Talkative Sinclair

 "How did you know someone was coming for her?" Sinclair asked Jayden curious about everything.


 "Mmm," Jayden humps pretending to hear Sinclair's words.


 The soldiers had already carried the culprit away and the only people left in the room were Jayden, Sinclair and Tabitha (Venessa's double.)


 "How did you figure out Venessa was in danger here?"Sinclair rephrased his question thinking Jayden did hear him the first time.


 Jayden was getting annoyed by the red-haired voice he didn't exactly know what it was but he was repulsed by Sinclair's presence.


 "The same way you found out. " Jayden stated leaving Sinclair flabbergasted.


 "The reason you rushed here is because you suspected the Grey family would be after her life isn't it? Did you think you are the only one smart enough to figure that out?" Jayden mused deliberately trying to get on Sinclair's nerves.