Petra's True colour

 Venessa had a quiet night in the new apartment after settling in. She wasn't plagued by the nightmares that night.


 The next morning an unexpected news rocked the entire net. It was one of the biggest controversies ever created about a B-list artist Petra. it came as a sudden wave leaving everyone shocked. No one would have imagined something like this from the artist.


 The person who will receive the biggest shock due to this news is none other than Jayden, Petra's boyfriend.


 It was around 6 am and orange hue had already started to spread in the sky as the sun rose.


 Jayden was still asleep. He worked till very late in the night yesterday after he left Venessa's new apartment.


 He wanted to catch on a few hours of sleep because he will leave for work in the morning but it was as if the heavens were against him having a moment of peace.