Tang Xiao had a Secret

"Elder Brother!" Tang Xiao's eyes lit up brightly when she saw her elder brother peeking into the room. The joy in her face was very apparent.

"Xiao Xiao!" Tang Chen rushed into the room immediately when he saw that his little sister planned to jump down the bed. "Just sit there. I'll come over to you."

Tang Chen remembered that his sister should not jump around that much. He was worried that something would happen to his little sister.

"Xiao Xiao, listen to your elder brother." Mother Tang looked at her granddaughter with a gentle look on her face. "Chen Chen, where is your mother?"

"Mommy stopped by the restroom. She will be here in a while."

Mother Tang patted her grandson on the head. "Have you eaten your breakfast? I have some bread for you to eat."

"Grandma, I already ate with Mommy before coming over." Tang Chen turned to his little sister again. "Xiao Xiao, how are you doing?" The little boy gave his little sister a look-over to ensure that she was not hurt.

"Elder Brother, I'm fine. The doctor said that my condition is improving."

Tang Chen turned to his grandmother as if he wanted to confirm with the older lady that his little sister was telling the truth.

A breath of relief escaped Tang Chen when his grandmother smiled.

Just in time, the twins mother walked into the room with a bright smile on her face.

"Xiao Xiao!" Tang Shi Yi walked over to her daughter and kissed the little girl on the forehead.

"Mommy!" Tang Xiao hugged his mother tightly, as if she did not want to let go. It has been a few days since the last time she saw her mother. The little girl knew that her mother was busy, but she still missed her a lot.

Tang Shi Yi hugged her daughter and kissed her face a few more times. Recently, Tang Shi Yi began to wonder if coming to Y City was the right decision. Seeing that her daughter was in good health put her heart at ease.

She liked seeing her daughter's smiling face the most.

With Tang Shi Yi around, Mother Tang decided to head home and rest.

Tang Xiao stayed with her mother as she told her about everything she had done at the hospital in the past few days. She told her mother about the activities that the nurses had prepared for them and how she was brave enough to eat the medicine that the hospital had prepared.

Her heart was beating fast.

Tang Xiao had a secret. But she did not know whether she should discuss it with her mother.

In the past, Tang Xiao had tried to talk about their father a few times. However, Tang Xiao noticed that the look on her mother's face was a little strange. She did not want to frighten her mother by telling her that she saw her father at the hospital.

Xiao Xiao still thought that it was better to discuss it with her elder brother first.

Her elder brother was very smart. He should know what they should do first.

Tang Xiao ate the last spoonful of short rib soup that her mother made. Then, she lay back on her bed and rubbed her stomach. The food that her mother made was delicious. Each time, Xiao Xiao would eat a little more. Moreover, it seemed that her mother liked watching her eat.

"Mommy..." Tang Xiao sat up straight again and stared at her mother with her bright, round eyes. "I'm done eating. Can I go to the outdoor playground with my elder brother?"

"Hmm?" Tang Shi Yi was in the middle of tidying up the container that her daughter had used. "Hold on. Let me clean up first. Mommy will go with you as well."

"No." Tang Xiao spoke quickly. "I can go with my elder brother alone." Tang Shi Yi paused. She looked at her daughter and suddenly felt as if she was keeping something from her.

Usually, her Xiao Xiao would be happy when she accompanied her to play. It was rare for her daughter to reject her offer.

Tang Shi Yi leaned closer to her children and smiled. "What's the matter? You don't want me to come as well?"

The little girl hesitated. She shifted her gaze to her elder brother, hoping that he would help her convince their mother not to go.

However, it looked like her elder brother was not cooperating with her. Tang Xiao lowered her gaze and looked at her mother guiltily. "Mommy, I have something to discuss with my elder brother."

"You can't tell it to Mommy?"

"Well, I'd like to talk to my elder brother first." She looked at her mother with resolve.

Tang Xiao could not let her mother know her secret.

Tang Shi Yi chuckled. She stretched her hand and patted her daughter on the head. "It seemed that my babies had a secret from me."

Tang Xiao tugged at her elder brother's hand, hoping that he would help her convince their mother.

"Mommy, this is kids matter," Tang Chen finally said. "An adult should not be listening."

Her son's words made her laugh. "Then, go ahead." Tang Shi Yi hugged her children before turning to her eldest child. "But Chen Chen, don't go too far. Remember to call a doctor or a nurse if something happens to your little sister, alright?"

Tang Chen held his little sister's hand tightly. "Mommy, don't worry. I will look after my little sister. We won't go far."

After listening to a few reminders from her mother, the sibling left the wardroom and headed to the outdoor playground.

Tang Shi Yi watched as her children held hands as they walked. It was good to see that her children were close to each other.

A helpless sigh escaped her.

Tang Shi Yi did not know what her children were going to discuss, but it made her a little sad that she could not find out anything about it.