Mysterious Girlfriend

" Just think of me as your stereotype CEO, similar to the type you read about." Jayden was not planning on telling Vanessa anything about his private life.

" But that's not fair to question me like an investigation, and now you would rather not spill any bean. You are a sly fox, Mr. Ashford." Vanessa whined. Why did she have to be the only one to talk?

" I didn't force you to talk, did I?" Jayden had an innocent expression on his face with one of his elegant brows slightly raised, questioning Vanessa.

Vanessa squinted her eyes at Jayden, he was good with words, but it was not too far from what she expected. A public figure like him has to be cautious of what he relaid to outsiders.

" Fine, I will not push you, Mr. Ashford. Someone like you normally would have their guard up." Vanessa brushed Jayden's question away.

"By the way, are you going to eat that you haven't even taken a single bite?" Vanessa asked Jayden, pointing at the shawarma wrapped in his hand. Jayden hasn't even unwrapped it, talk less of eating it. Vanessa was already done with her max-size shawarma, and she was craving more.

" Do you want it?"… Vanessa nodded her head in agreement. " I will give you for your five thousand dollars balance." Jayden teased Vanessa with a smirk on his lip. He wanted to pull Vanessa's leg.

 Vanessa's eyes almost popped out of her eyes. Jayden was a sadist and a bully. " You don't have to be so difficult," Vanessa whined.

Jayden cut her words, "So you are now calling me difficult," Jayden was enjoying pulling Vanessa's feet.

" I didn't mean it like that, just forget about it, but it would be a shame for it to waste." Vanessa defended herself, Jayden was a difficult Person. Talking to him was roasting her brain cells. She was already feeling exhausted talking to him.

" Well, if you want it, you can have it.' Jayden offered, he had a Stoic expression, but he was laughing inwards amused at Vanessa's reaction.

" Sure, thank you." Vanessa chimed. She snatched the wrap from Jayden's hand before he changed his mind. She was smiling brightly at the wrap in her hands.

Furthermore, she hurriedly unwrapped it and took a bite. It was divine. The driver was honest when he said the fast food shawarma was excellent and, that she was going to refer them to Sinclair and Cynthia.

Since Jayden was not willing to talk, Vanessa kept rambling about random stuff while she ate. When she was done eating, they left the park and Jayden took her to a random hotel where they booked a room for Vanessa to change out of her clothes back to the initial ones she wore from home.

Jayden gave Vanessa the gala complete outfit as a souvenir, there was nothing he was going to do with it afterwards. He also transferred her balance to her after using it threatened her so many times. Vanessa requested that Jayden drop her at a few buildings away from her apartment since it was very late.

" It was nice doing business with you, Jayden Ashford, don't forget to leave a good rating and review for my services." Vanessa offered Jayden a soft smile and a short farewell message before stepping out of the car.

She watched Jayden's car drive off and disappear from her sight before she started heading to her apartment.

The streets were not completely deserted, Vanessa walked past a few people who were busy with their nightlife. Vanessa's apartment was located in a commercial area though not at the center of Port Marino, but it still had a busy nightlife compared to residential areas.

When she got to her apartment, she found Cynthia asleep on her bed. Her bed corner was littered with more wipes and used tissues than what she remembered was on the floor when she left home. Poor Cynthia, she must have continued crying after she left. There was also a half-eaten box of Pizza, some biscuits, chocolate bar wraps and empty drink cans littered on the floor.

Cynthia's bed and corner looked like a dumpster. Vanessa sighed at the condition she saw Cynthia.



The next morning, the entire X app formerly known as Twitter was on fire once again because of something related to Jayden.

Pictures from the couple dance at the Vinci gala had flooded Twitter and people's minds were blown to see for the first time Jayden Ashford had a date.

There were several pictures of him and the stunning brunette dancing so intimately. The on Lookers at the Gala were confident enough to post the pictures because Jayden was wearing a mask, so his face wasn't exposed.

Violence FC: OMG is that Jayden, I can't believe my fantasy lover is already taken (crying emoji)

little street urchin: how sure are we that it is Jayden when the face is hidden, it can be anyone.

New York favourite: (eye rolling emoji) Even if the face was exposed, it wouldn't make a difference because Jayden's face had never been exposed publicly.

Violent FC: replying @ little Street urchin numerous people present at the Vinci have already confirmed his identity, which other proof do you need?

Pretty Sasha: It is wonderful waking up in the morning and seeing Jayden's pictures everywhere on Twitter. Almost all the trends are about his appearance ( laughing emoji). It is such a shame his face is covered ( crying emoji).

It's Jane: why is Jayden's girlfriend among the trend this morning, does Jayden have an official girlfriend now?

Little street Urchin: replying @ its Jane. Haven't seen the pictures from the Vinci gala last night.

It's Jane: replying @ Little Street Urchin(single tear emoji) I just saw them his girlfriend has a stunning figure. Jayden is officially off the singles market now.

Port Marino prettiest: I can believe my eyes (teary eye emoji) my dreams have been up crushed right before my eyes. I don't even stand a chance against the lady.

Violent FC: replying @ port Marino prettiest. (Laughing emoji) Don't tell me you were dreaming of being with Jayden. He is miles away from normal people like us.

Little street Urchin: replyinPortport Marino prettiest. Me too (teary eye emoji)

Port Marino is prettiest: replying @ violent FC. Can a girl dream?

Crazy Max: here I was thinking he was gay.

Pretty Sasha: replying @ crazy max, hell no, Jayden can never be gay. Do you want our hearts shattered?

Crazy Max: replying @ pretty Sasha (laughing emoji) 

Similar tweets like that were all over Twitter talking about Jayden and his mysterious girlfriend from several fan girls and boys. Sinclair woke up this morning and was leisurely surfing the net after having breakfast. It was the weekend, so there weren't any lectures. 

Sinclair also went on Twitter and discovered Jayden Ashford was trending for the second time this week. It puzzles him most times what people loved so much about Jayden to always go crazy whenever any little information about him was leaked. His popularity was comparable to popular showbiz celebrities.

Sinclair did acknowledge the fact Jayden was an exceptional businessman but there were many geniuses like him out there.

Sinclair was sipping so much orange juice but almost choked when he saw the picture of Jayden and his date to the Vinci gala.

He could swear that it was Vanessa, even if her face was covered and her hair was different, the resemblance was so much. The figure of the lady in the picture and Vanessa's own were so much alike. What were the odds it was her?

He started searching for other pictures on Twitter to confirm his doubt. He knew it was almost impossible that it was Vanessa but the similarities were much. Likewise, he would recognize Vanessa anywhere after knowing her for some years now.

After going through the trends, he concluded that although the lady with Jayden was very similar to Vanessa, it was highly improbable that it was her for many reasons. Number one Vanessa and Jayden were from different social classes, so the chances of them meeting were very low and Jayden never visited his mother's restaurant where Vanessa was working, which he is sure of.

Number two Vanessa had never mentioned anything about dating like Vanessa only cared about three things, her studies, her family, and her job. She was not interested in any relationship, and she turned down a lot of confessions she had received over the years in college.

Number three Vanessa has a poor opinion of the elite class due to some trauma she had in high school according to what she told him. So she cannot be the one with Jayden, like to be honest, Jayden was the genius CEO while she was an average college student from a struggling background.

Far away and miles away over the ocean from Port Marino, Petra was having her lunch break when she had a call from her close friend in Port Marino. 

" Do you know what happened at the Vinci gala?" The high-pitched voice asked Petra over the phone.