Her Daddy

Ye Heng swept his gaze around the apartment building as he followed Tang Shi Yi upstairs. 

In the past, he had always wondered why Tang Shi Yi chose to stay in this apartment building. The building was old and noisy. As he walked through the corridor, Ye Heng could hear the resident's voices. 

Some were laughing heartily and some were shouting and yelling.

He could smell the smoke of the resident's cooking as he walked passed by a few houses.

Ye Heng could tell that the apartment units were small.

With Tang Shi Yi's position in A-Link, Ye Heng figured that Tang Shi Yi should be able to stay at a better apartment.

Then, he wondered if she was saving money after paying her father's debt with the loan shark.

Now that he know about the twins and Xiao Xiao's condition, Ye Heng figured that the reason Tang Shi Yi was staying at this old apartment was because of their children.

"Well, we are here."