Looking for a House

After chatting with Ye Heng for a while, Tang Shi Yi went back to her apartment. 

As she stepped in, her children were seated in the living room, watching a show they both enjoyed. 

Xiao Xiao looked away from the television and smiled when she saw her mother. "Mommy!" The little girl slid off the sofa and walked over to her mother's side. "Where did you go?" She peeked behind her mother and frowned when she did not see her father. "Daddy?"

Tang Shi Yi crouched down to get to her daughter's level. "Daddy has to go back and work." She bopped on the little girl's nose. "He will come over and see you tomorrow."

Xiao Xiao was disappointed to hear that her father had gone back. But then, her mood was once again lifted when she heard that he would be coming to see her tomorrow.