Was He Really Going to Pursue Her?

Tang Shi Yi went back to her office once she had sent Ye Heng away.

She slumped on the chair behind her while staring at the box of chocolate on her table.

Her thoughts dwelled on Ye Heng's visit to her company earlier.

She had thought that Ye Heng had come to her company, wanting to ask for her answer. However, the man told her that he came to show her his sincerity.

To think that Ye Heng would come to find her with a box of chocolate, wanting to pursue her sounded ridiculous. 

However, Ye Heng really showed up at her company and the chocolate was now on her table.

A lot of thoughts came to her mind all at once, giving her a headache.

Tang Shi Yi could not understand what Ye Heng wanted to do.

Was he really going to pursue her?

The man's face appeared in her mind. Tang Shi Yi then recalled seeing the tip of Ye Heng's ears had turned red when he told her that he was going to pursue her.