an embarrassed smile on her face. "Thank you for helping me out."

Ye Heng continued to observe the person in front of him to ensure that she was really alright. He was about to turn around and tell Su Ming Yuan that he and Feng An Yu should leave first when he heard a voice calling out Tang Shi Yi's name.

"Shi Yi!"

Tang Shi Yi and Ye Heng turned around at the same time and saw Quan Lian walking over anxiously. 

The man stopped in front of Tang Shi Yi and gave her a lookover. "Are you alright? You did not return to the hall after a long time. I was worried."

"Sorry. I was answering a call." Tang Shi Yi wanted to tell Quan Lian that she was checking on her son but, with Ye Heng around, she did not think that she wanted to mention her children.

Quan Lian heaved a breath of relief. It was then that he noticed that Tang Shi Yi was not alone. 

"Young Master Ye." Quan Lian quickly recognized Ye Heng. After all, it was not long ago that they were introduced to each other.

Quan Lian alternated his gaze between Tang Shi Yi and Ye Heng. He then recalled that they were both classmates from the same university. 

He guessed that the two friends might meet each other and decided to chat a little bit.

But then, Quan Lian noticed that there were a few other men around them. The light in his eyes flickered when he recognized the two other young masters in front of him. "Young Master Su, Young Master Feng." Quan Lian looked flustered. "I did not expect to run into you here."

Su Ming Yuan shifted his gaze to Ye Heng as he remembered that his brother-in-law had once asked him to look into Quan Lian's company.

"Let me introduce..." Ye Heng spoke. "This is Quan Lian, the president of A-Link. President Quan, this is Su Ming Yuan, Feng An Yu and Ning Wei."

Quan Lian greeted the others with a surprised look on his face. He still could not believe that he would run into the famous young masters of Y City while looking for Tang Shi Yi.

Before Quan Lian started his business in Y City, he had done some research as well.

Su Ming Yuan and his brothers were well-known in Y City. They were all talented men who excelled in their fields. Their bond was what made others jealous of them. 

From what Quan Lian heard, if any one of the young masters were interested in investing in a project, this project would surely be guaranteed its success.

Quan Lian has been hoping that he would be introduced to one of the young masters so that he could pitch his project and get some investment.

Unfortunately, his connection did not reach those men yet.

Seeing two of the young masters in front of him stunned him.

Quan Lian stayed around to exchange a few polite words with them. He wanted to bring up the matter of his business, but Quan Lian felt that it was inappropriate.

"Quan Lian." 

Tang Shi Yi's voice made him look up. 

"We should go back inside," Tang Shi Yi suggested. "The others would be waiting for us."

"Mhm... you are right."

Tang Shi Yi heaved a breath of relief when Quan Lian did not insist on staying. She could see that her friend wanted to stay around and chat with the young masters a little more.

"Then, we will excuse ourselves first," Tang Shi Yi spoke to Ye Heng. She glanced at the others and gave them a polite nod. "Thank you for your help earlier."

Quan Lian had a puzzled look on his face upon hearing Tang Shi Yi's words. However, he decided to ask once they were alone.

Tang Shi Yi glanced at Ye Heng one more time before turning around to leave with Quan Lian.

"Shi Yi."

The voice made Tang Shi Yi stop on her track. She turned around and saw that Ye Heng walking over.

Tang Shi Yi subconsciously tightened her hand into a fist. She was still anxious to be around Ye Heng. "What is it?"

A crease appeared between Ye Heng's brow as he studied Tang Shi Yi's face. "I wanted to talk to you. But seeing that you are busy now, should we meet up another day?"

Her lips parted. Tang Shi Yi wanted to say something but in the end, she did not know how she should reject his suggestion.

They were formerly classmates and were quite close. She should not mind meeting him and catching up. However, Tang Shi Yi had some reasons she did not want to get close to Ye Heng.

She had her secret and was afraid of the consequences of Ye Heng finding out what had happened.

While Tang Shi Yi was still in a daze, Ye Heng pulled out his card and handed it over to Tang Shi Yi.

She had no other choice but to take it.

"This is my card. You can find me when you are free," Ye Heng said. Shi Yi, I will be waiting for your call."