A Woman Instinct

Jia Yang walked out to greet the guest with his newlywed wife holding his arm tightly. The couple had a bright smile on their faces as they listened to the guests' auspicious words.

The host let the newlyweds to join some activities to liven up the atmosphere and the guests happily watched and teased them.

Tang Shi Yi clapped as Jia Yang completed a task that the host had prepared for him. 

Seeing Jia Yang smiling happily at his wife made her sigh.

She could still remember Jia Yang telling Ye Heng that he wanted a girlfriend. He finally got what he wanted and was now married.

Tang Shi Yi swept her gaze around the table and silently thought about how everyone had grown to be successful in what they were doing in life.

Everyone was now working at some well-known companies or had their own business. A few of them were married and some had kids.

After a while, the host stopped teasing the newlyweds and let them sit down and eat.