A living night mare

Venessa felt paralyzed when she heard the door click open. Her heart was heart was hammering in her ribcage and her senses were heightened. Her feet were frozen due to the terror she felt coursing through her veins.

She knew she had to run away but her legs were not responding. Venessa struggled to crawl away dragging her numb body as tears poured down her cheeks faster than before. Her throat was dry from crying earlier; why was her body not responding to the adrenaline rush she was also feeling? Was the terror that struck her heart greater than it?

She hadn't moved her heavy body which was numb from terror, a considerable distance from the room entrance when there was a loud screeching sound echoed as the door was pushed open.

Venessa wanted to run but her body didn't respond. It was just like that dreadful day she would never forget no matter how she tried to look passed it.