She Needed More Time

Tang Shi Yi did not speak again after leaving the cinema complex.

Initially, Ye Heng wanted to take her out to have dinner together after the movie. However, Tang Shi Yi had rejected him, telling him that it was not suitable for her to go out with her swollen eyes.

Ye Heng had to agree to send her back home.

On their way back, Tang Shi Yi looked out of the window all the time. 

Her thoughts were filled with what happened at the cinema.

They had left the cinema a while ago. However, it felt as if Ye Heng's scent and warmth from his body had never left her.

Her heart was still beating fast, especially now that Ye Heng was beside her.

From the corner of her eyes, Tang Shi Yi could see that Ye Heng was watching her. Perhaps he was still worried that she might start to cry again.

After driving for a while, Ye Heng noticed that they were getting near Tang Shi Yi's neighborhood.