Tang Chen Knew a Little Bit

The conversation between his mother and grandmother continued to replay in Tang Chen's mind for the next few days.

The thought that his mother was going to look for a stepfather for him and Xiao Xiao worries him.

After hearing a classmate's experience, Tang Chen became frightened at the thought of his mother marrying someone else. 

However, Tang Chen also wanted his mother to be happy.

He heard what his grandmother had said that night. Being a single mother raising a kid was difficult. And his mother had to raise him and Xiao Xiao.

Grandma said that having a man to protect the family was a good thing. At least, this man could protect his mother whenever she was in danger.

At this time, Chen Chen was hoping that he could grow up quickly so that he would be able to protect his mother and Xiao Xiao. Perhaps, his mother would not need to marry anyone else.