His Younger Self

Her heartbeat was accelerating. Her hands were cold and clammy. 

Tang Shi Yi stared into Ye Heng's eyes for a long time, wanting to say what she had been preparing herself to tell him. However, her mouth felt heavy.

It was not easy to spill out the secret that she had kept for years. 

Tang Shi Yi felt as if a long time had passed between them. Ye Heng was not urging her for an answer. However, it did not look as if he was going to give up until she replied to him.

"Why are you asking me this?" Tang Shi Yi finally spoke after a long silence.

Her hands tightened to a fist.

Tang Shi Yi hated that the words that came out of her mouth were different than what she wanted to tell Ye Heng.

"I'm curious." There was a trace of helplessness on his face. "I thought that Ding Liu might be unhappy with you when you did not contact her for years. At the same time, I did not think that she was lying."