I Like You a Little More

After leaving the exhibition, Ye Heng took Tang Shi Yi to have an early dinner before deciding to send her back to her apartment.

The moment they stepped out of the restaurant, Tang Shi Yi could feel a warm touch around her hand. She lowered her head and saw that Ye Heng was holding her hand again.

This time, Tang Shi Yi did not try to pull her hand away. 

However, she still thought that holding hands with Ye Heng felt a little strange.

Her heart was beating fast and Tang Shi Yi was worried that her hand would start to sweat. 

Tang Shi Yi peeked at Ye Heng and accidentally met his gaze. 

The two of them stared at each other briefly and Ye Heng flashed her a smile.

He raised their hands higher and spoke, "Shi Yi, you should start to get used to this."

Tang Shi Yi had a stiff smile on her face.

She also wanted to get used to holding hands with Ye Heng. However, holding hands with him could also make her so nervous.