Ding Liu's Messages

The cooling eye mask helped her eyes feel a little better.

After laying in her bed and pretending to be dead for a long time, Ding Liu finally pulled away that eye mask. She stared at the ceiling for a long time, thinking about the event last night.

To think that she had cried in Yin Yi Bo's arms on the street last night... 

It was enough that Yin Yi Bo had seen her crouching on the street and cried. Why did she have to cry again once Yin Yi Bo asked about her well-being?

Was she a child?

Ding Liu was too embarrassed that she felt like dying. 

She began to consider her previous idea to move to another city.

Ding Liu pulled a mattress and buried her face in it. She stayed in that position for a long time with her mind filled with various thoughts. 

After a long time, Ding Liu finally pulled the pillow away from her face.

What happened already happened.