Played a fast one

Brandy was taken to an old warehouse in an abandoned factory a few miles from Port Marino. She was unconscious throughout the ride because she was drugged.

" We have the package," The leader of the squad that kidnapped Brandy reported to an armed man standing guard at the entrance. The armed man was a skilled ex-solder but the leader who was a buffed lady with a towering height even taller than some men was not scared a bit by the guard. She was also an ex-military soldier but had to retire because of the penalty she received when being court marshalled for some crimes she committed while in active service.

After losing her job as a soldier she was unable to get any other useful engagement to earn money because of her criminal record and lack of skills except for military skills. So she decided to start her gang to work for some mafia organizations.

" The Boss is already waiting for the delivery." The guard Informed the gang before nodding to his college to let them enter the warehouse. They were led to where the leader of the local mafia group which operated in the downtown axis of Port Marino which was known for its high crime rate.

Brandy was being carried on the shoulder of one of the gang members. Her head was covered with a sac and her hands and legs were tied. After climbing a few steps they arrived at a narrow hallway which had an office at the end. The door was being guarded by two armed men.

The one leading them nodded to his colleague who received the affirmation and let the gang inside the office. Despite the dilapidated condition of the warehouse, the office was in good condition. Behind the desk sat a middle-aged man with a large pot belly and a large tobacco pipe in his mouth.

"You arrived just in time." The man commented after the gang stepped in. The room was suffocating with an excess amount of smoke in the air because of the poor aeration most of the gang members started coughing especially the teenager who was their hacker.

The entire gang was there except their getaway driver who was waiting in the car. The small gang consisted of seven members, four men, a boy and two women. 

" You know we do our best to keep our clients happy." The leader gave the middle-aged man a half-hearted smile. " We have your package where is our payment." The leader demanded.

" Please open a window, spider." The middle-aged man commanded one of his men standing at his back. After the window was open the smoke started to dissipate outside, and the room ventilation improved.

" You would be paid when the package has been confirmed to be authentic and alive. This might be the first time we are doing business but I always keep my part of the deal." The middle-aged man stated not being bothered by the reaction of the gang.

The leader nodded to the member carrying Brandy on his shoulder. The member walked forward and placed Brandy in a sitting position on the floor with his legs supporting her back. He pulled off the bag to show Brandy's unconscious face. the 

the middle-aged man snapped his fingers signalling his men. One of his subordinates moved forward with a photograph of Brandy to confirm her identity before nodding at his boss in affirmation.

He also checked Brandy's pulse to confirm she was alive. He walked back to his boss and whispered to his ears. The boss smiled at the gang before he whispered back to his subordinate who made a call immediately. A minute later someone stepped into the room with a bag, which was tussed to the gang leader.

The leader opened the bag which was stacked with cash and started counting it. " This is not our complete payment." The leader complained with a stoic expression on her face. Immediately both parties pointed their guns at each other.

The Boss of the local mafia group let out a menacing laugh before taking a puff of a cigarette. " Consider that payment for your safety. Do you think you can easily leave this place." The mafia Boss's voice boomed he might be old and with a big belly but that didn't reduce the menacing aura he had been cultivating for years with countless bloodshed.

The little gang shuddered at his voice including their leader who they considered to be their strong pillar.

The leader immediately zipped the bag and hurried out of the room with her gang members. The mafia Boss laughed when they left with their tails behind them.

The gang boarded their Van and drove off immediately. They knew that the mafia boss, even though his operations were not very large-scale and limited to Port Marino. He was still strong enough to get rid of them.

" I can't believe we got screwed by a local mafia gang." One of the members spat annoyed by the trail of events.

" What do you expect from the black market and underground association? There is always a lack of trust. We should be glad we were not killed ." The other female members aside from the leader scoffed. She was trying to calm her fast-beating heart while she gulped water from a bottle anxiously. They were not new to the game but she could never get used to the feeling of death.

" He did not kill us because he needs our skill. He was genuinely impressed by our performance. He just wanted to show he had the upper hand." The teenager explained his thoughts. He might be the youngest in the group but was the major contributor when it came to tactics and intelligent Insight.

" That slimy old b*astard." The leader spat she had a smirk on her face Which was different from the disappointed look most of the members had.

" What matters is that we delivered and got paid even though it is a little short." The man who was trailing Brandy stated he was the second in command.

The members all agreed with his point even though they did not say it. The van drove to the horizon where it disappeared.



" Cynthia I am stepping out," Venessa Informed her roommate who was busy watching a movie.

" For work right," Cynthia absent-mindedly commented while her eyes were still on her laptop screen. She was engrossed in the movie it was her favourite drama by one of her favourite idols, Petra. 

" Yeah, I would probably be back in the evening. Wish me luck." Venessa placed her phone in her purse and some other necessary items before heading for the door.

" Have fun and good luck." Cynthia's voice chimed as Venessa stepped out of the apartment. Since she was not running late Venessa decided to take a bus Instead of an Uber to save cost.

The ride was less than an hour since Venessa Street was not far from the mall which was located in the busiest district of Port Marino the central district. 

The Central district was not only the busiest district but also considered the most beautiful district. It contained a lot of modern skyscrapers of varying heights.

Most business headquarters were located here including family fantasy headquarters.

The tallest building was the Marino Tower owned by the Marino family who were the founders of the city and considered the richest family in Port Marino. The second tallest was owned by the multinational company Vinci and were only second to the Marinos in Port Marino but the Vinci influence internationally was greater than the Marinos.

The mall was a very popular one in Port Marino, Delight Mall. There was a bus stop close to it. So it took Venessa less than five minutes to walk to the mall. When she arrived she brought out her phone to communicate with her client.

Venessa's client information included it was a young lady around 28 years old Jemima Peters which was likely not her real name.

Lilac: I have arrived at the mall, standing close to the entrance.

Jemima: I am a few minutes away be there in a bit.

Lilac: okay I will be waiting.

Jemima: what are you wearing so take I can easily identify you.

Lilac: a floral blouse and blue jeans.

Jemima: okay I am almost there.

Venessa stood close to the entrance waiting for her client but due to her attractive figure she involuntarily drew the attention of passersby around the mall.

Most people could not help but throw a glance at the young lady standing in front of the mall. She was truly good-looking, they wondered who she was waiting for.

It was over five minutes since when she chatted with her client and Jemima was still nowhere the be found. Venessa was getting anxious the longer she waited and growing more unconformable by the stares she received from passers-by.

Venessa checked the time on her wristwatch every second. How long would it take Jemima to get here? She logged in to her Family Fantasy account to chat up Jemima but she wasn't around. So she decided just to drop a message.

Lilac: I am still waiting it's been five minutes now.

While Venessa was typing she felt a tug at the hem of her blouse's free sleeve.