Happy to See You Again

Tang Shi Yi stood at the side, watching Ye Heng hugging Tang Xiao tightly. 

She overheard Ye Heng's conversation with their daughter and understood that they had met while Xiao Xiao was hospitalized before her surgery.

She could not understand much about the situation. There were a lot of things that she wanted to ask. However, Tang Shi Yi felt she should not disturb the moment between the father and daughter.

Tang Shi Yi could see Ye Heng's shoulders trembling. She wondered if he was crying.

"Shi Yi."

The voice made everyone in the living room look up.

Mother Tang appeared at the door and was surprised to see her daughter's boyfriend was hugging her granddaughter. 

What happened while she was checking on the food?

"Mom, what is it?" Tang Shi Yi tried to force a smile. 

Mother Tang looked away. "The food is ready. Shi Yi, help me with the table."