Why are You Crying?

Xiao Xiao ran off from the area before the adults were going to notice her. 

The little girl ran without thinking of where she would go to. All that she knew was that the air had become suffocating and she needed to get away.

Tang Xiao only stopped when she found that it was getting harder for her to breathe. Her heart was beating fast and it was only at this time that she was reminded that she should not run.

Because of her health, her mother always reminded her not to run around or do anything that would make her tired.

The news she heard at the nurse's station echoed in her mind again.

Xiao Xiao began to panic. The little girl was worried that something might happen to her while she was away from her ward where the doctor and nurse would be able to treat her.

She did not want to die. 

Xiao Xiao wanted to live longer. She wanted to get well and leave the hospital.